ill (still)
always-bon jovi
ok, well i have been to the doctors...i went in with dad today to try and book in and i got put in for an emergency appoitnment wiht a male octor (dosn't bother me) and that was at lunchtime.
got there for 12pm, waited 40 mins to get in (how boring)
but anyhoo-i am on a different mediaction, which when i go home, i shall try and hopefully *crosses fingers* it will work...
i have also been told that there is a very slim possibility that i could have an eating disorder. anorexia is out, though it is still up for consideration as my apetite is majorly out of order.
furthermore (god how technial term?) the other problem-Endometriosis (infertility) which there was a possibility of me having...that was also talked about today. and there actualy is that chance now asi have had simple checkouts. i'm in for a full blood test (OH LORD HOW MUCH I HATE NEEDLES) in two weeks time and then the doctors are going to be writting to the "woman's clynic" (there is a proper name begining with G but i cannae remeber now) and i'll be off to see them hopefully within the next month.
hmm....and i weigh 67 killos i tihnk it was...67 or 57. which is annoyingly underwieght. grr.
ok, enough of my health.
it is officialy the last day here for upper sixth and they'd gone before i got in to see them. but sarah (one of the newer mates as she only moved to the college last year) was still there and i said `i never got to alex today, and i'll never see him again...what am i going to do now?` and she said `go steal the bored off the wall?`
(the bored says `alex clifton is a fag` cause his mates are charming like that...) and i said `yeah..but...` and she walked over and took it off the wall and gave it to me saying `here, my gift to you...` so i now have that board *rofl* and i have to walk home ith it!!! hahahaha maybe i'll get over him now? but now i don't want to, so i'm confused...
hmm...emmah/laura: what are you doing tomorow? do yee wanna meet up? get on msn for 8ish or around!!!
ja ne!