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myOtaku.com: silver dragon

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

True friendship consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and value.

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey I’m in Wahoo at my cousins. The have the internet and they don’t know I’m “grounded” from the computer. I got to a few sites and just said hello, I don’t know how long I’ll be on.

*happy dance* my cousin bought me “Howl’s Moving Castle” I’ve wanted the movie really bad but I had no money to buy it. So he got it form me for a b-day gift even though my birthday isn’t in till May. My friend Rin is going to try and change my site to Someday’s Dreamers. She dose it for me `cause I don’t know how to do all the codes and fiancé stuff, ah that’s what good friends are for!

Well I’m going to get to ur guys sites!

Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that
Hiei Jaganshi & Silver Dragon
were married on
March 10, 2006
Marry Your Favorite Character

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Friday, March 10, 2006

Hey people

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey everyone I don’t know if im aloud on the computer yet so im going to make this a fast one and get to all the sites I can.
Well today a lunch we went outside and rin-chan Ema and I were standing against the wall and then I start laughing and I don’t know why. That I look at rin and push her them Ema pushes me `cause I pushed rin and then I hit her and she dose the weird thing she dose when she’s going to hit someone, its like putting ur shoulders to ur ears and scrunching up ur face, u would have to she her to really know what it looks like. Well she dose that while walking after me and I almost fall over laughing! Then I “hits” me and I make a squeak noise with out meaning to and Rin and Ema start laughing at me and then I start laughing too. So we’re standing against the wall laughing or asses off. What fun that was.

Ema was sick for like 3 days and so she missed a lot and has a shit lode of homework and its mostly math and since im the best in math im doing all her math homework mind u its like 8-10 pages off problems ><. Its over surface area and volume of cylinders, square + triangle prisms and circles. Its easy once u get he formulas strait. Getting the work down is the longest part. Well now I’ve got something to do this weekend.

Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that
Hiei Jaganshi & Silver Dragon
were married on
March 10, 2006
Marry Your Favorite Character

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Wednesday, March 8, 2006

sad. . .

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


I did it again. I pissed my dad off really bad this time. it started when my mom said I could stay home cuz I was sick and then my dad got up and told me to get up to go to school. I yelled back that mom said I could stay home. He got mad and ripped my door off. So yes I have no door now. Well like every few min.s he came back to yell at me and call me a bitch and all kinds of shit. So I opened my window and left. So ya I came back and he went to bed cuz he works nights. I toke the modem from the computer. He didn’t like that and he toke the computer to work >,< he called my mom and yelled at her. So ya him and I aren’t on the best of terms.

So I might not be able to get on the computer a lot so bare with me here.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Friday, March 3, 2006

And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey every body! Sry I didn’t get to all ur guys sites my mom kicked me off.

Well school was ok. We’re just finishing up the Holocaust unit in English. I fucked up real bad we had a grade sheet the was supposed to be handed in today I forgot all about it. In math we’re going over surface area of 3D boxes, cylinders and rectangle/square pyramids. Its really easy but our teacher makes us show all our work or we get a shit lode of points taken off, so it takes forever to get the home work done.

Ema and rin-chan talked last night. We were three-whining but I had to go shopping with my mom. Got 2 new pares of pants. If u guys know rin-chan then u know she got her hair dyed black on bottom and red/orange on top. Well im getting my hair done with the same colors but im dying it black with red/orange strikes. I don’t know when I’ll get it done `cause I wanna get it done by a pro but it takes money to do that and we don’t go the money to just blow on my hair. But it will get done sometime.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


Edit: before I up-dated I had 911 visits. So I just thought that I should do I little thing for all the people the pasted away on that day.

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Thursday, March 2, 2006

   One who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; one who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey I tried getting to every ones site yesterday didn’t get to them all sorry.

Well I don’t know if every thing is ok between me and my friend Ema. She’s been in a really bad mood as of late so ya I don’t know what’s going on. She’s been saying I would do some things in reality I never would. >,< confusing.

Today at school we had a S.S. test over the cause of the Civil War. What fun that was, considering the fact that we’ve learned it in like 2ed grade. It was easy I know I got an A or B. in English we watched the end of the Anne Frank movie. In web design we had to make a web page for the school. I had to make a math help page, I got it done and I think I did an ok job. And now we have to make a club page off of one of the clubs we have at school I don’t wanna do it. We’re learning about atoms and all that science stuff, I hate it I don’t know what the fuck it all means. . . .mainly because I never pay attention in the first place, ya am fucked >,< well u only live once.

Im goanna try and get to the peoples site that updated.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The games of life

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey every one I got some time before my mom gets home so I’ll make it fast.

