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Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey very one! Today was ok I guess, I woke up late so my mom was going to take me. But we were going to stop at McDonald’s for my brother. I asked my mom if I was getting something like an orange juice, then she said (yelled is more like it) she didn’t have money, just a few dollars in quarters. And I yelled back well u got fucking money every time Ur son wants to go skating! In the end I told her I didn’t want her money, and still got I breakfast thingy I didn’t want. Well the whole point was to say it’s very easy to play the guilt trip on my mom. *Not that I like to!*

I have a Spanish test Friday over numbers, colors, and some Spanish states. And im so ready to flunk it. I don’t know my numbers at all and only now the colors when looking at how their spelled and not when said.-_- I hate Spanish.

Im watching Spiral. Im on the 2ed to last disc. I can’t wait for the last one to come. Cuz I get to watch them threw Netfllix.com.

Well that’s all I got to say!

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hello people! Well the writing assessments are over! I think I did ok, considering the fact that the so called “true” story about my mom being the most important person to me isn’t true. Nor is the stuff I put in the story true. But that’s ok, what they don’t know won’t kill them!

My dad had to go to some pre-boot-camp thingy over the weekend last weekend, and while he was run the mile there he fell and fucked up his ankle, and now he has to be on crunches.(spelling?) he doesn’t use them thought. That’s my dad for u a complete idiot-_-

*(sry I bash the catholic wedding here, I warned u so no yelling at me for it!)
Last weekend I went to Ema-chan’s brothers wedding. It was fucking fun! Well not at the wedding part when they walked down the aisle. It was so fucking long, it was like a catholic wedding so we had to pray, kneel down, stand back up then kneel again and sign and eat the “body of Christ”-_- In all honesty I don’t get it don’t they (catholic ppl) say its bad to have sex and all, put then they marry people and hope their kids live long lives and shit@_@ . . . . lost. . . . .
*(all done)

But the party afterwards was fun, it was at some hotel. The food was grate, and the candy they put on the table as decoration was too.

Here are some pictures from Rin-chan

Here is my new hair cut! People starting from the right, Rin-chan aka banzaiinu1, Ema-chan aka blackdragonoffire, and me Kitty-chan

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Thursday, February 2, 2006

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey people. We had writing assessments today. We just did the first copy today, tomorrow we do the finale copy. The topic was one someone that is important to you. I think mine is ok, I’ve never been really good at story writing. Ya, well it just needs to get a ok grade so I don’t have to do it again.

Me and Rin-chan were invited to Ema’s brother’s wedding, not really we asked Ema if we could go and she asked her mom and soon to be sister-in-law. I told my mom that I wanted to go in a tux, and I asked if we could go and get a white under shirt and a tie, and she said that we should have both from my uncle Ted, so I guess that means she’ll let me go it a tux! Im really happy to go. It’s this weekend!

Yesterday Rin-chan stayed after school with me to help me with my comp. project. That was really random . . . . . thanks to all the people who checked out my new art.
Well talk to u all later!
Eyes Rutherford from Spiral (my favorite character)

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Monday, January 30, 2006


Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Dame, sorry that I haven’t been on and gone to your sites in so long. My life right now is kind of on the rocks. It’s a long story but since I haven’t been I’ll tell you guys. A few days a go my sister and I got in to a really BIG fight, and the only reason I can think of as to why she started hitting me is `cause I pushed her away from my little brother. But keep in mind my haft sister is 19 years old and my little brother is only 10, and she was in all sureness’ attacking him, I mean she had him on his back whale she had a hold of his hair and her foot on his gut keeping him down. So being the ‘good’ sister I am I pushed her off of him and hit her, well after that my mom told us to get in the car and that we were leaving. I told her that I wasn’t going to leave my own home just so she could get her way. Later after my mom and brother were gone she came back up from downstairs and tried taking the computer, and I pushed her away and we went after one another. I ran out the door to use the neighbors’ phone and she ran out of the house. Later that night my DAD of all people let her back and she was the one to attack me and she isn’t even his daughter I AM! So ya I don’t really trust my dad a lot right now.

Well on a happier note, I will be getting to ur sites! And I got my hair cut it’s just below my ears they cut off like 4”, so yay I’m so happy!

I just did some new art plz take a look!

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Sorry I haven’t been in a few days. Last weekend Rin-chan and I went over to Ema-chan’s we had a movie night, we watched Vampire Hunter D, Skeleton Key, and the first disc of Spiral and some other anime rin-chan has I forget the name. And after we woke up we played atmosphere with her older sister.

