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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Love me Hate me, Kiss me Kill me

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


*Jumps up and down* Rin-chan aka banzaiinu1 just finished changing my site to Gaara, as you can see. *hugs Rin* what would I do with out you?

*chough* I’m done. Well yesterday I finished the Seven deadly Sins. I was going to put up the pictures of the people who are named after the sin on FMA but my post box doesn’t like pictures and make the post box look funny and Rin-chan is still working on that so ya that’s going to have to wait.

I didn’t make it to everyone’s site yesterday so I’ll be sure to get to everyone today. I going to try and look for jobs today.>.< what fun. I don’t have anything else to say.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Happiness is not a reward - it is consequence. Suffering is not a punishment - it is a result.

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


I seem to be disappearing a lot lately don�t I. *bows* I�m sorry. Well I was going to update yesterday I had the post all typed up and every thing then my computer shut down >.< *cry* and after I got it back up I had to go to the library with Rin-chan and Ema-chan, after I come home my brother is on the computer. Well im not going to retype everything from yesterday just give you a rundown. Oh ho and by the way I got some more fan art up! pleas take a look and vote!

Rin-chan, Ema-chan Ema-chan�s older sister, Ema-chan�s mom and dad and me all went to Minneapolis Minnesota for Ema-chan�s older sister�s Midwest Honor Choir flight going to Europe for 3 weeks. We stayed at the Marriott Hotel right across the street from Mall of America. *happy happy* It was a lot of fun. Rin-chan got pictures too.

Well that�s the jest of the story. A lot more happened though just don�t wanna make this post to long. Im going to the next deadly sin for you all that wanna know about it. And hopefully I can get my site changed. It might not get done for a little bit though `cause rin-chan just changed Ema-chan�s site. Well here we go!

Seven Deadly Sins
Everyone knows the Seven Deadly Sins. But here�s some information about the Sins and what each one really means.

First, why are the called the �Deadly� sins?
The church made a division between sins which were venial and could be forgiven without the need for the sacrament of Confession and those which were capital and merited damnation. Capital or Deadly Sins were so called because they could have a fatal effect on an individual�s spiritual health. British wall paintings stressed the connection between committing the Deadly Sins and ending up in Hell.

Next, why Seven sins?
After three, seven is the number of greatest religious significance in ancient Judaism. God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh, hallowing it. The number seven consequently had connotations of completeness or perfection. It was also significant in the Ancient World, associated with the seven planets, the seven ages of man and the Seven Wonders of the World. Given its prominence in Jewish and Antique thought, it is not surprising that it retained its significance in the early Church. The Seven Deadly Sins became one of a number of important groups of seven current in the medieval church, for example, the Seven canonical hours, the Seven petitions of the Lord�s Prayer, the Seven Joys and Seven Sorrows of the Virgin and, of course, the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy.

Last, the Sin of the day is. . .
*I couldn�t find a lot on this sin*

Lust is inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body, and is the "sin of the flesh" and is said to lead to "uncleanliness" and away from its opposing virtue, Chastity.

Punishment in Hell will be: smothered in fire and brimstone
Associated symbols: Lust is linked with the cow and the color blue.

Asmodeus is the Demon of Lust
Demon of lust and marital discord.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Monday, May 29, 2006

Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Well it all in the end worked it self out. And I am now 15 years old. *jumps up and down* well I must apologize for not updating in like almost a month. *bows head* sorry.

I�ll do a little recap of my weekend. First we, and by we I mean Erin and me, went over to Ema-Lee�s house. Rin also came with her rat Jibril, that I so loving call gribble. We played with my brother pocket rocket. We started to watch DNAngel but we fell asleep at the end of the seconded disc, at like 2 in the morning. We got up and Ema-lee made us blueberry waffles. We then went over to my house and made Butterfinger dissert. Went to my aunts then Ema-Lee�s cousin�s graduation party. Then went back to my house and started watching DNAngel commentary ten the 3ed disc at like 1:30 in the morning but we feel asleep. And that�s it, now I will start/end with deadly sins where I left off.

~Warning: the next few passages have a reference to the Catholic religion.
I warn the now that the Catholic religion is heavy implied in the next passages and u may not know the people/things referred to, I�ll do my bust to go into depth on a few people and things mentioned .~

Seven Deadly Sins
Everyone knows the Seven Deadly Sins. But here�s some information about the Sins and what each one really means.

First, why are the called the �Deadly� sins?
The church made a division between sins which were venial and could be forgiven without the need for the sacrament of Confession and those which were capital and merited damnation. Capital or Deadly Sins were so called because they could have a fatal effect on an individual�s spiritual health. British wall paintings stressed the connection between committing the Deadly Sins and ending up in Hell.

