ok, it is soo long since i posted here!!! *pulss shocked face*
my art exam went ok, i'll let everyone know that, and i only have two exams left and they're one after the other (textiles)
i really will cry if i get Cs in anything thuogh, ui'm doing shitty so far....i kmnow i say art went alright, but after i handed my coursework and final peices in, i saw some of the other girls stuff and it makes mine look like dirt. oh well-Tufrey will be happy, he won't have me on the course next year.
hmm...yes i feel sick agian. i have done for a week and i'm not eating again. i also have ANOTHR doctors appointment on the 7th June (too far away for me) about it. but i might be getting the hyreditory condition afterall TT.TT
urh...i have today left to see alex. i most likley won't be in tomorow unless i can make, after today, i'll never see him again
and after all the near times to getting over him-i'm still in love with him TT.TT
ok, another longstanidng thing was a crazy dream i had for 16 hours long when i was bedbound cause of the illness kicking in...i wion't say what happened as i'll be here for a looooooooong time...
i keep crying thogh. what makes a depressed erpons depreseed? i better not be, but i keep crying all the tmie in bed and stuff, feel ill and not eating. or is it stress?? i dunno what i have, but i want it to go so i can EAT FOOD AGAIN
so that's all, i should be getting back to a myO scheme as i have now finished all my coursework for As and only have textiles exam left....oh and if dad is still gonna let me use the internet...
ja ne!! xx |