mood-double WOOT! with knobs
song-before the dawn-evanescence
right, i'll start with the subject line-
this was urm...due to a comment said by emmah, which for her dignity i shan't repeat here (major laughnig fit all over* but, basicaly, the outcome was that girls shouldalways where a bra to avoid embarrasing feminintiy of the top half embarasment..XD
secondly, said emmah, has told me i should say who the declarations are too..
4)hitsugaya (i think lobe means love, ask libby..)
5)alex (not ilf, not any OTHER alexes in existance...person A alex...WHY ARE THERE SO MANY FRIGGIN ALEXES???
7)tony blair-biggest mistake to england
8)i can't remeber! *scratches head* oh, textiles! mrs poulton (teacher)
10) ellie
yeah, half those people are in my school...
and i have a wierd mind et cetera et cetera...
and onto today
`you raise me up to stand on moutains,
you rasie me UP so to walk on stormy seas...
lmao, yes, that has been sung sOO many times by us three today...well, more a shouted ij a very tone death sing song way XD god it was hilarious waiting for the train..i think i can safley say goodbye to my dignit and ave hello to the men in white coats....oh well, it was worth it!!
urgh..i have to do my room...i don't have to, i just fucked itup last night at 7 o'clock...the words
`ooh lets move my room around!` equals to really not good and i had to sleep in the lounge TT.TT and my brother gave me evils at midnight when he stumbled ni LATE and turned all the bloody lihts on *glowers* next time he's drunk i'm gonna yell at him to wake up...*shakes fist*
well, chinises...that was..okish..lmao
i had written
`wo xihuan alex` (which means i lvoe alex in chinese) in her planner and laura had crossed it out and put gina (alex's GF) and i'd forgotten about but remeber that lesson and ended up laughing about it and emmah asked what so i showed her and she saw what it said
(wo xihuan alexgina) and then glowerd at laura who completely forgot about it until we explainede several minutes later when i'd calmed down enough to say about was only so funny cause i shouldn't have been laughing and shoud have been saying the timein chinese instead XD ^.^
and then i got bored and stole emmah's pen and quickly put it in my hair (like, behind my hairband that's tying it up) and she was looking around for ages and i was nearly at the piddly diddly department with hystreics and laura was still bemused cause at this point, she hadn't a clue what we were laughing at(for once, it was me having the loon fit and not her) and then, i looked to the window thinking,
`well, she'll see the pen now...` wrong, she looked at the window as well causing me to choke on water (yes, water) and then, she continued lookng so, to calk myself down, i quickly pulled the pen out of my hair and held it in my hand and eventualy emmah looked back at me and saw it...some...ten minutes after i first stole the pen?? lmao...
i don't know how much longer we'l be allowed at the platform at evasham either cause, i was "being" semi normal and emmah was singing the
`you raise meup...` agian with laura REALLY loudly so i tried byig a ticket again to escape the madnosity of it all onlyto have declarations of love from emmah (you sure you don't fancy gina??) and..she also said the comment that i refuse to mention ealier leading to the subject line, but this elderly lady walked passed just as emmah said it and we got the funniest look ever!!
i'm a water melon....
and i did some more art to show everyone...NO HITSUGAYA!!! i did mew and another random doodle which i'll put thumbs up tomorow..lmao, but i did draw hitsugaya again to day...and something tells me i'll be sluaghterd if someone else head over heals in love with him finds it O.O
well i have wings and can fly so i'm FINE i hope...
omg...apranelty *looks on youtube* there's a `not gonna get us` by evanescene!! how has she done a tATu song?
well, i really cna't think i have anytyhing else to say so i'll put the usualy videos/lyrics/et cetera up and i shall part!! *hugs everyone*
P: ooh, the ichirin no hana huge hollow remix is pretty awesome!!
yes, it is yuri...;lesbianism..whatever you wanna call it, but the songs are awesome!!
and nostalgic...
ooh ooh!! emmah!! i think it was gatamon i was on about!! however..*watches amv*
1)what flavour crisp are your favourite (emmah, you cna't deny your liking for SOME crisps, ie, the beef hula hops or skips here)
2)have you ever sucked an egg? (egg, not an innuendo!!)
3) what's your favourite song?
4) what's your favourite book?
all right..i cna't think up an genious questions so...yea they're slightly patheitc *rolls eyes*
modit 2
i wan't gona do this, but my pics are up!1 in an hour!! woot woot!!
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