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Canada, eh?
Member Since
Real Name
Anime Fan Since
Like , since Astroy boy was on global... (age 4)
Favorite Anime
currently Yu-gi-oh (Inu Yasha and Slayers are up there)
own my own comic series, and junk
drawing, studying ppl, listening/making music, writing, drama
Drawing, writing, music, drama
| Silver The Kid
Hey, I'm Silver. I've been drawing since forever (haven't we all) but I really got into it around the time I was 13. Started with Kojiro, from Pokemon. From that, it was Dragonball with Zarbon (an obscure character I know but meh.) Then I got out of control anime crazy. My current fave is Yu-gi-oh for some bizaar reason- I blame Jounouchi- actually I blame my best friend. Her older sister gave her an old Shonen Jump from 1997 or something from Japan (they're WAY bigger then the ones we get here) and I was like "hey! that guy [Yami-yugi] looks cool!" then it came to Canada so I just HAD to watch. I found I didn't actually like yugi that much at all though. haha. Jounouchi is my fave with Honda and Mai as second. (Jou/Mai fan thanks) I'm also a big batman geek. Heaven help me, I need to grow up. haha! Not!

Thursday, July 27, 2006
In my slightly buzzed state of mind i am a genious. i figured out my my comp crashes all the time when i go to my own site here. MIDIS. computers seem to be unable to handle midis lately.
Thanks Jou-yasha! i can;t wait to see it!
I remembered my love for astroboy and slayers recently. In astroboys case, i was randomly singing the theme song, and was shocked at how i could have remembered it. So i looked it up and its the best theme song ever. like for not coolness. its so cool cuz its not cool. as for slayers, i baught the Slayers NExt series... and i was sooo inlove all over. Lina inverse... my first female anime idol... she's just the best
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Its sooo like me
I come back here, with full intentions to come on at least 2 times a week...then I don't come back on till like a few weeks later. gr. Anyway, Its been hecktic, what with all th traveling back and forth between ottawa and Toronto. Last weekend was Anime North, in Torotno, I didn;t go, but my friend did. I've gotten tired of the Anime North... Its too busy, too far, too expensive and too much. I'll be going to the ottawa COn this year to sell some art work... that should be a nice change for me. I'll actually (maybe) make money this year!
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Friday, May 12, 2006
Hello again
Its been some time. Well thats simply because ( as i always say) I'm a busy bee. currently, i'm working on making art to sell at the Ottawa anime convention, which is what brought me on here. I went to the Otaku boards to ask fans who they thought the (for lack of a better word to describe what I mean) bitchiest anime girl was. well, like i wrote B!tchiest, cuz I thought "hmm i dunno if swearing is permitted" but apparently fake swearing is ALSO forbidden! as well as pretty much everything i did in that post. whoopses...:( so my thread was deleted like right away and I found out NOTHING. drrr. so, even though hardly anyone looks at my page here, I'm hoping there are a few people who will glance at this and tell me who is thier favourite, or the bitchiest girl in anime, and what show they are on.
I should tell you why i want to know... I'm making a series of magnets with that age old slogan "you say i'm a bitch like its a bad thing" and I have 3 already but i want a diverse selection. If you think of one, tell me!
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Whats goin on?
I'm really just confused here- but thatsmy fault for harldy commin on here. Like taking 3 month hiatuses here and there. Now I only come on to check my msgs. Now, most people who look at my art realizes I mostly do Yu-gi-oh art. I'm like lost though cuz not many of the ol' yugioh crew is still posting. Like Yugioh use to get like tonnes of new pics per day and now its like hardly added to. Is it suddenly the uncool thing these days? Where did people go? I mean its cool if no one cares about Yu-gi-oh anymore, cuz like honestly the show is going no where, but really! wheres all the people? Non of the ppl on my friends list seem to even EXSIST anymore. fill me in! whats the scoop?
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
whos back? not the backstreet boys! well they are back but who cares. I sure don't. Um anyway, yea so i have highspeed internet agian so i can actually post stuff once more. i'm going to catch my 400 votes! hahaha! i'm obsessed with this catching of the 100's buisness.
anyway i posted one new pic today. its from a fic i did, oh so many months ago about Jounouchi getting involved with his old gang and getting addicted to heroin and having bad trips and stuff. i think its a good, mature audience read. if your interested, send me a line and i'll hook ya up with it. but only if ya wanna.
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