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Wednesday, December 7, 2005

fingers and x-rays

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

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1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hello every one I’ve been to the sites of the people who have up dated. Just to let u know.

Well my day has been painful. First I have the worse stomach ache, but I still went to school ‘cause it lessened so I didn’t hurt as bad. Then in P.E. we’re playing basketball and someone tossed the ball to me and I went to catch it and it hit the very tip of my ring finger on my right hand and OMG did it hurt like hell, I just kept on playing ‘cause I’ve played spots and I just thought it would stop hurting well it didn’t so I told the gym teacher and he said the I just jammed it and that it wasn’t broken but it will still hurt for a few weeks, and to just put ice on it. So after class I went to the nurse and she taped the two fingers together and put ice on it and told me to come back after 3ed period so I did and then some other nurse say I looked like I need an x-ray. So I had to go to the doc.s and get an x-ray, me and my sister were they for over an hour just to take 3 x–rays. It’s not broken but I fucked up my finger enough that I have to keep a little brace thing on for over 3 days and take pain killers a lot of pain killers.

To let u all know I am “obsessed” (as my friends say) with Hiei. Me and Hiei will one day rule the world, so am warning u now not to fuck with me Hiei or Chaos (my character that I made she is real in the other world, sry for those the have no idea what im talking about.) just thought I should tell u all.
"So tell me how does it feel to be in a constant Haze of stupidity?" - Hiei

Well that’s it, I wish u all a vary happy holiday!

From Silver Dragon

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Saturday, November 12, 2005


Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Dame I haven’t been on in a long time. I've just never really had the time and I would keep for getting to post. tary. Well today is my friend’s 14th b-day, now her and I are the same age for a few months. Till I turn 15. HAHAHA rin-chan!!

I'm ok. ..... I think...

Here are some "is it ok to" s

-is it ok to say u don’t care?
-is it ok to fear the unseen?
-is it ok to keep trying even though u know it’s pointless?

Here are some pomes and sayings

True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a deserted island . . . to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing

Baltasar Gracian

The human spirit is stronger than anything that happens to it.

C.C. Scott

and last here are some thing to litten ur day

Maybe this world is another planet's Hell.

Don't piss me off. i'm running out of places to hide the bodies.

The difference between a brave man and a coward is a coward thinks twice before jumping in the cage with a lion. The brave man doesn't know what a lion is. He just thinks he does.

You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named 'Bush', 'Dick', and 'Colon.' Need I say more?

Well I’ll get to ur sites today. So talk to u later and have grate day that is if u want to.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


I hate my life. Yes I know there are people out there that have it a lot worse then I do, people tell me all the time, that’s why I don’t talk about the really bad things. But im just like all the other people on the planet I HAVE to tell some one. I haven’t told even my friends (sry rin) about the really bad shit I’ve had to see and hear. And its all the time in my house, not just a once or twice it just about every other day in my life. And I keep saying it will get better but it hasn’t. I know that u can tell ur friends every thing if they are really ur friends, but I cant, its just the way I am. I can’t let other people hold the weight that I have to hold for me. To me it feels like its my problem and mine alone, and I don’t want other people to have to see and hear the things I do.

Well now that I’ve let off some stem. I will be getting to ur sites today.
Here’s my schedule for 1st quarter.

1st is Chorus with Mrs. Lovejoy (she’s on drugs)

2ed is P.E. with Mr. Crawford (I’ve had him in 7th and 6th the other teacher is a asshole)

3ed is History with Comstock (history isn’t that bad I always do ok)

4th is English with Dergan (I have the spelling of a 1st grader, so I know im going to get a big F in this class)

5th is Science with Starr (im ok in science, e=what the hell kind of name is Starr?)

6th is German with Sahlstrom (in truth I really don’t know ho im going to do)

7th is Study hall with Starr (god 2 classes with Starr, Ema had her for tutoring and said she was a nut case)

8th is Per-Alga. with Weber (im good in math it just takes me a little bit to work on the problems, but its easy for me)

one of my friends is with me but rin is all by herself. I had to be by myself last year it fucking sucks to be by ur self on a team. I hope her mom will ask to get her changed to me and ema’s team.

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Friday, July 15, 2005

This way for the lost city, This way for the lost people, This way for eternal suffering, All hope abandon, ye who enter here..

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


hello. (the game is FFX) i did it again, I was playing the ps2 at my cuz's house and I had his memory card in the 1st slot, and mine in the 2ed slot and when I went to save I just pushed the X button really fast and well I saved over his file, so I had to start over on his file for him cuz he's not very, let just say, 'good' at RPG games. since my cuz had to go to some bible camp to he could like get some thing from the church all I know is that after he has to drink a sip of wine, ok, so had to go to cape so I brat his memory card with my to get him back to were he was before I saved over it. will I was showing my lil brother the end for the game but before I did I went to show him all the cut sense aka lil movies in the game, in luca will I was resaving my game in luca cuz its a bat habit to save at ever save sphere I see, and I saved over my cuz's file AGAIN!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Hell was full so they they sent me up here!