Ema-chan’s brother is coming home in like 5 days. He’s working on a cruse ship down in Hawaii, he’s been down there for like 6 months. And a week after he comes home her other brother is getting married and she’s one of the brides maids. So Ema-chan’s got a lot going on.

I didn’t go to school today, I felt like shit. I did some thing to my arm muscles and they’ve been really sore, and when I woke up it hurt to just move them so I just laded there in my bed.
I got to the people’s sites that have updated so far today

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Saturday, January 14, 2006


Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hello every one I got to every ones site well the ppl that have up dated. Hope every ones Saturday is going good.

Last night I had to go and baby sit my 3 cousins whale there parents were at a b-day party. I had to be there at 8pm and I didn’t go home till 1 in the morning. But it ok it was all good besides the fact that my baby cousin his 2, he had a little bit of a sugar high, he has juvenile diabetes so if he gets a little sugar he bounces off the wall . I was all scared that something bad was going to happen like he would have some attack `cause of his diabetes, but in the end I just got my ass kicked because I had to run around and play with my 2 cousins with the littlest hanging on my arm.

Me and my dad are suppose to go up to my school track `cause my dad wait to get some running in so he can in the end run a mile in like 9-10 minutes.

I’m now reading Inkspell by Cornelia Funke. It’s the sequel to Inkheart. It’s a really good book, made by a really grate author.

To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Thursday, January 12, 2006


Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey every one! Well my Dad is now really in the National Guard. I guess I’m happy for him. He always wanted to join, and now he got to.

This morning I couldn’t wake up, my alarm went off I opened my eyes, and just fell right back to sleep. Then I had to force my self to get and reset my alarm for 15 min later. Then on top of that 1st hour I have comp. and our teacher is going to be gone tomorrow so he gave us 3 assignments, and they aren’t short ones there really long and take a lot of going from 1 page to the next and OMG! He’s making it due Tuesday. I swear if I could kill that fat ass hole I would in a heart beat!

On a happier note Rin-chan got the last DVD of DNAngel and now I get to watch it! Happy happy!
Well I don’t got anything else to say, have a grate day every one!!

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Im home and I plane on going to all your sites. Sry I didn’t get on and wish you all a Happy New Years. I was at my cousin’s house with my new baby cousin, James, all watching The 40 Year Old Virgin, it’s a really funny movie but not for younger people, its more for mature/adult audiences. I hope every ones ready for what the new year will bring us all the good and the bad. Don’t remember if I told u all or not but my dad is joining the Army National Guard. There letting him in and all that stuff. His going to be gone for 7 months his going the start of May so he won’t be here for my 15 birth day. Im not to happy `bout that, but hay beggars can’t be choosers. Plus my friend, Ema-Lee, her brother is getting married in like 2-3 months, and Rin-Chan and I are going, but we’re going in tuxes! I don’t know if Rin will be able to but I know im going in one, ill even get my self a tie!

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...

Talk to u all later!

~Silver Dragon~

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Monday, December 12, 2005

   I'm not afraid of death. It's the stake one puts up in order to play the game of life.

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey ppl, sry `bout the other day. Its all good now. Well I have to go to a hand surgeon; I don’t know if I will have to have surgery, but hey its what I get for actually trying in P.E. u wanna know what the funny thing is I had I note to get out of gym that day and the teacher just said not to run, so I still had to do gym that day. If he just let me out like the note said I wouldn’t have to go see a hand surgeon. Well no point getting all bitchy now.

If I haven’t told u I have a new puppy, his names Boo Bear and his scared of my radio. I have a radio that I use as I alarm clock and it went off at 6:30 and my dog jumped up on my bed and started whining, I started laughing at him, he just jumped at my face.

I ask u all what would u do if Ur sister, brother, friend or foe mother or father said that they were going to kill them selves what would U do?
My sisters boyfriend just called and said that my sister just tex messaged him and said that crystal(my sister) said she was going to kill her self. My mom just told me and turned back to the TV. Now what is wrong about this? Tell me what u think.

`cause i was reading it today

`cause I’m obsessed

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Saturday, December 10, 2005


Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Mood crying

Sry if this is just a little sad.

My mom and dad r yelling and fighting again. u know how I said that I just pulled something in my finger, well the doc called and said that I did a little more than that the bone was fractured and now I got to go see a hand surgeon and may have to go under the knife. My life right now is really fucked up and my mom dad just keep fighting and wont stop. I ask them to and they just tell me to shut up.

Sry ppl I got to go.

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