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myOtaku.com: silver wing

Monday, June 28, 2004

   ... ...some disturbing yu yu hakusho stuff i found on the net...
Me : Hey kurama! Hey Hiei! I'm back!!

Kurama : *waving* Heya!!

Me : So, how was yuusuke and kuwabara-kun?

Kurama : Oh, they're doing fine!

Hiei : (-.-)Ya...until yukina came by to genkai's temple and kuwabara started going dumb

Me : (-_-)...o-k-

Kurama : Anyway, had fun?

Me : Obviously! It was great! Anyway, i was reading some posts on myotaku and also kinda searching around for more yu yu hakusho pics just now. ...*hesitates for a while*

Hiei : ? ...Well?

Me : I found a few QUITE distubing doujinshi about you and kurama...

Kurama & Hiei : (@.@)

Me : Anyway, what is doujinshi??

Hiei : How the heck will i know?!

Me : Kurama?

Kurama : *shrugs*

Me : ? Then why do u guys look so shocked?

Kurama : Um...in what ways do u mean by 'QUITE DISTURBING'??

Me : *facing the audience now ...meaning i'm facing U* dont read from here onwards if u are sensitive to this type of ... ...stuff!

Me : Anyway, many of this doujinshi stuff of yu yu hakusho are based on shounen-ai

Kurama : *moving away* ...i hope you're not going to say what i think you're going to say...

Me : Its a shounen-ai stuff on u and hiei...

Kurama : *muttering* i knew it...

Hiei : *falls flat on the floor on his face*

Me : I dont really like those yaoi (is it right?) stuff, but to satisfy my curiousity...i kinda looked at a little of it...and MAN!! its was HELL DISTURBING!! so many of that *toot* between kurama and hiei!

Kurama : Some pple have sick minds...

Me : I agree. And the worst part is that u (kurama) are more forceful and hiei *glance at hiei*...

Hiei : *glances back*

Me : ...hiei is always the weak one...so...um...u know...hehe...i'll leave it to your imagination

Hiei : WHAT?!?!?!

Me : Whoa! I'm not saying that u are weak! But the doujinshi stuff seems to be that way!

Hiei : Hn! U're lying!

Me : Wanna go and see for yourself?

Hiei : Fine! *searches the net for yu yu hakusho doujinshi*

(10 moinutes passed)

Me : Well??

Hiei : ...*walks to the other room lifelessly without saying a word*

Kurama : ...Its can't be THAT bad can it?

Me : Maybe u should also go and see for yourself...

Kurama : *looking back at hiei* ...no. no, it'ok.

Me : ... ...

(and everything goes silent)

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