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myOtaku.com: silver wing

Tuesday, July 6, 2004

   Cruelty to Animals!!! ...and other stuff
Me : (*.-) ... ...

Kurama : So... you ok?

Me : *replies in a daze * Huh?

Hiei : Kurama meant by, how is your blue black eye *smirksmirk*

Me : You're really getting meaner by the day Hiei!

Hiei : You are most welcome! *smirk*

Kurama : *a BIT irritated* ...so how was your unstitching?

Me : *quite scared now* Oh, sorry kurama. It was ok. Not that painful. Just felt like a red ant bite (ow~)

Kurama : Haha. Glad to hear that.

Me : Glad to hear that it was painful?!

Kurama : (-.-) No, that's not what i meant! Anyway, what's new?

Me : Oh ya!! You know what?!

Hiei : How the heck are we s'pose to know what?

Me : ... ...ANYWAY-, yesterday i was reading my e-mail ya?

Hiei : Wow. You mean people actually posts to you?!

Me : *sticks tongue out* Just shuttup & listen!

Hiei : Hn *smirk*

Me : Anyway-, i was reading my mails yesterday and ryo...um...MA JR, sent me this petition(?) letter! It was a letter to close down this really cruel website!

Kurama : What was the website about?

Me : It's called 'Bonsai kittens'! Read this!

[Here is one of the e-mail petitions to stop this nonexistent (and impossible) practice:

To anyone with love and respect for life:

In New York there is a Japanese who sells "bonsai-kittens." Sounds like fun, huh? NOT! These animals are squeezed into a bottle. Their urine and faeces are removed through probes. They feed them with a kind of tube. They feed them chemicals to keep their bones soft and flexible so the kittens grow into the shape of the bottle. The animals will stay there as long as they live. They can't walk or move or wash themselves. Bonsai-kittens are becoming a fashion in New York and Asia.

See this horror at: http://www.bonsaikitten.com (this site is sooo sad) Please sign this e-mail in protest against these tortures. If you receive an e-mail with over 500 names, please send a copy to: anacheca@hotmail.com

From there this protest will be sent to USA and Mexican animal protection organizations. If you send this to your friends: Use the copy/paste method in a NEW e-mail to keep this readable....]

Kurama & Hiei : ... ... ...

Me : Cruel isn't it?! Wait 'til I go n scrunch those *tooots* into a jar and make them live eternity!!

Kurama : I agree. I really love cats. I am definietely going to vote for the against!!

Hiei : Kurama, i didn't know you even liked cats!

Kurama : Started liking them when Kuwabara-kun showed me his cat! Quite adorable.

Hiei : (-_-) o-k-...

Me : I really wanna KILL those kitty-stuffing BASTARDS!!!!! *roar fire from mouth*

Hiei : Ok! Cool it!

Me & Kurama : *turns to hiei* ...*giggle* ... ...buhahahahaha!

Hiei : ????

Me : Oh man! It's the first time hiei ever told me to COOL it! Oi, hiei, i think you should cool yourself first!

Hiei : (-_-)+

Me : *behaving like donkey in shrek* HA---, hiei is telling me to cool it! HA---!

Hiei : Oi, Kurama

Kurama : Yes?

Hiei : Do you have any LARGE glass bins?

Kurama : I think so

(walks away to get it)

1 minute passed

Kurama : Here *hands hiei* a LARGE glass bottle* ...um...what are you going to do with it? I somehow have a BAD feeling about this...

Hiei : ... ...

(walks towards me, lifting the bin above my head)

Me : (O.O)

Kurama : (@.@)

Hiei : Instead of a cat, i think YOU'D be a much better bonsai decoration

Me : AHHH! *runs behind kurama, clinging on to him*

*kurama fangirls screaming at the back*

Me : Kurama~! Hiei's bullying me~!

Kurama : Ok you two, stop it before i really get pissed...

Hiei & Me : (@_@) *freezes on the spot* ...yes sir

Kurama : *smiles* Good! Now, let's change the subject. How's your fanart coming along?

Me : ...ok. I think...youko kurama will be finished soon...and i think someone requested something too...waitaminute

*type type type type*

Me : Here it is! ...Ok, sender [kuramalover4ever]. She wants kurama...

Hiei : Hn, again?!

Kurama :Pretty popular among the girls aren't i?

Me : She wants a pic of kurama in a cat suit...

Hiei & Kurama : (@o@)

Me : Haha! Thats cute! That should be quite easy too!...But i wonder how she wants it to be like...

*ahem ahem* talking to the screen- hi kuramalover4ever! (man, that's a long name :P) i can draw your cat kurama! but how do you want it to be? Young/normal kurama? Boy/girl?

(kurama swaps my head)

ouchi!... ...okok, um, just gimmi a brief description and your order will be there in a couple of days! Thanks ya!

Kurama : *crackling knuckles* boy or GIRL? Do i still look like a girl to you?!

Me : Er- no. But just wandering! C'mon! You don't look too bad as a girl!

Kurama : And just to tell you, i don't have any interest in costume play!

Me : Buuu- *thumbs down* but i need a model!

*fangirls screaming at the back*

Kurama : (-.-)+

Hiei : *smirk* Oi kurama, lets say that we just stuff her in this bin huh?

Me : (@0@)!! KYYYAAAAA----!! *runs away, screaming like a little girl,...again*

(stops running)

Me : *puts hand in front of hiei & kurama* HOLD IT!...okok, i'm sorry. *type type type*
Happy now?

Hiei & Kurama : ...

Me : Well?

Kurama : *snicker*

Hiei : *smiling* Hn

Kurama : Ahahaha! You really thought we'd be angry??

Me : So you guyz are not?

Hiei : Man, how thick can you get! *locks my neck and scrunching my hair up*

*hiei fangirls screaming at the back*

Me & Hiei & Kurama : (-_-)lll

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