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• 1992-04-16
• In the Vatican.
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• Tori
| SilentLucidity
Friday, September 26, 2008
Yep, I did it. It was my first time today too... :B It wasn't bad. My arm was so tiny that they couldn't wrap the blood pressure thing around it. And then I had this nice lady, Tish, doing everything for me. And she stuck my finger and was all "Your fingers are so tiny, hunny! I'm afraid I'm gonna break them! Oh, baby, are you okay?" Lol. She kept calling me honey, baby, and sugar. :'D
I don't really have a problem with needles.
I watched them put it into my vein and I didn't even make a face or anything. No, I'm serious. AC was by my side the whole time because.. Well.. xD They sat us across from each other while we were giving blood on accident and she got done before me, so she waited for me. :BB Nah ha.
But, I did get tired and have a small headache afterwards. But, they gave me cool green bandages! Lulz. As soon as I came home, I smoked the rest of the cigarette I started that morning then went to bed. And slept for four hours. No lie.
The weird thing is... is that I bought the cigarettes yesterday, really, really wanting them. And then, as soon as I got them, I no longer had the desire to smoke them. What is that? Haha.
Mm... well... it's gonna be another boring Friday night. For the past four Friday nights, I've been left all on my lonesome.
Huh. And, on a random note, my ex has seemed to come off as so... slutacious. o__O Not like a slut, but. Apparently she made out with her bestie, Kim, in the cafeteria this morning. =___= Then I had this stupid dream where I was with a bunch of people infront of the main-traffic stairwell where the mural of the mountain and the door to the rooftop is by. And I don't remember what happened, but she glomped me and someone said we were dating again. And her eyes sparkled and she was like, "Can we? Can we?!" and I was like, ":/ I have a boyfriend."
"He doesn't have to know!"
"Ahaha...-nervous laughter.-" I'm so proud of my dream self. xDD
Feeling: Meh.
Tunes: Nothing -- Watching Ocean's Twelve.
Drinking: Mountain Dew.
Eating: A roast beef sammich from the Panera Bread Co.
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