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the first time i ever watched sailor moon n other typical anime
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
Sword fight ! part 1
(A quite peaceful day, with absolutely nothing to do...)
Me : *swinging my sword around* Hya! (swoosh) ha! (swoosh)
Kurama : *lowering his book "mythology of middle earth"* ... Wat are u up to now?
Me : Ha! (swoosh) o, heya kurama! (swoosh) just practicing my sword skill! (swoosh)
Kurama : I can see that...but what for?
Me : W-ell, i was kinda watching my 'Lord of the Rings' vcd, n i kinda got inspired to practice on my sword again. A-nd, i was thinking of challenging hiei.
Kurama : (@o@)!!! HIEI?! U crazy?! u've definitely read yu yu hakusho right?! hiei can kill u!!
Me : (^_____________^)
Kurama : ...The way u r smirking is really scary...
Me : Hehe-! Your wrong kurama! hiei cant kill me!
Kurama : What makes u so sure?
Me : Just sit and watch! *skips to where hiei is*
Kurama : *muttering* Sit and watch u getting beheaded?? *thinking* ... hmmm...
Me : HIEI~!!!!!!
Hiei : *jumps up with fright*!!!!... !@#$%^&*%@ can u at least knock?!
Me : *looks at the entrance* ...there is no door u know...
Hiei : *also staring at the entrance* ... ... Hn! so, wats ur buissness here?
Me : (^_^)
Hiei : ????
Me : Hya! (swings my sword in front of hiei)
(Hiei dodges real quick, and pulls out his sword)
Hiei : Hn. so, u wanna fight with me ya? well, lets see how much u improved!
(Fighting, fighting, etc.etc ...which continues for about 2hours)
Hiei : *pant pant* Hn. not bad.
Me : *pant pant* Thank you
Hiei : So, u think u can try to beat me this time?
Me : Lets see then! Ha! (swoosh)
Hiei : (about to raise his sword... ...)
Kurama : Hiei-! Yukina-chan is here-!!
Yukina : Connichiwa-
Hiei : (@_@)! *drops his sword*
(and unfortunately, i hit him real hard on the head, knocking him unconscious)
Me : *looking down at hiei, then looks up* (-.-)...ahem, dear readers, since hiei is knocked out n cant continue with the fight, this story would be continued tomorrow! *bows*
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Friday, June 18, 2004
Heya----!! I'm back! ...for a while
heya! its been a while since i last posted! ya!! haha! nice to post agian! yep! very nice very nice! (^U^). its been only a short while but seems like a very long time. time flyes~! (?) actually, i was only gone for a while, but dint really bother posting til now! :P anyway, a few times i went on otaku n was wandering around ya? i kinda saw many CG fanarts. most were quite good. but honestly, i never really appreciated CG animation. the traditional drawings are still the best! tells pple how skilled u can be at drawing. CGs, i mean, many pple can do it no prob right?? i donno. but for me, i definitely prefer the traditional drawings! looks better too! (^O^) (my opinion so dont be offended, CG pple who are reading this now!) anywho-, glad to post again. it is fun! :P
Kurama : Miyo-!
Kurama : *Waving and running towards me* Okaeri-!
Me : *Waving back* (^O^) Tadaima kurama-!
(For pple who dont know Jap, okaeri = welcome someone back, tadaima = ...a respond to okaeri :P)
Kurama : So
Me : so?? wat?
Kurama : Hows ur fanart coming by?
Me : Hehe-! drew quite a few already!
Kurama : *applauds*
(out of nowhere roses fly on me)
Me : *scratching my head* but i'm not exactly finished colouring them yet! :P
Kurama : *falls flat on face* m(_ _)m ....
Me : Ahahaha--- (^O^) *Helping kurama up*
(n suddenly a huge 'SWAT'!!!!! on me head)
Me : Ouchi! Wadda heck u did that for hiei! ur s'pose to welcome me back!
Hiei : Hn. It's gonna be a heck less peaceful around here since ur back now...just try to keep the volume down! *walks away*
Me : *Rubbing me head* ????????
Kurama : Ahaha. Dont worry. That's his way of showing how glad he is!
Me : Glad of wat??! Giving me a knuckle sandwich??
Kurama : no. i mean he's glad to have u back!
Me : (@_@) hiei?! ha! ur joking!
Kurama : *smiling* no, i'm not. *thinking*...i think he is the way, why do i only see 5 fanarts now??
Me : O-well, i deleted the uncoloured fanarts. maybe i'll put them back later when i colour them!
Kurama : (-_-)...well, at least i dont haf to see that
*tweet* karasu anymore...
Me : O, but u'll see him later soon! i'm gonna colour him!
Kurama : (@_@)
Me : Hehe-, n just in case u dint notice, i added a pic of inuyasha, kouga n sesshoumaru together!
Kurama : Ya! i noticed. not bad! *whisper* ... but did u draw hiei yet??
Me : er-... *sweat drops again* but hey come on! i dont really haf time to draw hiei!
Kurama : *desperate* shhhh!!
Me : Besides, *voice getting louder* i never really liked drawing spikey hair, dressed in all black pple! waste my precious ink!
Kurama : SHHHH!! u want hiei to kill u?!
(Kurama & me can feel hiei's youki getting angryily strong for no reason) (??)
Me : ... ... (^O^) well! gotta scram! do more colouring!! bye!
Kurama : *forcing a smile* cya!
(Kurama walks into the room where hiei is...)
*BANG!!!!!!!!!* (huge explosion) (plants and stuff flying in all directions)
Me : (@_@)!! ... *turns around, run away with full speed, screaming like a little girl*
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Saturday, June 12, 2004
no posting for a while
Kurama : ... Miyo, waddya mean 'no posting for a while'?
Me : well, wad u think?
Kurama : @_@ Ur not gonna come to Otaku for a while?!
Me : Ya-. just for a few days. I'll be concentrating drawing some more fanarts! dont worry! i'll be back soon! *counting* still colouring some of my originals, inuyasha sesshoumaru n kouga, n still colouring u n karasu.
Kurama : (-_-) karasu...that creepy sadistic guy...
Me : Hehe-. dont worry! not drawing any yaoi stuff!! ... ...
*quickly hide behind kurama, searching around*
Kurama : ????? u ok?
Me : ...Where's Hiei??
Kurama : Oh Hiei! haha. Remember he tried to kill us the other day? he kinda used up his youki by letting the kokuryuuha run loose!! he's still sleeping!
Me : Oh! *whew* (wipes sweat) well! pple on otaku who knows me, i'll be leasving ya for a while! (if u even care) byebye! *Waving*(^O^)
Kurama : Sayonara-!! *Waving*(^u^) Come back soon!
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
i was just here is one pic of gensomaden saiyuki for the saiyuki fans i found on the net!! man! sanzo & hakkai are soo *drool*! i see a lot of sanzo and hakkai about goku (monkey) or gojyo (ero kappa?) fans??

