myO Still <3's You
Monday, April 4, 2005
the ox!
Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku
Thursday, March 31, 2005
yuki the rat!
Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku
Im going to put some info on the rat up form a few sites. And I give to all that are rats a whole post devoted to u! Tomorrow is the Ox,cow!
site #1
People born in the year of the rat are devoted to their families. They are collectors and hoarders with an eye for a bargain. The rat is very sociable, quick-witted with deep emotions despite their cool exterior. They will always stand by their friends and expect the same loyalty in return. They will also use any means at their disposal to their own advantage.
People born in the Year of the Rat are noted for their charm and attraction for the opposite sex. They work hard to achieve their goals, acquire possessions, and are likely to be perfectionists. They are basically thrifty with money. Rat people are easily angered and love to gossip. Their ambitions are big, and they are usually very successful. They are most compatible with people born in the years of the Dragon, Monkey, and Ox.
site#3 (the last one)
The Rat, 1996's animal, was the first to attend Buddha's meeting, and thus the first animal in the zodiac cycle. Considered aggressive, suspicious, and power-hungry, the Rat also is said to be honest, generous, and have a sense of fair play. Those born under the sign of the Rat play to win, but not at the cost of cheating. Famous "Rats" include William Shakespeare (1564), Truman Capote (1924), and George Washington (1732).
here r some pic.s of the rat.
and last the all so popular yuki sohma from fruts basket!
i found this site and it had the pic.s of all the Aeons from FF10 and i had to post them!
and my favorite Aeon Ifrit !
Comments (3) | PermalinkWednesday, March 30, 2005
Chinese zodiac
Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku
YES!!! We just have 1 more day of terra nova testing! Today in study hall I was trying to remember the entire chines zodiac and I had a really big bran fart. I had 11 of the 12 down (rat, dragon, ox, sheep, horse, rustier, dog, tiger, snake, monkey, boar) and I couldn’t think of the 12 one. I felt soooo stupid after I remembered I forgot the bunny, cuz momiji is the bunny and also my favorite character and furt basket. And I forgot about him!!
here are the years of the Chinese zodiac. and a lil info about the 12 animals.Tomorrow I will put up more zodiac information for the rat!
The Rat (Yuki Sohma)
Jan.31,1900 to Feb.19,1901
Feb.18,1912 to Feb.06,1913
Feb.05,1924 to Jan.24,1925
Jan.24,1936 to Feb.10,1937
Feb.10,1948 to Feb.14,1949
Jan.28,1960 to Feb.14,1961
Jan.16,1972 to Feb.02,1973
Feb.02,1984 to Feb.19,1985
The Ox,cow (Hatushara Sohma "Haru")
Feb.19,1901 to Feb.07,1902
Feb.06,1913 to Jan.25,1914
Jan.25,1925 to Feb.12,1926
Feb.11,1937 to Jan.30,1938
Jan.29,1949 to Feb.16,1950
Feb.15,1961 to Feb.04,1962
Feb.03,1973 to Jan.22,1974
Feb.20,1985 to Feb.08,1986
The Tiger (Kisa Sohma)
Feb.08,1902 to Jan.28,1903
Jan.26,1914 to Feb.13,1915
Feb.13,1926 to Feb.01,1927
Jan.31,1938 to Feb.18,1939
Feb.17,1950 to Feb.05,1951
Feb.05,1962 to Jan.24,1963
Jan.23,1974 to Feb.10,1975
Jan.09,1986 to Jan.28,1987
The Hare,bunny (Momiji Sohma)
Jan.29,1903 to Feb.15,1904
Feb.14,1915 to Feb.16,1916
Feb.02,1927 to Jan.22,1928
Feb.19,1939 to Feb.07,1940
Feb.06,1951 to Jan.26,1952
Jan.25,1963 to Feb.12,1964
Feb.11,1975 to Jan.30,1976
Jan.29,1987 to Feb.16,1988
The Dragon (Hatori Sohma)
Feb.16,1904 to Feb.03,1905
Feb.03,1916 to Jan.22,1917
Jan.23,1928 to Feb.09,1929
Feb.08,1940 to Jan.26,1941
Jan.27,1952 to Feb.13,1953
Feb.13,1964 to Feb.01,1965
Jan.31,1976 to Feb.17,1977
Feb.17,1988 to Feb.05,1989
The Snake (Ayame Sohma)
Feb.04,1905 to Jan.24,1906
Jan.23,1917 to Feb.10,1918
Feb.10,1929 to Jan.29,1930
Jan.27,1941 to Feb.14,1942
Feb.14,1953 to Feb.02,1954
Feb.02,1965 to Jan.20,1966
Feb.18,1977 to Feb.06,1978
Feb.06,1989 to Jan.26,1990
The Horse
Jan.25,1906 to Feb.12,1907
Feb.11,1918 to Jan.31,1919
Jan.30,1930 to Feb.16,1931
Jan.15,1942 to Feb.04 1943
Feb.03,1954 to Jan.23,1955
Jan.21,1966 to Feb.08,1967
Feb.07,1978 to Jan.27,1979
Jan.27,1990 to Feb.14,1991
The Sheep (Hiro Sohma)
Feb.13,1907 to Feb.01,1908
Feb.01,1919 to Feb.19,1920
Feb.17,1931 to Feb.05,1932
Jan.05,1943 to Jan.24,1944
Jan.24,1955 to Feb.11,1956
Feb.09,1967 to Jan.28,1968
Jan.28,1979 to Feb.15,1980
Feb.15,1991 to Feb.03,1992
The Monkey (Ritsu Sohma)
Feb.02,1908 to Jan.21,1909
Feb.20,1920 to Feb.07,1921
Feb.06,1932 to Jan.25,1933
