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High school junior, fanmom/girl
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Shiko-chan or Picklemiester, Ruler of Limbo
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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note, Naruto, Chobits, Pokemon, Digimon (I'm a little kid at heart, what can I say?), Final Fantasy games, Tales of "..."games...actually, lots of video games. XD
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Listening to Jrock, drawing, writing, playing video games, being a fanmom
Drawing and people usually say good things about my little stories...
| Silver Wolf Shiko
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Friday, September 16, 2005
It's My Birthday!
Yes, today, September 16th, 2005, is my 15th birthday...and I had three tests and a quiz...hopefully I did good on all of them. In case none of you knew, I made a little clay tanuki-thing rattle in ceramics. I finished painting him today...he has the kanji that reads 'fire' on his back...he's cute! I'll see if I can take a picture of him with a digital camera and post it...dunno'.
This morning I got a little Halloween charm bracelet and a really cool necklace! It has a chain that alternates between being round and rectangular, then three rings that say 'Dream', 'Integrety', and 'Serenity'. I love it!
Sunday we're having a little party with some of my friends and family. Then at 2 o'clock, Kayla, Jessica, and I are going to Correctionville to paint our window at Driftwood Pizza for Homecoming...It's gonna take forever...*sigh*
On the gaming frontier, I've gotten far in Tales of Symphonia...I have Zelos Wilder in my party now! God, he's friggin' funny! And a total smart-ass flirty shmexy-pants...yummy!
"I'm just too pretty...really!"~Zelos Wilder
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Monday, September 12, 2005
Boohyako, man! That was friggen awesome! it's Monday...big whoop! I was busy yesterday! ^-^
Did anyone else watch Naruto Saturday night? I know I did...I suffered my little brothers claw marks to watch the rest of the second episode...He peeled some skin off...*rubs arm* Alot of people were saying how horrible the dub is, but I don't really care...I'm just glad I could watch it!
Yesterday I went canoeing in the Little Souix (Pronounced "sue") River with Kayla and her dad...Lots of fun! We found alot of shells and old bones, and I caught a little frog! He was the sheezy! lol! I named him Poly. I tried to let him go a few times, but he wouldn't leave...he just sat there on my fingers...I loved me!! lol!
I just left him in a little inland puddle where alot of bugs were...I mish him now...*sob* I also almost crushed a fish looking for shells! I was on my hands and knees feeling around in the sand, and when I went to get up, the fish wriiggled like crazy and I screamed and jumped and was scary...then I slopped around in the mud with my was all squishy...
I got totally fried though...everywhere but where my bikini was, I got fried...It hurts...alot...Well...I have to go to school now...and not let anybody touch me...ouch!
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
Cookies!!!! *chomp*
Yup! Tomorrow I get cookies from one of my friends in ceramics for my birthday (next Friday)! She's already making some for 'Yoda', who's birthday is Saturday. Kaylas brother made up that nickname for Josh and it just stuck...heheheeeh! He's a nice guy too...*ahem*
I forgot to mention some things in my last post! At out library, we have manga! Volumes 5-10 of Rave Master. I've read 5, but whoever has 6 hasn't returned it yet...makes me so pissed off...
Also, a point of intruiging of my friends' boyfriend has NO belly-button...AT ALL...He was showing us everyone one day and he doesn't have one!!! It's weird! I have to get off now, but I'll try to post sometime tomorrow...Pep rally, ahoy!...^-^;;;
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Monday, September 5, 2005
I should have been born a blonde...
I have fully recovered from shopping yesterday, so I will tell you guys everything I got and where I got it.
One pretty kind of oriental-ish looking sleeveless shirt and a grey zip-up hoodie (Old Navy)
White InuYasha T-shirt (Suncoast)
Two pairs of jeans, two hoodies, two T-shirts, and four pairs of undergarments *ahem* (Aeropostal)
Black sorta' lacey skirt (Wal-mart)
Black FMA T-shirt (Hot Topic)
Tales of Symphonia video game (!!!!) (K-mart)
We also got free Burger King from the manager because she said it was taking so long! She was awesome! Thank you whoever you are!
Thanks for helping me, Lindsey (I splet it right!)! The place looks alot better now!
Ah, yes...about today's title...Last Monday, I went to school and everything with my new backpack and binder my dad had gotten me. I got on the bus to go home and realized I had forgotten my house key! I figured, "Oh well, there's a garage door opener in the truck..."
We (me and my two younger brothers) got home and looked for the wasn't in the truck! We tried everything to get in, but we eventually gave up and just sat around and read. We deciede to go up to the front of the house, scince Drew (eldest) had to go to practice soon. We sat up there and waited, when Kayla and her mom show up! I break down into tears because I'm so happy they're here, then Robin (Kayla's mom) explains that my mom had called and figured I had forgotten my key, so she asked if she could go 'rescue' us...
That goes down as the biggest blonde moment in the world for me...And then Mrs. Bauman totally burned Nick in Civics...
Nick is a total fat and incompetent idiot whom lies and eats alot. Everyone hates him. And I mean it. He is on upperclassmen hit-lists. He also called me a slut in 7th grade, and I havn't forgiven him since. Proves I hold grudges, huh?
Well, in class, we were answering Mrs. Baumans' questions and studying, when Nick starts argueing with one of the guys sitting across from him. Nick gets in trouble and has to stand up for the rest of the class. He decides he's tired of standing and attempts to crouch, but ends up falling over, and almost toppling a desk.
"Did you see that?!" someone said.
"Yeah! I felt the earthquake!"
That was Mrs. Bauman...Everyone laughs their heads off and she becomes everyones (but Nick that is) heroine of the day.
That's pretty much it...hope you guys enjoy the new layout, and thanks again, Linds!
