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myOtaku.com: SilentLucidity

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Parental Adivsory. A song about God from Marilyn Manson ahead. Skip this if you want to. Do not bitch to me, I warned you!
Dear God, do you wanna tear the knuckles down and hold yourself?
Dear God, can you climb off that tree and meet in the shape of a "T"?
Dear God, the paper says you were the king in the black limosine.
Dear John and all the king's men can put your head together again?

Before the bullets,
Before the flies,
Before authorities take out my eyes.

The only smiling are your dolls that I've made.
But you are plastic, and so are your brains.

Dear God, the skies are blue as a gun shot wound.
Dear God, if you were alive, you know we would kill you.

Before the bullets,
Before the flies,
Before authorities take out my eyes.

The only smiling are your dolls that I've made.
But you are plastic, and so are your brains.
- Marilyn Manson, GodEatGod
I'm not be a slave to a god who doesn't exsist.
So, I think everyone basically thinks I'm a Satan worshipper since I put that song on here. This is not so. People, I'm athiest. I do not believe in a God, but I do believe in spirits and a devil. So, since I believe in a devil it does not mean I am a Satan worshipper..I have come to find that really, I'm a mystic (people who believe in spirits) and so..judge me if you want to, I could care less. This just tells me that you are a narrow minded ass hole who cannot accept people for who they are.

I'm not a slave to a world who doesn't give a shit.

Last night I went to see my counsler for the first time. She was nice..At the end of the session she says, 'Tori I am concerned. You are showing many pyshical signs of depression and I want you to go to a pyshcyatrist(sp?) and get a diagnosis to see if you need to be put on pills.' Grrrreeeeaaaaaat. She asked me a lot of questions...Like 'Are you suicidal? Do you hurt yourself? Do you hear voices?' Yeah..Boy, does she have a lot to get out of me.

Lets cut our wrists like cheap coupons and say that death was on sale today.
Well, I believe I'm going to break up with my boy friend..I'm tired of hearing his excuses and he's showing signs of cheating. Like, I got this e-mail and every sn on there belonged to a chick. He always complains of being tired in the IM then stops talking to me for hours on end. He hasn't called in weeks, though he promised to. So..Ladies..and gentlemen, should I or shouldn't I?

I'm a black rainbow!
Last night Izume was talking to me on his microphone. It was fun. He sounds so cuuuuuuuute! >0< Oh my gosh! And he was supposed to call today, but he never did. Just like Adrien (b/f). I don't get mad at Izume, because his life is hectic and it's hard to get to a phone some times. Adrien has no excuse what so ever. This one time he told me that some one got shot, so he didn't call. And monkeys are flying out of my ass. I get so sick of him some times. Can some one tell me if i should break up with him or not?

Silent screams and lucid dreams--

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