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myOtaku.com: Silver Shadows

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Image hosted by Photobucket.comhello peoples!!!!! . . . and how is ur day going? hey today is new years eve isn't it WOW I just realized that . . . hey that means today at 2:30 is the Naruto marathon . . . YAY!!!!
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today my plans are to . . . uh well sleep cause I didn't sleep at all last night, but momo on the other hand slept 4 hours!!!! (everyone know's your not supouse to sleep at a sleepover!!!!!!!

yup so I was up 4 hours all by myself in the basement!!!
anywho tomarrow will be a new year . . . That's cool I guess
well it's really kinda boring
and as u can tell sakura is very mad at naruto today . . . wonder what he did this time


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