Birthday 1990-08-19 Gender
Female Location Member Since 2007-01-13 Occupation Real Name
Achievements written two books, one of which is hopefully being published early next year ~ finished studying NVQ Level 3 Beauty Therapy ~ Run 3 Businesses Anime Fan Since November 05 Favorite Anime ~ PHD (phantasy Degree) ~ Bleach ~ .hack//SIGN ~ .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet ~ Love Hina ~ Final FantasyVampire Knight Death Note
Goals businesses =) Hobbies travelling learning languages writing art and walking Talents walking.... writting, fashion, art silver star rose
Friday, May 4, 2007
mood-ill song-wishing on a star-rose royce book-across the nightingale floor-lian hearne
ok, it's not letting me put a new post up for some reason. WHY??? it's still not letting me out wallapers up either TT.TT
hmm...saturday in briefest: was in tescos express ni the tow where i live with larua...and, i was looking for JAKE not alex, but anyhoo, i saw gareth tlaking to one of the staff and thouht `oh no, general horn....` and then, i looked again andone of his freinds, rob, had suddenly appeared! i have no idea where form. anyway, i picked company (a magazine) up and said `i really wnat that dress, it's so purty` to laura just as gareth swung his arms around and made me jumpa round and who should be wlaking right behind me but alex??? thankfully, he either didn't notice or is officialy ignoring me...
hten when me and laur awere going to the park abotu two minutes later, i went `oow ow my thumb` and leapt like a loon cause the nail had broken but not come off and was digging ni and...generally hurting...and then alex dorve past (Like he always does) and i jsut stared at it passing by for ages without even realising it!!! and rob saw TT.TT
oh well, no school tomorow as it is a bank holiday!!! *dances around the maypole*
hmm...oh and i have no idea WHY i randomly feel sick. i jsut do. and it's not nice.
emmah-you know the day you fell down a whole? (dear lord i sound like a gran telling the kids a bed time story) and i had something which i shared around? adn then rosie mentioned coke...i think it made me ill!!! TT.Tt but wouldn't it have actualy come out the system by now?
mood-HAHAHA song-umbrella-rhianna
hmm..where to start with today??
ok, school/college really was a pointless task. i hadn't done my textiles SOO i decided i wouldn't go...therfore i couldn't go to art as there were 3 people in my art class in my textiles MEANINg i couldn't go to tutor cause two people in my tutor were in art...and also in i got in late...then i felt really ill towards lunch and didn't go to general studies...which i was actualy plannig on going to..but ya know...i just didn' i uh...didn't go to ANY lessons today...oh pleases tell me they won't ring my parents????
ok, i dont fancy alex AS much as i used to..just kinda fancy the hell off him sligtly. i still like jake...A LOT. a lot a lot...crazy dream *manic laughter*
BUT, you know i kept embarrasing myself infront of him?? (alex, not jake...yet) mighta notcied THAT this hadn't happend for a while.
ok, yesturday-emmah shouts `jane loves you alex!`, `jane wants to get into your pants alex!` and `HI ALEX!` know, he wasn't far away, you know i think he might have heard it all..oh and she screamed like a loon infront of him. she did hurt her self, she's forgiven for that bit. ONLY THAT BIT. then i was wlaking out the common room, saw him and said loudly `i think we better GO emmah` and she walked passed and said `HI ALEX` in her radio emmah style voice. ooooooooooooh she's evil...tehe, well, next chinese lesson...or just whenever we see chris next (the bloke she fancies) i'll be getting her back. all the better if it's in a public place tbh...
ok, so today. i have a habbit of skipping through doors sometimes. i do that all the time. have done for four years. only today, alex happened to be the OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR when i skipped through it. god that must have scared him. it did. lmao.
i went to open it, but he did that before me, i was still mid air btw, and then, i was like `oh shi*****************it and plunged forwards (probably looking like i was about to fallover knowing my luck) and carried on walking as fast as i could to the female loos, and i heard him going `shi****t` behind me in a `oh dear lord` kinda voice.
so so far, i've been seen launching myself at poles and swiging around them (don't ask, jsut don't.) by him, running through doors and heading south by him (oo-er!)...have i missed anything????
oh, and we were on about the types of condoms you can's a spoof type thing ie: gillete condoms...the best a man can get
and i brought the burger one up which is actualy `burger king flavour....home of the big whoppers.` only i said `what a big whopper` in my insanity just as alex walked STRAIGHT infront of us. he has got to be death. or just very good at ignoring us by now..which is more probable...
oh and there was the horn song which goes `horn, horn, horn, horn, horn, horn, horn, horn, horny horn!` and apparenlty alex was boucning his head in time to it at one point, so we were all watching him walk and he didn't do it againn!! but he caught me watching him and i actualy don't fancy him that much any more which makes things even more amusing!!!
another crazy thing from today...
this song:
now put `horn` to every bit...kinda like hornhornhornhornhornhornhornhornhornhornhornhornhornhorn...etc
trust me, it's hard to sing that.
especialy when y're nearly pissing yourselves with laughter.
whihc me and emmah weer doing.
twa tres amusnat cause everyone looked at us funny.
don't know why of course...
and the dream. for emmah's benefit. feel fre to skip past it as it is..uh..slightly sexual.
ok, i was rnadomly dreaming abotu jake (not laex or gina FOR ONCE) and i was at his house, only, it was MY room we were in...and then, he didn't have any he was like `bugger` then his mum came in (at 12:54 am this is)(still in the dream) and said `i'm jus tpoppnig out to tescos, do you need anything?` and he replied with `yes, can you get me a pack of condoms please?` at whic point i was hiding my heaad in his pillow...and then she looked at him all motherly like and he said `well, at least i'm not risking anything!` and..that was kinda it.
emmah, ar you happy now???
and, a lot of you last night asked what ctrl-z meant. it's besicaly, say you were tpying,a dn you accidently deleted EVERYTHING, you would press the ctrl button, keep that pressed down and then press the z btton, and should undo everythng, giving the text back. likewise if you press ctrl-y, you would then delete all the text agian..or ctrl-a whihc slects all the text..and i'll just shut up abotu CTRLing now...
uh...i really don't have much else to say for now, so i shall once again try with the art work and talk to you all alter!! *hugs*