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In the Vatican.
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Being the Pope.
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| SilentLucidity
Saturday, October 22, 2005

I got a Marilyn Manson and Hellsing shirt and you dooooooon't! o.o'
So, I'll try to make a recap of what went down last night at the party I went to, what's gonna happen in the future, and what I'm working on at the moment.
Last night I was Birt's party and it was freaking fun! I think I freaked out her brother(he's an amazing artist and draws hentai..xD ! when he's mad..xDDDD I was like 'What? Does he think about raping those girls when he draws them?!' and Birt goes 'Probably.' xD !). But, any hoo, around seven we were talking about how Leah and Birt were gonna run away on Sunday and they wanted me to come with them. Well, I said I wanted to go tonight because Hallie(who was at the party to) was moving today(saturday) and that we needed to go today. Hallie agreed. Well, we were all talking about it and AC said she wasn't going. She didn't tell us why. So, she called her mom and told her that she got sick and she needed to come home. Her mom picked her up and we all watched as she drove away, a bit sad.
Then we were back inside, getting dressed and getting ready to go. But Birt wasn't sure if she wanted to just yet. So, all of us were trying to coax her to go, even Leah. It failed. So, I'm still here and they still want me to go with them on Sunday. I'm pretty sure that I won't, since I wanted to go yesterday. I'll miss them so much but I find that I cannot cry...I wonder why...
Any ways, that's what happened last night. At the moment, I'm trying to work on a lay out for my LJ(which I just got back up and running) and still working on my fandom blanket. xD ! w00t!
I got a theme for the lay out but I just can't find the right picture. The theme is 'Star Fuckers'(which is a song by NIN, yes.) and I'm in deseperate need for a good pic for it. I'm also searching like mad. If you would like to help, I would prefer something gothic and risky(not something really sexual thought, maybe just making out) or it could just be picture of one person. Doesn't matter. It'd be great if you could help! <3
I'm also working on a picture for my background on teh posts. This'll be fun but complicated, I can all ready imagine. I don't have a lot of time either.
I'm also debating whether or not I should turn one of my stories into a manga(which will be a bitch, seeing as I'm not that artistically great yet xD!) or maybe I won't..
And I am in the mood for a bitching DN Angel rp! >< Something a bit depressing that involves a heart broken girl, please! xD w00t!!
That's all! See ya on the flip side!!!
Silent screams and lucid dreams--
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