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Any rooftop where Padfoot and I can howl at the moon.
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Professional Werewolf. ;)
Real Name
Yeah, right... :P . You can just call me Moony.
Anime Fan Since
Forever (?)
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, and Howl's Moving Castle
Drawing manga! Watching anime, reading manga...
Howling at the moon
| Silver Moon 19
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
Padfoot has fun quizzes!
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Here's a quiz for you to enjoy... :)
 Your easy-going personality is best represented by the bow and arrow. You probably dont like the spotlight too much, and would much rather be backstage making sure everything is working right. You have a cool, level head and a broad perspective on life. This combination makes you an excellent advice-giver.
What sort of Weapon best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Todays Random questions
Moony's tired, so I'm borrowing these questions from a question site. And because they're %^#% hilarious.
1.) When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?
2.) Do people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little
bottles of Evian water know that spelling it backwards
is Naive?
3.) Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?
4.) Would a part-time band leader be considered a semi-conductor? (A good question for you, Prongs)
-Moony ^^
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Marauders Adventure #... ? (and more!)
It's been a long, stressful week (away from home) for me. I'm exhausted... but happy! My absence from my house (and compuer) explains my lack of posting, but: time for a new adventure!
Padfoot and I walked around downtown with underwear (tighty-whities for Padfoot, boxers for me) over our pants, (It was silly! :D ), went swimming from about 10:00 pm to 12:00 pm (our eyes were SO bloodshot, and we had chlorine all over our skin), and did a bunch of other crazy Marauder things (in addition to working our asses off... don't ask). Also, my friend decided she was going to chew off my left arm... weird, huh? Prongs was with Padfoot and I this week, but we didn't get to see too much of her... :(
Enough of our (mis)adventures. Time for Moony's Random Questions of the Day!:
1.) When it is 4:30 am on the night of the full moon in Alaska, what color is the underwear you are wearing?
2.) You're supposed to "take time to smell the roses", but what if you are allergic to them?
3.) Write your own question. The answer is: Aquamarine.
I apologize for the weird questions, but Moony is really tired... :D
-Moony (who is waiting eagerly to hear peoples answers to her random questions)
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
Todays random questions:
Why did Riza Hawkeye name her tiny puppy Black Hayate (Black Thunder) ?
How is it that Roy Mustang is so $% sexy?
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiago?
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
Random questions of the day (inspired by Metal-Inuyasha):
How many alchemists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a good anime movie?
Why use water when you're supposed to fight fire with fire?
(On a side note: Padfoot's other fish died. :( So sad...)
*RIP Vega*
-Moony ^^
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Happy Full Moon!
Tonight is the Full Sturgeon Moon. Interesting, eh? As I informed Prongs, a sturgeon is a type of fish (in case you ever get asked that question on Jeopardy or something. "A sturgeon is this type of animal. 'What is a fish, Alex?' ")
Anyways, have a good full moon, everyone. I know The Marauders will, right Padfoot and Prongs? ;)
See you two dark and early tomorrow morning. (I would say bright, but I really don't think the situation calls for such a positive word. Plus, I have to get up before the sun has even risen, so it really *is* dark.)
Happy Maraudering,
-Moony ^^
(*RIP Altair*)
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Monday, August 15, 2005
"The Plan"
Okay... so now I can tell you about the plan that I had which I couldn't tell you earlier.
Since Padfoot's fish died (Rest in peace, Orion), I decided to get her new ones. She was away for the weekend, so I wanted to surprise her when she got home. I bought her two new goldfish, an orange one, and a littler white one. I named them Altair and Vega (respectively) after the stars (Altair is part of the constellation Aquila, and Vega part of Lyra). In mythology, Vega was Altair's wife and the mother of his children.
I made a packet for Padfoot explaining goldfish care and both the mythology and astronomy of Altair and Vega. (Prongs helped with this part.)
This morning, I left the packet in her room with the golfish in their bowl, and waited for a phone call from Pads. I knew she would call the moment she got them, because she was sure to know it was me who did it.
Sure enough, about 20 minutes ago, I got a call from Pads: "THANK YOU, MOONY!"
XD Hee hee. I love making people happy! XD
Ta ta for now!
-Moony ^^
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Long time no... post? Anyways:
It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, I haven't had too much to say, although soon, I'll have a great story to tell.
I can't give you too much information about it now, but Prongs and I are working on a little, shall we say, project...
I'm looking forward to the outcome, and I'll let you know much more about the project and its details as soon as possible.
See ya!
-Moony ^^
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
Ahhh, dentists. How do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways...
I just got back from the dentist, in case you couldn't tell. Bleah. My mouth is numb, and that bites, because I'm waiting until it's not numb to read to Padfoot. Grrrrrr...
Padfoot: I'll call you as sonn as I can talk properly again, a'ight? :D See ya.
Prongs: See you tomorrow (?) !
-Moony ^^
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