Ok about 2 weeks ago Rin-chan and I went to her aunts to baby-sit her cousins. Well that went good. The next day we went to Hobby Lobby with her mom, and they were having a sale on yarn. Well u know how yarns has a hole in the middle, I was waling around the yarn stand and putting my finger in the holes. Rin looked at me and asked if I was having fun and I said yes im having fun fingering the yarn. So that’s what I did 2 weeks ago, I fingered yarn.

Well last weekend Rin-chan, Ema-chan and I went to go get Rin-Chan’s hair cut and dyed. That was fun cause Ema and I got to laugh at rin when like all the people at the salon came up and pulled at her hair and asked what she was going to do to it. After that we toke rin shopping. Ema, Rin’s mom and I were having fun I don’t know about rin-chan she doesn’t like shopping. Then we went to Rin’s house and played with her mom’s new dog. Later that night we went to the movies, we went to see the 2ed Underworld. It was good. There is a resin its rated R though.

I taught I looked good, so im getting it threw NetFlix.com

Im going to get to all ur guys. Talk to u all later!

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Monday, February 27, 2006


Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


sry i havent been on. my dad isnt letting me on the computer. im at school right now so ya. i dont know if i'll be on to night, i might, i might not. hope ur day goes grate! talk to u later!


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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Yu Yu Hakusho

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


After much pushing and prodding my dad let me let my sister into the house so she could give me back my stereo. She’s keeping my small T.V. till she gets one of her own. She said she’s getting one in like 3-4 days. So yay it all turned out some what ok. Besides the fact that my mom and dad started fighting again about bills and my dad changing the dad he’s leaving for boot camp.

For those that watch Yu Yu in the morning at 4 am, and for those that don’t. there is a part were Yusuke yells at Hiei and says “At lest I don’t have to fight on top of a phone book!” to Hiei. I couldn’t stop laughing! I have DVR so I rec its so I don’t have to stay up, well I was laughing so hard that I didn’t hear what they said is I had to keep rewinding it `cause ever time I did I remembered what Yusuke said and start laughing! For the people that didn’t know it was being played again its on at 4:30 A.M. on cartoon network. Every Friday night, well Saturday morning is more like it. Their playing the last series in Yu Yu. So don’t miss it^_^

I got to every ones site that’s updated. Just the other day I went to like 2 people site and found I hadn’t signed their GB but had been to their and them to mine. If u come to my site and I haven’t signed ur GB PLZ pm me and tell me so I can sign it. I felt like shit when I found I didn’t sign their GB’s. So PLZ tell me!

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Friday, February 10, 2006

All life is an experiment.

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Well my day didn’t start so good. First my bus diver missed my stop, so I was late getting to school. Then it got better I had fun talking with my friends, and make fun of my science teacher. It was totally her fault; she walked in to the room and said I quote “I have something good to tell u all.” So under my breath I say quote “Yay! She’s retiring!” she didn’t here me though.^_^ At lunch me and Ema-chan made fun of some little 6th graders that were standing a little ways a way just standing there fidgeting(S?) then last period of the day I had math and Mr. Webber let us work in groups, well I had to find the area of a circle and the problem I didn’t want to do had a really long math problem so I got the answer from a kid, well this other chick copied all the answers and while she was copying the teacher came over and was standing behind her I stopped copying the moment her came over, she didn’t. we all started laughing at her she just kept copying in the end Webber made her start all over. She gives blondes a bad name. . . .

Well then I had to walk a few blocks to get home `because my bus driver is being a bitch and `cause my mom called her supervisor and said she missed my stop so I guess she got in to some trouble. And as soon as I walked in the door my dad told me my sister stole my stereo, my small T.V., the only T.V. my DVD player works on. Some of my pants shirts make-up and some other stuff. So ya that totally fucked up my day.

My dad called the police station and told them that I would call if my step-sister tried getting into the house. So yep my dad’s fucked.

Hope your day has been better than mine has been!

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Thursday, February 9, 2006

Grades. . .

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Thank you all for ur vote of confidence! I hope I do ok. I found out today that the numbers in Spanish part is only 5 points of the whole 25 point test.

I have a 4 in English. Sad I know. Its not like I have a for `cause I don’t know what im doing its just I don’t turn in my homework. I’ll have to try and bring it up to a low 2 at best. Its just going to be really fucking hard `cause the work I didn’t get done was turned in to a 0%, and I can’t turn it in now and get points for it. They say their getting us ready for high schools were they don’t take later papers at all. I just think their being assholes `cause schools almost out.

Im reading a new book called Trickster’s Queen (sequel to Trickster’s Choice.)
by Tamora Pierce. She is a grate author. She has 20 some books out. The ones I’ve read are The Song of the Lioness Quartet, The Circle of Magic, 1st book of The Circle Opens and Trickster’s Choice. She’s a grate author of fantasy/Acton with a twist of magic and romance. Check out her books some time if Ur into the whole reading thing.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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