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Thursday, October 5, 2006

Shadow of a Shadow
I started an RP on OB. I'm hoping it goes well. If anyone's interested, it's in the inn, but it's dark and violent and all that lovely stuff. It's more of an experiment than anything. Everyone should have an equal part in forming the story instead of me taking control of everything, because although I am the one to start it, I won't be the one to decide how the story ends.

One person dropped out because of time constraints, which is sort of a bummer, but I understand. Hopefully, some more people will get into it, and I can start it before my break is over.
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Monday, October 2, 2006

These Exams Will Pwn Joo!
Yesh! We had final exams on the 28th and 29th. I think I did okay on my Mass Com, because it was only easy vocab and a couple short answer, and history was never a problem. Algebra II is horrifically hard, but it was multiple choice, and I'm feeling confident. But the best thing was...

Latin II. Another hard class, but it is by far my favorite right now. I work hard in it, I do well in it. Latina linguam amo. Yesterday, something lurverly to the x plus ten power happened.

My Latin teacher called to tell me I made a "true 100," a 100 without a curve or bonus points. Then she drove over and gave me a movie pass! Tickets, popcorn, and drinks. Tis the awesome.

I'm going to go with my mom (don't laugh), because she is awesome, she never gets to go to the movies and she deserves it, and because if I had to pick one of my friends, well...
It's hard to pick a person for something special without one person feeling left-out, which is why my lurverly mom is a good choice.

And my mommy really is the awesome. Everyday, she packs juice for my friend, she brought pizza just because it was fun to my entire Latin class (and no one does that in high school anymore), and last year she was packing cookies everyday in physical science for seven people.
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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Yes! I
My giant-pawed, huge-clawed kitty Midnight is a pure black cat. In my room, I have a ladder--an actual real you use it for outside work ladder. Midnight loves to play on the ladder. I can't wait for the next Friday the 13th to let my balck cat walk across the ladder while I walk under it and break a mirror.
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Friday, June 2, 2006

Various Obsessions
1. Internet
I blame my obsession with the internet on the fact that it was not until late February of this year that I got my first computer. It took a few days longer to get internet. I love cyber space. So much to learn, so many people who for all I know could be serial killers and child predators.

2. Anime/Manga
One of my oldest loves. Unfortunately, it has been a few months since I have gotten to buy any. I do not usually drop the cash for anime DVD's, but I have accumulated a few hundred dollars worth of manga. I need to finish my Rurouni Kenshin collection, and there are some FM and Angel Sanctuary volumes to be picked up. I need to start buying Godchild, too. I really wish they would release the rest of the Count Cain series, the ones before Godchild.

3. Video Games
I have only been a gamer since about fifth grade, but I get addicted to games. Unfortunately, there is usually one side quest in the game that I cannot finish which makes me want to stop playing. I love all things Zelda. I am a total Nintendo fangirl. If I had any money I would buy the other system, but I am really incredibly lucky to have the systems I do have. The most time I have spent on a single game is Tales of Symphonia, hands down. I played t through twice and started it several times, but there are still a lot of things I have not completed. Total time spent playing ToS is over 200 hours. Currently, I am playing Tales of Phantasia for the GBA. Even though ToS came later, I believe it has been confirmed as a prequel to ToP. Phantasia is lots of fun. Arche the magic user is probably the most useful right now, but I really love Clause. He's a bishie Summoner, both of which I love. The controls are simple, but it's still a good game. I have spent a little over 20 hours on Phantasia so far.

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How Long Before the Lack of Sleep Kills Me?
Let us wander through the paths of weirdness. I have very little initiative. My dream is to write, but the only time I become inspired is 3 to 5 a.m., and during that time no one else can be awake. You would think during summer break I would be able to write at that time, especially since the only other person in the house is my mom who starts work at 7 a.m. Not the case.

My mother wakes up at about 3 in the morning sometimes, and I lose the will to write when she is awake. I just cannot stand the thought of some one else reading my story. This does not, however, pertain to any RP I am in. Which is good, because I might die from sleep deprivation when starts again if I have to get up at 5 to post.

I have really weird sleeping habits, anyway. When school is in session, I stay up until midnight and usually wake up at about 6:20. As long as my grades stay the same, though, I do not worry about it. Right now, I usually go to bed at 4 a.m. and wake up before 1 p.m. That's a lot of time on the internet.
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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Shh... It's A Secret
I shall tell you my greatest, most biggest secret ever. I want to... steal a U.S. Postal Service mailtruck! You see, the mail carriers who come by my apartment every day to deliver the mail have to walk a little over 50 ft to put the mail in the mail box. And even though there are two or three different mail people, they all leave the truck running with the door open. It would be so easy to wait until they put the mail in the little box-things in my hallway and then steal their truck. Why of all things do I want a mail truck? No idea. But I do. I am very goody-two-shoes. My mother has never once grounded me, because I never do anything. I am a straight-laced, straight-A, doormat of a child.

Stealing a mail truck would be so unlike me, which greatly attributes to its appeal. It is both Grand Theft Auto and stealing government property. Very illegal and nefarious, to steal a mail truck.

So do we all agree I need to spend as much money as possible on psychiatrist visits? Good.
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What's the best cure for boredom? Is it singing "High on the hill was a lonely goat herd" until I lose my voice? Is the cure for boredom trying to train fish to blink? Is it typing things for people to read on myotaku? I just don't know. I will do nothing this summer except sit here exploring the wonders of the internet until my eyes bleed from staring at the screen for 27 straight hours. Actually, there are plenty of things online that could make my eyes bleed just staring at them for 2 seconds. I took the initiative to start a Role Play, but La-chan won't even be able to post until Monday or thereabouts. So sad.
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Friday, May 26, 2006

I went to the Rennaissance Festival on the 20th with my mom and my friend Holly. My mother is very careful about staying together at public events, espeially when it involves someone else's kid. Holly and I are both fifteen, so we got to walk around parentless alone with a few other friends.

The Rennaissance Festival in Triune takes place every weekend in May plus Memorial Day. It's fun to see all the period costumes people wear. I bought my first sword, one based off of Gandalf's Glamdring in Lord of the Rings. Every girl needs a sword. I also bought an ocarina and a necklace with a charm called a Star of the Angels. It took me a few months saved allowance, but I'm happy with what i got.

There was one major downfall to the Festival, though. My mom was fine with letting Holly and me walk around by ourselves as long as we stayed together. Coming back on the bus after the castle tour, Holly saw some guy, they held each other's gaze, and she wanted to meet him and get his phone number. I never saw him, and doubted she would really go up to him anyway. Me being the person that I am, I followed Holly around for the next three hours while she looked for some guy who might not exist and might be some kind of whacko anyway.

This is why I will only go with my mom next year, so I can actually see some of the shows instead of babysitting my desparate romantic friend, lol.
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

   I have no idea what I am doing
I shall always do what La-chan tells me, which is why I am here! This space will most likely be used for babble.

Do any of you really care about my personal life? Trust me when I say it is not that interesting. Or maybe it is. We shall see...
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