Female Location Somewhere between my dreams, my mind, and Mercury. Member Since 2006-03-30 Occupation Hopefully a writer, but mainly being cheerfully pessimisstic. Real Name I am changing my real name to Rin, eventually.
Achievements Mock Trial Lawyer, little dinky school awards. Anime Fan Since Fan since I knew what it was. Favorite Anime So many... always Cowboy Bebop, but other than that it depends on when you ask me. List until space runs out: all Miyazaki movies, Outlaw Star, FLCL, FMA, Yu Yu Hakusho, RuroKen, ManKin, Naruto, GitS. All praise Kaori Yuki. Goals To be a published writer, and world domination. Hobbies The usual: anime, manga, writing, and video games. I like learning about pretty much anything. I especially love my Latin and English classes. Talents I can sing the lyrics to many of the pillows songs, like Ride On Shooting Star and Last Dinosaur. I'm smart, I know many random facts, I can do good tribal tattoo designs, and my boredom inspires my saftey pin jewelry. silver blade
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Umm... I mean my father, who's not nearly as fun. But he's taking me birthday/Christmas shopping, so maybe some good will come of it. Comments (0) |
Break Over
My break is ending, because tomorrow I have school.
My kitty just ripped up my hand a few minutes ago, and now he is wanting to be petted.
I shall see my loverly friends soon. I hope to have lunch with some of them, because my last lunch table (which included the aw3some La-chan) pwned all other seating arrangements I've ever had.
Kayla tracked down my lj and think I'm crazier than usual because I wrote Sora/Riku slash fan fiction (even though it was only PG rated).
Story That Will Scare Away All of My Friends for Good
(I can't pick a good title for it, by the way.)
WARNING! May disturb your mind. It's not descriptive, but the subject matter in itself... Just... Yeah.
They’re sitting together under the shade of an oak. The sky filtered through the bright green leaves above them is pure blue, blue like his eyes when he doesn’t try to hide them. He runs fingers through her soft hair, and she curls into his side. No one else ever visits this park anymore. The swing sets are left empty, the slides have not seen use in a long while, and not even a jogger passes by. As it turns out, it’s pretty romantic. They are having a picnic in the park with no one else around.
“I love you so much,” he murmurs, brushing a hand against her cheek and leaning down to capture her lips.
“Do you think we can stay like this? Together?” she asks gently.
His answer to her question is an indirect one. He takes a knife from his pocket. With care he carves their names into the tree along with the message “Together Forever,” then adds a heart around it. Then, with precision, he rips the blade into her chest and cuts out her heart.
The next morning brings a feeling of satisfaction as he reads the headline: “Sixth Victim of Carving Killer Found in Another Local Park.” He chuckles to himself over his coffee—three spoons of sugar, but no cream.
There’s a knock on the door, and he answers. It’s his neighbor, a pretty young woman around his age, maybe a bit older. She asks to borrow his phone. He lets her. As she’s about to leave, he offers an invitation.
Lots of Random
Well, I'm going to Mock Trial tomorrow, which means I won't get to sit around doing nothing all day.
Sigh. It's really harming my goal of doing nothing all break.
I'm at a bad/good place in my novel right now. Bad because I haven't even written a full page of chapter five. Good because I've gotten over the little snag that was keeping me from writing it, so I should have a few good pages done by break.
Which reminds me. I have English when we go back to school. We had the option to take the test over our summer reading at the start of the year. I didn't do that, so I'll have to reread the books to refresh my memory. And I have the joy of my Latin final results waiting for me when I come back.
My Latin II final was not pretty. I blanked on everything. I'm expecting my grade to drop several points, but my average was good enough that I'll still pass no matter what.
I might submit a new short story to Stylus. I'm sort of afraid to, though, because I think it will make Mr. Walker (the teacher) and everyone on the Stylus board (like my friend Kayla) question my sanity. More than usual, of course. Comments (0) |
Egging people is not very nice.
Yes, I was hit with an egg. No, it was not fun. My friends are lovely, dear people, especially La-chan and Constance. Comments (0) |
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series
This is the best. Parody. Ever. I crack up about it every single day.
Huzzah for Small Children
I just spent the past five hours playing with a two-year-old and three-year-old. I now have a job baysitting them. I'll sit for about five or so hours Friday night and earn twenty-five to thirty dollars doing it.
They're well-behaved cute kids and I have fun playing with them. I got to swing them around the yard and gave them a kitten. Comments (0) |
Friday, October 6, 2006
Already starting on Christmas
I won't be able to buy presents for all my friends for X-mas, so instead, I am making friendship bracelets... for about twenty people, probably more. I have one done for my friends La-chan, Kayla, Holly, and Constance, and have started on one for Hanna.
It takes me about two hours per bracelet, but that's with being distracted and watching TV. I don't know favorite colors of most people, so I have a special picking method.
All the guys (thanks to my lovely La-chan) are getting pink ones, so that's no problem. I am picking the girls colors, though, based on personality and what color I feel their personalities are.
For Kayla I have white, gold, gray-black, and two shades of green. Her personality is fairly calm, but still with a shade of natural energy.
Holly's is yellow with two blues and two greens. She might not like it because she's usually into dark things, but the feeling I get from her is bright but laidback.
Hanna has all happy bright colors, because she's into all sorts of things, and she stands out among the crowd.
Constance is black, white, red, royal blue, and pinky-purple. She is sort of childish, but gives off a strange maturity sometimes.
La-chan's bracelet is a secret because the lovely girl might read this. I just hope the colors are okay with her.
So that's my psychoanalysis of my friends. Not too deep. But even if people don't like them, I decided I will package the bracelets with chocoalte chip cookies (much cleaner to eat than my usual cupcakes). I also hope to make cupcakes for all four of my classes, so no one I know can possibly be left out.