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
Long time, no post
As you can see, I'm "attempting" to get a new layout going. September's theme is FMA...I think I'll draw a piccy of Ed or something...dunno'...Does anyone know how to get a background up? Lindsay, I'm mostly asking you...^-^;;;
"What's been happening lately?" you ask? Well, I'll post what's been happening on Monday, cuz' I'm going to Ohmaha to go shopping tomorrow. Today my cousins from Garner (Northern Iowa) came over and we had supper together. Don and Anita (Dad's cousins) came over and brough Jordonna (college freshman) and Jerahmia (my age). It was nice catching up with them! They're moving to New York soon, so when Jordanna has a vacation, she gets to come to our house and stay. She goes to college in Fort Dodge and she's majoring in nursing.
Oh! I told Yumi (otakufvr) I would tell you guys about Boodle, my old imaginary friend...
To help fend myself from Bob, (see Yumi's page for his history) I created Boodle, a powderpuff of sugar and goodness with chibi wings and a huge appetite. It was sucessful for a while until one fateful day we were shreding papers together. I told him to be careful, but he held on to that paper, and...well...I don't think I need to finish on that note...O.o...Needless to say, he's in the imaginary friend afterlife...
Then I made (well, sorta') Zagran. A part horse/dragon/wolf...thing...he's the essence of goodness and cool...I'll post a piccy of him sometime soon...well, I better get to bed...I have to get up really early...'this' morning. Talk to ya' on Monday! ^.~
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Me...a freshman!
Well, thanks to those who told me it's not that scary to be a freshman...and they were right! So far, I like almost all of my classes and teachers!
Kurama: Told ya' so...
Hey! I was nervous! Leave me alone! The first class I have is intro to art with Mrs. Harris. She's awesome! Right now, we're redrawing a comic panel, and coloring it different color schemes.
The next class I have is also an art class: design. We've been basically reading about the subject, but Mrs. Harris said we'll start to do crafts soon.
Third period is English 1 with Mrs. Lenz...who happens to be a total bee-otch, but I can tolerate her. We're reading a story called "The Most Dangerous Game" Anyone else read/seen it?
Fourth period is ceramics with, you guessed it, Mrs. Harris! We reviwed the tools used in working with clay, then started to figure out what we were going to do for our shakers. I think I'll do Momiji or one of the other Furuba characters' zodiac form. Any suggestions?
After lunch, we go to algebra 1 with Ms. Balza...
Kurama: pfftt...*ahem!*
Exactly...we're basically adding and subtracting fractions...*yawn* Then I have Civics (basically the history of the U.S. government) with Mrs. Bauman. She's one of my favorite teachers! She's been teaching for 34 (!!!) years and even knows my grandpa and grandma (Dad's parents)! We are basically discussing homework yet from her yet! After that I have Advisory...wich is...I don't really know...>.<;
On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I have study hall with...well...actually I forgot his name...^-^; But he's cool! On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have P.E. with Mr. Schipper. He's cool too.
The final period of the day is science with Mrs. Friese. She's pretty cool. And that's my daily schedual for school! Hope you found it interesting...if not, oh well!
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I don't wanna' go!!!
Tomorrow I start my first year as a Freshman in high school...and it sucks...
Kurama: Why's that? I would have thought you would love to start high school!
Well, yeah, but I don't feel ready, ya' know? I don't know my locker number, or where half the class-rooms are, or what I'll need for each class! It sucks! I havn't even gone to the mall for real clothes shopping! I wanna' go to Hot Topic and get some anime gear! It's not fair!
Kurama: It's nothing to whine about...
You don't have to worry about it cuz you don't go to high school anymore! *sigh* Oh, well...I suppose it could be worse...
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Two pics, and one doodle
Hello everyone! I have uploaded three drawings today! The one I said I was working on a few posts ago is finally complete!! My parents' scanner ate the pink on the tree...but oh well!
The next piccy is a fanart piece for an awesome web-comic called Path of a Fallen Angel. I'll put a link to the site up sometime soon. It's Mitsu! He's so cool! I made up the outfit by looking at pictures I had on my computer. I Did it all last night before going to bed! ^-^
The other one is a simple doodle of one of my characters, Saori.
I hope you all like them! *Bows*
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Oh my f****** god...
I am so friggen pissed...nothing will be able to describe it...I could literally puke...I probably won't eat lunch...some filthy piece of wretched scum, has accused a friend of mine of tracing...
Kurama: Oh my! This is a horrible act a cruelty on that person's part!
You're telling me...I'm sure at least some of you know the accused...she visits here and comments on my posts all the time. *Give uber-kudos and hugs to her* Her dog isn't feeling well either...poor dear...We need to send them (the dog and owner that is) our love and support...she's really stressed out right now...and it doesn't help I'm on pms...*ahem*
Kurama: *blushes profusely*
Anyways, I'm really sorry, (friends name here)!!! Hope your dog and you feel better really soon!!! *hugs*
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
Guess what today is?!
Kurama: Today is Saturday...
No! Well...yeah, but that's not the point! Today is a surprise birthday party for one of my best friends, Kayla! Tomorrow's her real birthday (Golden Birthday!!!), so she thinks the party is tomorrow! Her mom planned it and called my mom last night.
Kurama: Well that was nice of her mother.
I know! I got her the new Trey Songz CD, 'I Gotta Make It'. My mom is giving her a banana-smelling candle from her Home Interiors store in out house...which also happenes to be the computer room, so it almost always smells good.
Kurama: Does she have any flower ones?
Yup! She has a few different rose-scented ones, and wild has lots, that's all I know! If anybody noticed, since I was born on the 16th of September, my Golden Birthday is also my Sweet-Sixteen! Cool, ne?
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