Birthday 1992-09-20 Gender
Female Location Wait where am I . . . eh short term memory loss . . . wait what was I doing WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE! Member Since 2005-11-15 Occupation Starting 8th grade in augest Real Name Alana
Achievements I'll tell you as soon as I have some Anime Fan Since since I was little, but then I lost interest for a while BUT I'M BACK FOR ROUND TWO! Favorite Anime Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, s-CRY-ed, IGPX, Gundam SEED, InuYasha, DNAngel Goals to go to collage, and become an author of young teen books Hobbies Drawing anime reading books and manga hanging out with friends writing stories . . . going to school *twiches* Talents Isn't it the same as hobbies . . . see above ^ Silver Shadows
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hiya wow sorry I haven't posted in a couple days I was busy with school homwork and ohter stuff
anywho I really been into FMA latey and that might just be my next theme . . . so what do you think should I change it soon or what?
oh and I also came across this video on youtube you should check it out the song is from FMA "Brothers" and it is sung for the first time in english by the voice actor of Ed "Vic Mignogna" hope you like it, it made my eyes tear up I can tell you that much
eh sunday
Sunday's are so boring . . . so very boring. I mean there's not even any anime on during sundays
Naruto: It was good! YAY finally a good episode the exams started FINALLY that means were even closer to THE FOREST OF DEATH ONE OF MY FAVORITE PARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FMA: It was good too really really GOOD but I want sloth to die already DIE SLOTH DIE!!!!!!!!!! Comments (2) |
Saturday, February 18, 2006
hiya people!
today Momo's little sister is haveing her birthday party so Momo insited that I come so she isn't surrounded by 4-year-olds all day so yup I'm going
hopefully it's fun. oh BTW her sister is so adorable even though Momo might not think that but hey . . .
Eh uh yeah sorry bout yesterday's post I was kinda tried but I'm awake now!! see O.O
well once again I have to go to school, but it's not as bad today cause there a dance after school and I just might happen to go there
oh yeah my friend julia told me yesterday in study hall that she was going to wear a skirt today but she didn't wanna do it alone . . . so here I am typeing this while wearing a skirt yup she talked me into it but its ok I don't mind that much
hope you have a good day too! Comments (1) |
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Eh . . .
eh gotta go to school
so boring must *falls asleep* Comments (1) |
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Hiya wow somthins up with my internet all the front is like 5 times bigger then it should be . . . oh well as long as it works I don't really mind that much.
and so how is you day going? How was your Valentines day! good I hope . . . hey today is wednesday right that means lost is on me luv that show sooooooooo much AND IT BETTER BE A NEW ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <---- look lost picture YAY
well gotta go to school
have a good day
~ALA~ Comments (5) |
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentines day evey one!!!!
me so happy right now my Dad got me flowers! they're soooooooooo prettyful, and my friends got me flowers from school (they were sellin them)
My dad got me read and white ones, and I got pink ones from my friends
have a good day!
n.n this is from the movie (Naruto is trying to get the princesses atuogragh
eh back to skool with me I just can't wait for that (Note the sarcasism) well today in school Patty will bother me cause I didn't write anymore of the storiy he force me to write in the first palce . . . and I got a new binder cause me other one broke!
Yesterday my Dad took me to see the pink panther . . . and it actally was pretty funny if you get the chance I would recommend it to ya!!
well off to read fanfics
have a good day
~ALA~ Comments (2) |
Sunday, February 12, 2006
NARUTO: It was Ok not the best I've seen, In this Ep I think they intrduced to many Characters . . . well not for me cause I already no everything about almost all the characters so yeah for new fans of the show it could be kinda confuseing and they introduced Kabuto i HATE KABUTO YOU EVILLLLLLLLL TRATIOR (I won't spoil it fir you first time seers) but still I cannot wait to see the next episode where they start the written exam here's Hinata doing that finger thing
FMA: Now that is what I call a good episode, Al finally learns how to use the stone YAY . . . but I hope it doesn't kill 'em cause ya know that would be really bad . . . stupid Tucker trying to bring Nina back without her soul YOU SO STUPID YOUR THE ONE WHO KILED HER IN THE FIRST PLACE . . . whop else thinks tucker should die!! look it's a funny pic of Edo Comments (3) |
Saturday, February 11, 2006
n.n It's Saturday!!!!!!!!!!! YAY no school!!!!!!!!! (I hate school)
And everyone knows what saturday means (warning Ala is about to scream now)
Yay I can't wait till 9 when Naruto comes one
have a good day
ALA~ Comments (4) |