Next, why Seven sins?
After three, seven is the number of greatest religious significance in ancient Judaism. God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh, hallowing it. The number seven consequently had connotations of completeness or perfection. It was also significant in the Ancient World, associated with the seven planets, the seven ages of man and the Seven Wonders of the World. Given its prominence in Jewish and Antique thought, it is not surprising that it retained its significance in the early Church. The Seven Deadly Sins became one of a number of important groups of seven current in the medieval church, for example, the Seven canonical hours, the Seven petitions of the Lord�s Prayer, the Seven Joys and Seven Sorrows of the Virgin and, of course, the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy.

Last, the Sin of the day is. . .


Wasting of food, either through overindulgence in food, drink or intoxicants, misplaced desire for food for its sensuality, or withholding food from the needy. The endless maw of the glutton is never satiated, and he or she is never satisfied. The glutton lives to eat and soon escalates to forgetting gratitude. The pursuit goes on and leads to damnation.

Punishment in Hell will be:force-fed rats, toads, and snakes.
Associated symbols: Gluttony is linked with the pig and the color orange.

Beelzebub is the Demon of Gluttony
The Lord of the Flies

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Friday, May 26, 2006

The cry of a lost soul

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey everyone im back. But not all is well. U can read what is below though u may not know what is being said, or maybe it has happened to you before.

Looks like our forever lasting friends ship may not make it after all. All the dreams of growing old together and staying friends may not come to pass. It seems I have done something wrong and may not before given. But if that really happens I just wanna say I�ll never forget all the times we had the good and bad the happy and sad. I will always look back and think of the good out days when we had not a care in the world but our next math test. We didn�t have to worry about the world and what people really thought. Even if it comes down to it and we are no longer friends I hope u both have great summers and good luck in high school.

Well it seems it may be final. I�ve no word from you and u really don�t seem to care anyway. what a happy birthday, ne?.

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Seven Deadly Sins: Greed

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey, for some reson I don’t really feel all that grate and I just want to sleep. But the strange the is I’ve had up to like 12 hours of sleep. So ya im just ganna post the sins today and get to every ones’ sites tomorrow.

~Warning: the next few passages have a reference to the Catholic religion.
I warn the now that the Catholic religion is heavy implied in the next passages and u may not know the people/things referred to, I’ll do my bust to go into depth on a few people and things mentioned .~

Seven Deadly Sins
Everyone knows the Seven Deadly Sins. But here’s some information about the Sins and what each one really means.

First, why are the called the ‘Deadly’ sins?
The church made a division between sins which were venial and could be forgiven without the need for the sacrament of Confession and those which were capital and merited damnation. Capital or Deadly Sins were so called because they could have a fatal effect on an individual’s spiritual health. British wall paintings stressed the connection between committing the Deadly Sins and ending up in Hell.

Next, why Seven sins?
After three, seven is the number of greatest religious significance in ancient Judaism. God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh, hallowing it. The number seven consequently had connotations of completeness or perfection. It was also significant in the Ancient World, associated with the seven planets, the seven ages of man and the Seven Wonders of the World. Given its prominence in Jewish and Antique thought, it is not surprising that it retained its significance in the early Church. The Seven Deadly Sins became one of a number of important groups of seven current in the medieval church, for example, the Seven canonical hours, the Seven petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, the Seven Joys and Seven Sorrows of the Virgin and, of course, the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy.

Last, the Sin of the day is. . .

Creates misers, thieves and murderers

A desire to possess more than one has need or use for
The wolf is the animal usually depicted in medieval bestiaries, coming up from hell carrying Mammon to inflame the human heart with Greed.
The greedy always crave more no matter how much they have. Wretched and envious, Avarice escalates to a state of infinite dissatisfaction and the sin's obsession with material wealth and "things" leads to neglect of spiritual wealth.

Punishment in Hell will be: boiled alive in the finest, most luxurious oil that money can buy
Associated symbols: Greed is linked with the frog and the color yellow.

Mammon is the Demon of Greed
Lord of Money

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey every one! today we had to take a reading assessment. It wasn’t hard at all. Most likely do to the fact that I read all the time on my own. I really don’t got anything more to say. So I will eave u with the Sins.

For those that have read the other sin the beginning is just a recap.

~Warning: the next few passages have a reference to the Catholic religion.
I warn the now that the Catholic religion is heavy implied in the next passages and u may not know the people/things referred to, I’ll do my bust to go into depth on a few people and things mentioned .~

Seven Deadly Sins
Everyone knows the Seven Deadly Sins. But here’s some information about the Sins and what each one really means.

First, why are the called the ‘Deadly’ sins?
The church made a division between sins which were venial and could be forgiven without the need for the sacrament of Confession and those which were capital and merited damnation. Capital or Deadly Sins were so called because they could have a fatal effect on an individual’s spiritual health. British wall paintings stressed the connection between committing the Deadly Sins and ending up in Hell.