Jan.25,1944 to Feb.12,1945
Feb.12,1956 to Jan.30,1957
Jan.30,1968 to Feb.16,1969
Feb.16,1980 to Feb.04,1981
Feb.04,1992 to Jan.22,1993
The Rooster
Jan.22,1909 to Feb.09,1910
Feb.08,1921 to Jan.27,1922
Jan.26,1933 to Feb.13,1934
Feb.13,1945 to Feb.01,1946
Jan.31,1957 to Feb.17,1958
Feb.17,1969 to Feb.05,1970
Feb.05,1981 to Jan.24,1982
Jan.23,1993 to Feb.09,1994
The Dog (Shigure Sohma)
Feb.10,1910 to Jan.29,1911
Jan.28,1922 to Feb.13,1923
Feb.14,1934 to Feb.03,1935
Feb.02,1946 to Jan.21,1947
Feb.18,1958 to Feb.07,1959
Feb.06,1970 to Jan.26,1971
Jan.25,1982 to Feb.12,1983
Feb.10,1994 to Jan.30,1995
The Boar (Kagura Sohma)
Jan.30,1911 to Feb.17,1912
Feb.16,1923 to Feb.04,1924
Feb.04,1935 to Jan.23,1936
Jan.22,1947 to Feb.09,1948
Feb.08,1959 to Jan.27,1960
Jan.27,1971 to Jan.15,1972
Feb.13,1983 to Feb.01,1984
Jan.31,1995 to Feb.18,1996
Comments (4) | PermalinkTuesday, March 29, 2005
Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku
here r some quizs i did it two times cuz my "name" is some times with a space and some times not so.
Comments (1) | PermalinkMonday, March 28, 2005
Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku
Hi, my day was full of things. My "friend" Peyton started crying over some letter a teacher had taken form her. we were going down to lunch and the teacher that had the letter walked by and she asked for it back and she tried to get the letter back and fallowed him back to class (lunch room is on other side of school) im getting food and she comes back and she look like she’s going to cry and she always comes to me to cry on. And then I said Peyton don’t start crying over a letter and she yelled back "shut up, u don’t know what was in the letter!" and everyone can tell u if u yell at me I will yell back. And to top it off she tried to talk to me right after she yelled at me I told her to not talk to me and she just started talk, so I told her to shut up. Ok I didn’t tell her I screamed it at her. So she had her panties up n a bunch the rest of the day. After that lil show I had I great day. I hope u all did to! Bye bye for now!
the furuba gang! or not ok the ppl that i like!
Comments (7) | PermalinkSunday, March 27, 2005
the hell of life
Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku
sry that i havent been on. my life over the pass two days has gone down hill really fast. but hell ill live. i might not be a grate person after it all but i will be alive. and as soon as i get the hell out of my mom and dads house i will move as far as i can and still been in the u.s. im reading a fanfic right now and it has all kinds of people form a lot of anime in it. i didnt want to read it at 1st but i had nothing to do. it is called otherworld, its really good it takes a lot for me to read a fanfic and say its really good after just starting is so take my word for it. it has a really wird twist to it and it even got me confused, so the ppl that want to read it might wanna read it carefuly cuz u can even ask my friends that not many things can get my as confused as the story did at the start of it.(if u want the sites name where the story can be found just pm me and will give it to u) my dad went in to some clening thing and i had to help clen my house all day god did it suck. well im runing out of thing to randomly(cant spell!)say. if u know of a really good fanfic that u have read or are reading let me know cuz i would love to read it!well.....i gess bye for now!
Comments (5) | PermalinkSunday, March 20, 2005
Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku
my dad is leting me on the comp. now. i got to see 2 movies last night with rin and her lil bro and my lil bro plus pey. i was really fun. my puppy ran away 2 days ago and we still haven't found her. (my dad was the 1 who let her out the night i wasnt home and he let her stay out for like 45 some min.s)my dad said we might get a nother 1 form the lady cuz i only had her a few days. i have skool monday, i dont wanna go. so thats all thats going on right now. i got to go do home work now bye bye!
i found this off my friends site. i changed the color and my name to my nickname thats why there is so many.
Comments (3) | PermalinkTuesday, March 15, 2005
Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku
i got my puppy! its a girl, her name is dd but i dont like the name so i just call her puppy. we had to drive 2 hr.s to get her we got home at like 12:00 at night.
Comments (8) | PermalinkSunday, March 13, 2005
3 posts in 1 day
Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku