myO Still <3's You
Hey its still a little rough here but I guess I cant be surprised after things get so good the only way for it to go is down so I�ll just have to live it out like all the other times but no questioning it this time the sparks are going to fly and someone going to get hurt. Well anyway, on a happier note I get to cosplay Gaara to the otakuomaha con. I can�t sew worth shit, well not whole costumes, so my dad said he would buy me one off of eBay! I was so happy when he said yes b/c my mom said that most likely she wouldn�t buy it but my dad is getting it for me! Now I just have to make the gourd thing and I have someone helping me with that, so hopefully it turns out. It will be my first anime convention and it�s the first convention in Omaha so ya, I can�t wait ! Woot! * dances around the room* I�ll get to the sites that have updated in the last week so pleas forgive me for being gone so long and not commenting *bows head* sorry To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour... ~silverdragon~ |