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myOtaku.com: silver dragon

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Happiness is not a reward - it is consequence. Suffering is not a punishment - it is a result.

Welcome to Silver Dragon's MyOtaku

Welcome to me site! Please sign my guest book and leave a comment. Just a few rules I wish you to fallow.
1. Don't talk shit about me or me friends.
2. Don't add me as a friend and never come back, you will be deleted.
3. If there is something you don't like about what I say then pleas just don't read it.

That's all enjoy your stay


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I seem to be disappearing a lot lately don�t I. *bows* I�m sorry. Well I was going to update yesterday I had the post all typed up and every thing then my computer shut down >.< *cry* and after I got it back up I had to go to the library with Rin-chan and Ema-chan, after I come home my brother is on the computer. Well im not going to retype everything from yesterday just give you a rundown. Oh ho and by the way I got some more fan art up! pleas take a look and vote!

Rin-chan, Ema-chan Ema-chan�s older sister, Ema-chan�s mom and dad and me all went to Minneapolis Minnesota for Ema-chan�s older sister�s Midwest Honor Choir flight going to Europe for 3 weeks. We stayed at the Marriott Hotel right across the street from Mall of America. *happy happy* It was a lot of fun. Rin-chan got pictures too.

Well that�s the jest of the story. A lot more happened though just don�t wanna make this post to long. Im going to the next deadly sin for you all that wanna know about it. And hopefully I can get my site changed. It might not get done for a little bit though `cause rin-chan just changed Ema-chan�s site. Well here we go!

Seven Deadly Sins
Everyone knows the Seven Deadly Sins. But here�s some information about the Sins and what each one really means.

First, why are the called the �Deadly� sins?
The church made a division between sins which were venial and could be forgiven without the need for the sacrament of Confession and those which were capital and merited damnation. Capital or Deadly Sins were so called because they could have a fatal effect on an individual�s spiritual health. British wall paintings stressed the connection between committing the Deadly Sins and ending up in Hell.

Next, why Seven sins?
After three, seven is the number of greatest religious significance in ancient Judaism. God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh, hallowing it. The number seven consequently had connotations of completeness or perfection. It was also significant in the Ancient World, associated with the seven planets, the seven ages of man and the Seven Wonders of the World. Given its prominence in Jewish and Antique thought, it is not surprising that it retained its significance in the early Church. The Seven Deadly Sins became one of a number of important groups of seven current in the medieval church, for example, the Seven canonical hours, the Seven petitions of the Lord�s Prayer, the Seven Joys and Seven Sorrows of the Virgin and, of course, the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy.

Last, the Sin of the day is. . .
*I couldn�t find a lot on this sin*

Lust is inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body, and is the "sin of the flesh" and is said to lead to "uncleanliness" and away from its opposing virtue, Chastity.

Punishment in Hell will be: smothered in fire and brimstone
Associated symbols: Lust is linked with the cow and the color blue.

Asmodeus is the Demon of Lust
Demon of lust and marital discord.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower... hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour...


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