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In the Vatican.
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Being the Pope.
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| SilentLucidity
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Okay, I'll make a super quick recap of my weekend then explain it all in one boring post. HO-RAY!
Got drunk of Friday, thought of suicide and Izume on Saturday(bad mix, he doesn't really want me to kill myself..xD !!), and I'm stuck in my house with my moms b/f today!!
We had a day off, so it was nice. I stayed up late on the computer rping my ass off with nii-kun and talking to other peoples and thinking of a certain few. Well..wait...that was Thursday..xD !! Then, on Friday my dad came and picked me up. When we went to Taco Bell it was closed and I started freaking because I thought they had some type of weird disease and that I was gonna DIIIIIIIIIE! I didn't. So, instead, we went over to BK and I had some nastay ass chicken fries..xD Those things are funkay tasting!
Blah, blah, blah, got up to Donna's, blah, blah, blah, Cheryl and Craig came over, blah, blah, blah.
I was watching some type of vamp. documentary on t.v. in my dads room. It was nifty, talked about all types of things and you met people who were like..uh...vampires. They either drank blood or fed off your psych. energy. That reminded me of an old buddy of mine that I never SEE ANY MORE! -glares at Izume.- ... So I got all sad then my dad came in and told me he bought some wine! AND THAT I COULD HAVE SOME!! Ho-freaking-ray! I drank about three fourths of the bottle and passed out on Brendan's bed. -snickers.- He wasn't there though.
I woke up and made some eggs, every one was all 'MMMMMMM! THESE ARE FREAKING GOOD!' I was all 'Yeah, I know..' Okay, not really, I just thanked them.
So, after watching my little brother and playing with him, my dad and Donna finally came back from shopping and I did nothing but lounge around, wondering how every one was and shit.
When it was like..all dark and stuff, I started watching 100 scariest most moments. After that, I watched Naruto then took a bath..xD While I was in the bath, I kept running my fingers over my old cuts that are finally just starting to go away and thought about all the people I let down. This inturn made me suicidal. I had to get out of the bathroom, there were to many razors around. After that, I passed out, woke up around three and left for home with my dad.
Came home, my moms b/f is here, I'm pissed, and I've got loads of fucking home work!
Yippee skipee!!
I think I might change my lay out again, prolly something FLCL-ish...I've been in an FLCL mood since I started listening to the sound track. Which is a good thing, I started re-writing my fic.
Well, I'm off to make some eggs then work on my home work. xD eggs..
Silent screams and lucid dreams--
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