Next, why Seven sins?
After three, seven is the number of greatest religious significance in ancient Judaism. God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh, hallowing it. The number seven consequently had connotations of completeness or perfection. It was also significant in the Ancient World, associated with the seven planets, the seven ages of man and the Seven Wonders of the World. Given its prominence in Jewish and Antique thought, it is not surprising that it retained its significance in the early Church. The Seven Deadly Sins became one of a number of important groups of seven current in the medieval church, for example, the Seven canonical hours, the Seven petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, the Seven Joys and Seven Sorrows of the Virgin and, of course, the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy.

Last, the Sin of the day is. . .


Sin is considered on of the flesh. Usually it is represented by scenes of falling asleep on the job, especially if the job is being performed by a monk. When in a state of Sloth, negligence and apathy soon set in

Thomas Aquinas wrote that all sins that are due to ignorance are due to Sloth. One needs to be awake and alert to even begin to set out on, and maintain, a spiritual practice, thus the opposing virtue is Diligence.

Punishment in Hell: Thrown into snake pits.
Associated symbols: Sloth is linked with the goat and the color light blue.

Belphegor is the Demon of Sloth
Seducer of humans

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Monday, April 24, 2006

Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey everyone. Sry that I didn’t update yesterday. I haven’t really been home to update. Silent Hill was good. It really wasn’t scary but it was really gory. There was also a few parts that were funny. I’ll get to all your sites today.

Dame I missed a day so im a day behind on the sins >.<
For those that have read the other sin the beginning is just a recap.

~Warning: the next few passages have a reference to the Catholic religion.
I warn the now that the Catholic religion is heavy implied in the next passages and u may not know the people/things referred to, I’ll do my bust to go into depth on a few people and things mentioned .~

Seven Deadly Sins
Everyone knows the Seven Deadly Sins. But here’s some information about the Sins and what each one really means.

First, why are the called the ‘Deadly’ sins?
The church made a division between sins which were venial and could be forgiven without the need for the sacrament of Confession and those which were capital and merited damnation. Capital or Deadly Sins were so called because they could have a fatal effect on an individual’s spiritual health. British wall paintings stressed the connection between committing the Deadly Sins and ending up in Hell.

Next, why Seven sins?
After three, seven is the number of greatest religious significance in ancient Judaism. God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh, hallowing it. The number seven consequently had connotations of completeness or perfection. It was also significant in the Ancient World, associated with the seven planets, the seven ages of man and the Seven Wonders of the World. Given its prominence in Jewish and Antique thought, it is not surprising that it retained its significance in the early Church. The Seven Deadly Sins became one of a number of important groups of seven current in the medieval church, for example, the Seven canonical hours, the Seven petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, the Seven Joys and Seven Sorrows of the Virgin and, of course, the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy.

Last, the Sin of the day is. . .

Sin of the Devil

A sin of immense importance and fiery power. It is usually embodied by a sharp-toothed animal such as a leopard with bared fangs, or a wild boar raging, attacking, ready to commit bloodshed. The consequence of this inflaming and indwelling passion is to feel vengeance in one's heart. This sin escalates to rage, obliterating all but negativity within body, mind and soul and results in murder and war. Often seen in icons, Anger is a creature stabbing himself in the heart with a knife.

Punishment in Hell will be: dismembered alive.
Associated symbols: Anger is linked with the bear and the color red.

Satan is the Demon of Wrath
The supreme Lord of Hell and all it's Demons.

Satan doomed eternally to the frozen marsh, forever immersed
to his breastbone. His giant wings flap uselessly as he attempts to free himself
and produce nothing more than cold winds that freeze the ice even harder.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Friday, April 21, 2006

Seven Deadly Sins: Envy

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Well today wasn’t really eventful, besides the whole fact that Ema-chan didn’t know what came after Summer. Ya we were sitting at lunch and I don’t remember what got us on the tpic but we started talking about the sessions and Ema was like it Summer then. . . what comes after Summer >.< she almost fell over she was laughing so hard.

Tonight we’re going to go and see Silent Hill at 9:30 *jumps up and down* I hope its good and not really cheesy.

Well here’s to days Deadly Sin. . .

For those that read yesterdays post the beginning is just a recap.

~Warning: the next few passages have a reference to the Catholic religion.
I warn the now that the Catholic religion is heavy implied in the next passages and u may not know the people/things referred to, I’ll do my bust to go into depth on a few people and things mentioned .~

Seven Deadly Sins
Everyone knows the Seven Deadly Sins. But here’s some information about the Sins and what each one really means.

First, why are the called the ‘Deadly’ sins?
The church made a division between sins which were venial and could be forgiven without the need for the sacrament of Confession and those which were capital and merited damnation. Capital or Deadly Sins were so called because they could have a fatal effect on an individual’s spiritual health. British wall paintings stressed the connection between committing the Deadly Sins and ending up in Hell.