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hello to all that care and all that done give a dame! I just gat home form the movies I went to see war of the worlds. It’s good, and has a lot of blood. Its about some aliens trying to take over the world, and to like make these red root things grow they take a person and stick a thing in them and like suck out there blond and spray it all over the ground. And the whole US army cant kill them cuz they got like a force filled on, but then comes the main person in the movie(cant remember the name) and he blows the thing up with like 3 grenades, but the whole US army shot bombs, guns, and every weapon made and still couldn’t even kill one. And in the end they breathed in our air and it killed them. Oh if u haven’t seen the movie and are going to don’t read this! Im going to get to all Ur sites today or tomorrow since its 11:45.
Well go bye for now.

here's the quote i was going to put at the top.
Sword in hand, at the bloody fields of History
We rent our blades through dogma and humility
Carve a future, according to our will
Set worlds ablaze with our seething fire
Let you all acknowledge that we are here
As masters to rule this failing humanity
Our beings forged of rage and defiance
With strength to trample the weak and the foolish
And so we march with burning brands
Temples aflame, on our path to glory..

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Saturday, July 2, 2005

Strike me down, and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine...

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hey sry I haven’t been on in so long. Well my room flooded for like the 6th time in 8 months. The resin it flooded so much is because every time out dishwasher breaks it over flows and cuz my room is right below it the water floods into my room from the ceiling. The bad thing is cuz my room is so small every thing gets wet. Iv had to change T.V. s cuz they got wet and stopped working. And my bad gets all wet so I can’t sleep on it for like 2 days, I have to wash all my blankets and sheet. If I still had my old room the my mom gave to my little brother, who doesn’t even sleep in cuz he still sleeps with his mommy the age of 10, I wouldn’t have to worry about all my shit getting wet! If I moved back up stares my room now would be turned in to a storage room. But NOOO my mom wound let her lil baby have a small room and give her older daughter the bigger room!

Sorry about that. I just had to say it. Well bye bye for now.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


My friend is yelling at me to post so I will. I got a scanner so ill be able to put some pics up later, that is if can get the dame thing to work.

Here are a few quotes I found.

Some on friendship
- He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare,
And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere.
Ali ibn-Abi-Talib, A Hundred Sayings
(602 AD - 661 AD)

- Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends.
Czech Proverb

- Never explain--your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.
Elbert Hubbard
US author (1856 - 1915)

Some on anger

- Anger makes dull men witty, but it keeps them poor.
Elizabeth I, in Francis Bacon, Apophthegms, 1625
English queen 1558-1603 (1533 - 1603)

- Speak when you are angry--and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret.
Laurence J. Peter
US educator & writer (1919 - 1988)

- Anger at lies lasts forever. Anger at truth can't last.
Greg Evans,
Luann (comic), September 27, 2003

Some on life

- It's not true that life is one damn thing after another; it is one damn thing over and over.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
US poet (1892 - 1950)

- Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.
Isaac Asimov
US science fiction novelist & scholar (1920 - 1992)

- Life is too important to take seriously.
Corky Siegel

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Friday, June 10, 2005


Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Sry I haven’t been on. I just haven’t been in a grate mood lately. I think I might do I pic of Sanosuke Sagara from Rurouni Kenshin. Is it just me or does it seen like summer is going really fast? I hate it; it feels like we’re going to school in a few days. I don’t wanna go back! With that out of the way. I might be changing my site to samurai champloo. But I have to get my friend Rin to change my avatar and welcome sign cuz my comp. doesn’t have the things need to make one. Ill be getting to ur sites later today!

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

   I'M BACK!

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Wow, I haven’t up dated in a long time. Well I sorry about that it just I’ve had a lot of things on my mind. I’m replaying final fantasy 10 and right now im at the Zanarkand Ruins. I just killed the Sanctuary Keeper. On my last game I had to fight him like 10 times be for my pried let ask my cuz Justin to help me kill it. But now I only had to try once. But its cuz in a way I had to do it in one try cuz I customized all there equipment and I had to set there doing it for like 30 minutes and I forgot to save be for I attacked the big dragon, lizard, winged thingy ma gig, soo if I died I would have to do it all over so I had to win. Im going to put some stuff up about the Chinese Zodiac, I stopped at the horse, so the Sheep is next all so know as Hiro Sohma. And for the people that don’t know I am a sheep. And Hiro Sohma in a way is a little like me, at lest to the people I don’t know or don’t like. I can be a real B-I-T-C-H! when I want to be. A warning to all that piss me off. But I really does take a lot to make my mad so no worries!

