extremely cold
blue-eifel 65

poem by moi:
looking through the mirror,
another wrold...
a better life...
maybe i should smash the glass,
end this life...
start it again...
blood blossoms on the carpet,
the shards of mirror scattered everywhere...
my life stops breathing...
grief almighty. i can't do
anything at college anymore! so annoying TT.TT can't get onto bebo through proxy servers BECAUSE they have disabled the dude in charge, so we can't enable the cookies. bum. i can't get onto anyone else's sight (unless emmah, you have inapropriate content in your post today??) facebook refuses to work. grr. *shakes fist at network*
oooooookay....sloxy works....woo beboness!! as far as the homepage anyway...scratch crashed -.-
omfg-it works. and i am now so bloody disturbed, i wish it didn't. some creepy gay just asked me out. ARGH! *runs and hides*
emmah, you are the only one with such insanity to save me.
ok, so...this would be the first time i have managed to get on a computer in soo long..again...i miss it! i miss you all!!
i may rant on here though...i haven't ranted for a while...
so...i had that went crudy really.
i don't have endometreosis....which i'm sure i should be happy about. but i'm not. not cause i want sympathy or anything, but because If i had had it, i would know what was wrong with me...
but the gynaeocologist has told me that i am perfectly normal and helathy.
perfectly normal and healtyhy my friggin arse!!! prime example of the case...who has periods (men excluded from this question) after 48 days one day, then 13 days later they have another period, then whatever the next time?
who also has crippling pains making them throw up, other bits i won't mention and also so incapable of lying down to sleep or sitting up..or just anything??
is that really a perfectly normal helathy girl? don't think so.
oh and periods are "supposedly" meant to get better as the years go by.
i happen to be the reverse of that.
and on top of that, my GP has said to not take the hell am i bipassing the medication! i actualy can't.
that's my ranting lol
i hate first buses.
ok, that too...
yeah that's about...suprisingly, the bus drove passed me. again. oh not just me either, i walked INTO town, where the bus is most definalty meant to stop, there twenty other people, and the bus drove straight passed! that is like the bus driving passed the flaming bus station!!
ok... well, i might get on the computer at home tomorow so i should hopefully *crosses fingers* get to comment you all tomorow. i hope i do, i owe you all it so majorly!!!
and i really want to read collage antics if i have a reply...suince i can't even check my friggin emails here anymore. grr.
oooh...i finally watched emmah's elfen leid DVDs so i am up to about episdoe...8ish...i think...i like it. a lot. ok not the female nudity bit ya know? but the stroyline's awesome ^^
mum nearly walked in on a naked part *laughs* so i had to rush up to my TV and press stop lmao
ooh and i just had another thought (ther are many coming my way today lmao, must be the kick i had this morning)..(i mean energy drink there, not actualy a kick!) well it's not a thought..more a kind of `ooh`. and grief i'm rambling like what'sherface from the georgia nicolson books. who emmah has likened me to many a time. beginign with J as well i think...
but yes anyway, i am on my second book now ^^
the first one is finished, that was 178 pages long ^^ and with the second one, i'm currently on page 60 somehing...*checks* 67!!!
and my lovely Vati is proof-checking over Angelie I demonie and he's about page 115 of it, so thne i get to go throgh it and change what's needed, sort out the front cover and voila! sne dit off to the publishers and get it done!! ^^
also, my dad said he'll pay for this one for me to get me started, then i pay for any others that follow. so it's ok i guess??
i just hope the book sells when it gets onto the shelves!!!
ooooooh!! i shall have to put the cover up here when i get on the computer and scan it in!! it is actualy awesome.
i would quite like to go back to PHS and shove it in my old art teachers face with the word `sir, i do NOT suck at art, i only suck at copying someone elses style. now gimme my other art book`
he lot one of ym art books.
i shouldn't really care ya know? i sucked at art really...what with my E grade...but i worked a whole sodding year on that damned book!!! a whgole f-in year and countless sleepless nights and he's fudging lsot it...also with the cheek to say `i do believe qwe had the problem of you not having a propper art case`
oh yeah? who embarassed me IN FRONT OF ALEX whilst there was me holding my PROPPER ART CASE asking for my art stuff to put it in...oh and also stood there holding ti when i asked about my lost book...and when he watche dme and chrissie trying to put both our coursework in it...stupid gay.
on note of alex-i saw him again the toher day!! (now has chris de burgh in my head...) not for much, really..but i had walked a mate bac kto the train station so she could go back to uni...and then, on going back passed PHS, i happened to look in and saw Al's car there lol...and yup, i broke in (i say broke in, you have to, i shall explain that in a minute...) and i walked passed him when i went to meet gareth who was just leaving...and then we were stood nattering away and Al came in and it was rather an akward silent minute *laughs*
i really do get excited over nothing a lot of the time!!
on breaking in...
i went to PHS about two weeks ago to propperly vist everyone and i went up with two mates, and one of them got caught, so he pointed at me so we both had to go and SIGN IN to our insultment whilst our other freind didn't even get noticed.
so, we trundled off to reception to sign in and then they said `why do you want to vist?`
hmm..lets think now...
then they said `you can only vist during lunch time` so we waited..and wiated...till the admirable*not* McKenzie came along and she said `oh well if you just waut about ten minutes for me, i'll show you up to the common room`
so we waited. again. and i thought `well how patronising? i was here for five years, in he common room for one year, i rather think i know the way...`
and finaly we got shown to the common room...and McKenzie siad `you can't wander around school, you have to stasy in the common room`
what? how are we meant to visit freinds NOT in 6th form? or teachers??
so naturaly, we buggered off out the common room...
and at the end of lunch time, she missioned to find us!!
not my other freind who got out of signing in...just me and my mate!
so annoying.
so really, i may pass on going back to visit PHS!!
but i wan tmy book back TT.TT
well, anywhoo, i have ranted enough methinks, i shall leave you all in peace now ^^
ja ne!! X-¢¾-X