Next, why Seven sins?
After three, seven is the number of greatest religious significance in ancient Judaism. God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh, hallowing it. The number seven consequently had connotations of completeness or perfection. It was also significant in the Ancient World, associated with the seven planets, the seven ages of man and the Seven Wonders of the World. Given its prominence in Jewish and Antique thought, it is not surprising that it retained its significance in the early Church. The Seven Deadly Sins became one of a number of important groups of seven current in the medieval church, for example, the Seven canonical hours, the Seven petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, the Seven Joys and Seven Sorrows of the Virgin and, of course, the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy.

Last, the Sin of the day is. . .

Sin of the Devil

Resentment of others for their possessions (Dante: "Love of one's own good perverted to a desire to deprive other men of theirs"). In the Latin envy is referred to as invidia.
"Thou shalt not covet" is one of the Ten Commandments. This sin is generally depicted as a heart being eaten away, as in "eat your heart out". Over concern with the possessions of others is seen escalating to hinder sympathetic human relationships. When one is consumed by Envy, the opposing virtue of Charity is completely erased.

~The Ten Commandments are the fundamental laws of the Jews which tell the Jewish people how they should live. Many countries base their laws on these rules too.~

Punishment in Hell: Put in freezing water.

Associated symbols: Envy is linked with the dog and the color green.

Leviathan is the Demon of Envy.
Great serpent demon of Hell and ruler of the oceans

Leviathan - the twisting serpent from the primordial deep. Dante saw the spirit of evil as a huge serpent who so entangled himself with his victim that they became utterly intertwined and no longer distinguishable one from the other.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Sevsn Deadly Sins: Pride

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Sorry I haven’t been to ur sites and updated just haven’t been in the mood to update. But I promise that I will get to all the peoples’ sites the have updated in the last 24 hr.s.

Not a lot going on around here as of late. Just last week I dyed my hair again. I had to redo the blue in back. And I dyed Ema-chan’s too.

This just hit my as some thing fun to do,

~Warning: the next few passages have a reference to the Catholic religion.
I warn the now that the Catholic religion is heavy implied in the next passages and u may not know the people/things referred to, I’ll do my bust to go into depth on a few people and things mentioned .~

Seven Deadly Sins
Everyone knows the Seven Deadly Sins. But here’s some information about the Sins and what each one really means.

First, why are the called the ‘Deadly’ sins?
The church made a division between sins which were venial and could be forgiven without the need for the sacrament of Confession and those which were capital and merited damnation. Capital or Deadly Sins were so called because they could have a fatal effect on an individual’s spiritual health. British wall paintings stressed the connection between committing the Deadly Sins and ending up in Hell.

Next, why Seven sins?
After three, seven is the number of greatest religious significance in ancient Judaism. God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh, hallowing it. The number seven consequently had connotations of completeness or perfection. It was also significant in the Ancient World, associated with the seven planets, the seven ages of man and the Seven Wonders of the World. Given its prominence in Jewish and Antique thought, it is not surprising that it retained its significance in the early Church. The Seven Deadly Sins became one of a number of important groups of seven current in the medieval church, for example, the Seven canonical hours, the Seven petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, the Seven Joys and Seven Sorrows of the Virgin and, of course, the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy.

Last, the Sin of the day is. . .

The root of all evil

A desire to be important or attractive to others or excessive love of self (holding self out of proper position toward God or fellows; Dante's definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor"). In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, pride is referred to as superbia. In Jacob Bidermann's mediaeval miracle play Cenodoxus - superbia is the deadliest of all the sins, and led directly to the damnation of the famed Doctor of Paris, Cenodoxus.

~Dante, one of the greatest poets of all time, and incomparably the greatest among the Italians.

Punishment in Hell will be: broken on the wheel.

Associated symbol and color: Pride is linked with the horse and the color violet.

In 1589, Peter Binsfeld paired each of the deadly sins with a demon, who tempted people by means of the associated sin. According to Binsfeld's classification of demons.

Lucifer is the demon of Pride.


To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Thursday, March 16, 2006

no quote today, sry

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey everybody I’ll get to all ur sites today, `cause I won’t be here all weekend. I get to go camping with Rin and Ema! Yay *happy dance* well not a lot has gone on round here lately.
In school we are studying women in history that did something to change the world somehow. It’s a Milliard state assessment. We have to write an essay, and we have to do a speech over the person too. >,< I hate giving speeches! But we all have to do them so I guess I have no choice. . . dame it!!!

See im a grate leader! I will one day rule the world!!!!! MUHAHAHA!

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Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that
Hiei Jaganshi & Silver Dragon
were married on
March 10, 2006
Marry Your Favorite Character

Well hope u guys have a grate weekend!

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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