song-in the arms of the angels-Sarah McLaughlin
ok, god only knows when i last posted hear, so much and absolutely nothing has happened since then.
in short up to now:
¢¼~ finished and passed my level 2 beauty therapy course
¢¼~ still working on at tescos
¢¼~ had a boyfreind
¢¼~ got dumped a week later (joy...)
¢¼~ fell out with emmah (again)
¢¼~ not entirely sure where i stand with emmah
¢¼~ have read some 12 books in 2 months...
¢¼~ somehow read the entirety of His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman in 3 days...
¢¼~ had a COMPLETELY random retro gaming night and drank a whole bottle of mead
¢¼~ oh yeah, i've fallen in love with mead now...not sur ethat's good...
¢¼~ given up smoking
¢¼~ started again
¢¼~ wondered what my life was actualy about
¢¼~ gone back to religion
¢¼~ given up on it again
that's hence the contrdictory first line...i've gone forwards to go backwards and start again in the near 6 months or so since i posted hear!
it seams like a lifetime ago, yes only yesturday i was psoting religiously here!!
anyhoo...the major eventof recently...
and will make me look like a madwoman...
what does everyone think on aliens?
i think they exist..
that's the warning to what comes next...
couple of nights ago, i was jsut minding my own buisness inb ed, close to dozing off when a bright blue flash went through my room (and it was definatly not lightening) (or someoen shinging a torch into my room) (or anything i cna fidn an explantion to)
anyway, i thought `what the hell??` and sat up and searched the sky for some flying thing, which wasn't there...only a star, that hadn't been there before...(and wasn't there lastniht either)
soooo, me being me and nowwide awake, i watched this star for about half an hour, willing ti to do something, and it did!!
i was jsut thinking of going back to sleep again when a laod of spangly green light shot out of it and into the sky. a really...acid green i guess.
the odd thing about that though, is that more or elss PRECISELY two years ago, me, emmah and another freind, chelsea, were camping out in my garden and both chelsea and i saw that same thing, in the same place.
so i carried on watching it
nothing happened for a while, then as i my eyes were blurrig, i noticed to sudden, bright white flashes in the sky...thrguh clouds, and i noticed that there was cloud everywhere around this light and the two flashes, so i shouldn't have seen them, but i did.
also at that point, the wierdest hting happend to me. as i was watching, everything but the light wen completely grey, than blank. when i realised the state of mind...or whatever it wa, i was in, i suddenly thought `sh*t` and everything was normal, except i had gone deaf!!
i couldn't stop it either so i went to sleep with my ears tingling.(but woke up complelty normal again)
i also watched as a tiny orange light moved under the "star" and dissapreaded suddenly.
as did the "star" only to suddenly reapera and start swaying in the sky and flicker madly for half an hour before disapearing completely.
the gollowing night, the star was there again, and for two hours i kept hearing bits of my music played ogether, aong with a really hard to describe sound sor tof like someone really relaxed breathing quietly, with someoen singing in a foreign language, yet not at all there!
i asked mum if the TV downstairswas on, but she said no, and it was still only music i listened to...
all in all...
aliens ad madness aside...
i think, i hesitate in saying it, i THINK, i maye be getting over alex...
there's a guy i saw at work that made me loose myself completly last night! we were talking for half an hour apparently, as rich said when i went back on tills, and i kept forgetting what i was doing!
i couldn't stop giggling either, i wasn't watching what i was doing and i kept knocing things over or onto the floor when i was trying to face the shop up!
how to give a good impression...or not! lol
anyhoo, i think i've rambled enough.