Here is some info and pics on the sheep.

It is lucky that the sheep is ranked eighth in the series of Chinese zodiac animals, for the number "eight" in China is an auspicious one, symbolizing peace and prosperity. Generally speaking, people born in the year of sheep are generous, just and kind, and easily touched by other people's misfortunes. They are meek, and somewhat timid by nature. When everything goes extremely smoothly in their lives, they appear graceful, if they are artists, and are creative, if they are workers. If something goes especially wrong in their careers or other aspects of life, they will become very sentimental and pessimistic, even world weary. Behaving gracefully and kind-heartedly, they are always respected and admired by others. They are used to guiding their own conduct by liberal rules as well as treating others with leniency. Besides being good housekeepers, they are also fond of children and pets. Though mild in disposition, they never yield under pressure. It is impossible to force them to do something. When coerced, they will behave in an intransigent way; and when challenged in an argument, they will remain silently anger rather than repeat their opinions or show their displeasure. Pure and kind as they are, they are always ready to help others who are in need of care or money. Throughout their lives they never worry about the three necessities: food, housing and clothes. Wherever they go, they will make friends with other people, and they will treat their colleagues honestly. Those born in the year of sheep are destined to have good marriages. They will be loved not only by their spouses, but also by family relatives.They like to do things that they are interested in, and realize their dreams in a natural way. When there's something they are unwilling to do, they always refuse with the greatest gentleness and patience. No one knows their true feelings on such occasions, unless they are in rage. As a matter of fact, they are good at settling disputes and creating a harmonious atmosphere around themselves.
THIS IS SOOOO MY FRIEND ERIN!! They seldom speak in a straightforward way, especially the less well-bred ones among them, which often annoys other people. Never count on them to pour out everything on their minds at once. People must get to know them little by little. In order to encourage them to say more, people should nod from time to time to show their agreement, and always leave some leeway out for them. They like to live within their usual circle. They attach great importance to their families, favorite foods, birthdays and other festivals. They usually celebrate such special occasions in a showy way, and they are extremely serious about their own birthdays. They may feel heart-broken if they get no congratulations from others. It seems that people born in the year of sheep are melancholy and sentimental by nature. They always look upon the world passively. Besides, they are used to counting on others to cheer them up. it is easy for them to get lost and to be blue when frustrated, and to make improper choices when going shopping.
SO NOT LIKE ME! Young women born in the year of sheep like to appear sharp. They have a special interest in clothes with ruffles and ornaments. Every day they spend much time in making themselves up. They always behave in an elegant and orderly way. Besides, they like to decorate their rooms with fresh flowers, which adds to their beauty and vigor. The middle-aged women born in the year of the sheep pay great attention to personal sanitation. They are always neatly and well dressed. Young women born in the year of sheep like to express their love for their sweethearts in a front way. They trust the men they love, and they want to stay with them every second. To those pursuers in whom they have no interest, they will pay no attention. When someone happens to hit their fancies, they will shake hands with them without any seductive behavior. When they talk, sometimes they will mean "no" by saying "yes," and "yes" by saying "no." People born in the year of sheep are good at covering up their own weakness with petty shrewdness, and in obtaining what they want by clever tricks and hints. They are also talented in the skill of pestering. Their sincere and composed manner and their pitiful looks always prove effective in persuading other people to do them favors. They never hurt the feelings of their friends. Sometimes they even give up taking part in social contacts in order to avoid disputes. They are sensitive, and often indulge themselves in sentimental illusions rather than jolly parties. They also like to attract others' attention and flattery regarding their talent. They would be wise to take up professions that enable them to use their strong points. Often doing some down-to-earth job is the best choice for them.

Damn that was long!!!!

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Monday, May 9, 2005


Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


Founder: Burnding Deamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: BurningDeamon
Founder: Chibi Bishi
Founder: BlackDragonOfFire Co-Founder: Gackt Sayonara
Founder: Dark Phoenix


Hello, I know I haven’t updated. Well I get to get my hair cut today, my sister is taking me in like 30min.s. I got some fan art up, my friends putting it up cuz I don’t have a scanner. We have 12 and a half days of school left! And me and my friend’s birthdays are on the same day but she is turning 13 and I’m turning 14 may 28th. I’m going to put some stuff up about the chines zodiac animal I stopped at last time after I get my hair cut. Just cuz my friend can’t get on the comp. im going to tell u the things I got her.
• Legend of Dragoon (PS game)
• Manga(have no idea of what book im getting her)
• Picture of Akira the werewolf by me(I gave it to her a few days ago)
• Knife(really big and sharp)
• Birthday chard with Clifford the big red dog on it(its going to be a gag gift cu she was named after the girl the owns the dog)
Well that is all I got to say. I will try and get to all of your sites today

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