haha well, that subject line came from some random hyperactive conversation me emmanh and laura just had! bascialy...there's a saying in the georgia nicolson books that goes `it's nippy noodles` (it's cold) and emmah said NIPOLEANS! so i said it's nippy nipoleans...and it went on like that for a few mins....i just won't say it all cause you'll be bored!!
omg, she jsut said that hse might not be on theO for a while. NOOOOOOOO (emmah that is...can't rember who else i might have ben tlaking about. oh well)
oh oh!! my new artwork's up!!

Bad Boy Hitsugaya
Hosted By
haha! now go give it love!!
omg...that picture has some really bad influences on me!!!
and through me-emmah and laura. misses not innocent people.!! haha!!
well nothing has actualy happened today...things i could actualy say....
i had another dream about alex..and he was dying..actualy, i was fightin andam newman (a chav), and he held a gun towards alex and said `admit it, you love him, and your more scared of him dying than yourself` and i said and i said `no, he means nothing to me, yhe just dosn't need to die since it's me your fighting` and he moved the gun to my face and said `why are you not scared now?` and i said `i'm not scared of anytihng` and he turned the gun back on alex and shot so i screamed `no` and he aimed just passed alex meaning i had just admitted a fear and everyone knew about it. i dunno why i just told you. oh well.
oh the joy!
questions!! haha!!
1)what's the wierdest sandwhich flaviour you've ever had??
2)do you smoke?
ok that was random... *raises eyebrows at self*
3) does anyone have a coffe i could have?? like, NOW!!
4) parles vous francais? (yes emmah, i stole that oof you but since it was me that told you how to say it in the first place...., some of you didn't know what a lorry is..basicaly, it's a truck..i tihnk's that's right??

i think that's the best way for me to explain it!!
so, still not over alex.
not ill either. TWO DAYS OF BEING HEALTHY!!!!
not too bad i supopse...
*sighs* and i'm gonna do antoher picture of hitsugaya at some i should do a wallpaper for once.
*takes idea up*
i'll do a wallpaper next instead!! else can i bore ya to death??
i don't know
my headhurts.
no fair TT.TT
oh well, i shall leave y'all with a purty picture!!!!

well, sabai sabai!!
*emmah's stoned*
Dear my love, haven't you wanted to be with me
And dear my love, haven't you longed to be free
I can't keep pretending that I don't even know you
And at sweet night, you are my own
Take my hand
We're leaving here tonight
There's no need to tell anyone
They'd only hold us down
So by the morning's light
We'll be half way to anywhere
Where love is more than just your name
I have dreamt of a place for you and I
No one knows who we are there
All I want is to give my life only to you
I've dreamt so long I cannot dream anymore
Let's run away, I'll take you there
We're leaving here tonight
There's no need to tell anyone
They'd only hold us down
So by the morning's light
We'll be half way to anywhere
Where no one needs a reason
Forget this life
Come with me
Don't look back you're safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one's left to stop you
Forget this life
Come with me
Don't look back you're safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one's left to stop you now
We're leaving here tonight
There's no need to tell anyone
They'd only hold us down
So by the morning's light
We'll be half way to anywhere
Where love is more than just your name