Hiei : *Smacks me on the head with his fist*
Me : Itai itai itai! (Owowow!) Wat the HECK did u just do that for?? (ToT)
Hiei : Your s'posed to put up the pics of 'yu yu hakusho'! Wat are those prettyboys doing there??
Kurama : Haha. Dont worry Miyo. Hiei is just really pissed off lately..
Hiei : Well, she said she's gonna put up some of OUR pics n she shows this 'gen so mad and side-walky'...
Me : 'Gensomaden Saiyuki'
Hiei : (-.-) Hn! ya, watever.
Me : Okok... ... *type type type*
happy now???
Kurama : (-u-) ...*About to burst out laughing*
Yuusuke & Kawabara (out of nowhere) : (^O^) (^@^) BUA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Me : Ahahahahahahahahahaha! Haha! Happy now?!
Me : By the way Kurama, y have u got a plaster on ur face?
Kurama : Remember the other time when i was trying to rescue u, i held back hiei?
Me :
Kurama : That was how i got the scratch. Hiei nearly sliced me then! Close shave (^^)... ...!!!!!
Hiei : *very balcky purple aura surrounds him* ... ... ...
(Kurama grabbing my hand & run with full speed)
Me : Huh?? wat?! y r we running??
Kurama : Look back but just keep on running!!!
Me : *looks behind* (@_@) !!!!!!!!
(Hiei changed into the green devil with many jagan!!!)
Me : (-_-)lll O dear...
*Running, running, running, etc.*
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
Yay! New Fanart! .....*i think it's a way*
woohoo! after these long weeks, i final got ONE fanart on my site! not exactly new but hey! coloured! (^W^)
the pple who knew me earlier, u all surely noe i dont have a scanner so the pic quality aint good...
and sorry for the pple who JUST knew me BECAUSE the pic quality aint good...
well, i'll try to draw more if i can!
Kurama : *looking surprised* Hmm...not bad for the drawing with me in it!
Me : That because its U kurama!
Hiei : (-.-)...where am i?
Me : (@_@)*sweat drops*...A-hahaha-! I'll try to draw u soon or later!
*Me running away like a loonatic, before Hiei kills me either with his sword or his kokuryuuha, while Kuramam is holding Hiei back*
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Monday, June 7, 2004
Uh oh... ...(-.-)
hey everyone! okok (^O^) for the pple who read my first few posts, they MIGHT remember me having a sword. (or lets just say JUST NOW), i was kinda praticing my sword skill with my sword *duh* (wooden), n i kinda lost control n flung the sword onto the wall in my room...and...uh...i think i;ve made a HOLE in the wall... (ToT)
my apartment is RENTAL! (the worst part) so, every bit n dit of crap or cratch, we have to pay for it. so~ looking at the size of the mom aint gonna be too happy. (ToT)
Me : Kurama~ tasukete-! wat should i do??!!

Kurama : (thinkin) Hmmmm...y dont u just tell ur mom n say 'sorry'?
Me : @_@ Wat?! N get myself yelled at for an 1hr?! no way ho say! she'll skin me alive!
*me, running around my room, sceaming my head off, finding a solution*
Me : (suddenly stopped with a bulb light on my head) (@U@) Hey! I know!
*i go to the wall with the hole, take a HUGE sticker, n sticks it!*
Kurama : (-.-)... dont u think that sticker is a bit TOO obvisous??
Me : (^O^) Nah, its ok! My mom can be quite thick sometimes!
Kurama : ...*muttering & frowning* thats not very nice u know
Me : ...*pussy in boots face* (closing up onto kurama)
Kurama : Okok! i wont tell her! but stop looking at me like that!
*starting to blush again*
(^U^) hehe. ain't kurama cute? ANYWHO-, i think i'll really be dead if my mom finds this out! but i wont be the only one! My dad used his golf club for his puttin practice n made 2 holes at the bottom of the wall too!! heehee =(^w^)=
Hiei : Aho(Idiots)...
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Thank You!!!!!!! (^U^)
now firstly, i'd like to say THANK YOU to 'sailor firestar' for her generous help to put up pictures on my web!! *sigh...kurama!* (i'm going crazy) anyway, thank you! thank you!! i luv ya!!!!!! (i'm not gay for ur info...i prefer guyz)

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