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myOtaku.com: Silver Wolf Shiko

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Pingu pingu! *quack*
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Post time: 6:09p.m. CT
Current Music: "Blue Planet" ~ alice nine.

Yesh, today was the first Official Unofficial Penguin Day! The story behind the "holiday"? Actually there is none...Yumi and I are just weird and enjoy making things up. XP Actually, last year on this day I got called a penguin by somebody and we decided that January 31st will be known as Penguin Day. Yay for being incompetently random!!! \(^o^)/ Oh, and the goofy hand-gesture was inspired from a picture in my new issue of Cure where three girl friends were posing like that. We just sorta'...stole it? XD I think that February's new theme will be DIRU. For several reasons, too! ^____^ (1) February is Kyo's, Shinya's, and Kaoru's birthday month. (2) Tomorrow the North American part of the Inward Screams Tour begins. (3) Their new CD comes out here the 20th. (4) I havn't used them as a theme in a long time. (5) They kick ass...hard. And for any DIRU fan who hasn't heard yet, Hot Topic WILL be carrying "Marrow of a Bone", AND a new shirt!!!! *SQUEE*
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Somewhat similar to the zombie one, but you can actually pick out the letters from the rest of the picture!

So, that's what I'll be saving my money for. I even have my Hot Topic 15% off discount card filled up too! w00t! Yesterday I let Austin borrow my Family Values Tour DVD and he watched the performance of "KODOKU NI SHISU, YUENI KODOKU". He said that he couldn't believe that Kyo ripped open his mouth and bled all over the place like he did. Yumi and I had grown so used to seeing it (not sure that's a good thing...), we were almost amazed that he said that. Oh! I should tell you guys about the dream I had the other night! Evidently Freddie Kruger (sp?) was hiding from these people, who were looking for him as a game, in my garage. He wasn't all killey-RAH-kill, either...he was a normal person. I even tricked him into thinking that the people had come and he ran out of the house and outside, and when he realized I was messing with him, he told me not to do that then went back to hiding. Eventually, a car started to come down my driveway and I told Freddie they were coming finally. He yelled "YAY!" (of all things...O.o) and ran out of the house, got into this jeep that was suddenly in my backyard, broke through the fence, and drove through the field and onto the highway up the road. Yes, WTF. The people who were in the car parked in front of my garage and I went out to talk to them. I'm not sure who exactly was in the front seats, but they were girls. In the back seat on the driver's side sat a very pretty feminine person in a white and blueish Gothic Lolita dress, blue hair and lipstick. Yes, it was Mana, of all people. He was the first one I looked at and he sort of just smiled at me and waved. I ran over to him and gave him a hug (WTF?!?!) And talked with the other two people and told them good luck with finding their prey. So! To summarize: Freddie Kruger hides in my garage, and Mana is chasing after him. XD I swear to God, Mana is stalking my brain...Okay, that’s enough for today...Baibai!!!

P.S.: To those of you who haven't been having a very good week, I hope you feel better soon!!! *huggles*

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KYAH! *glomps* I could get killed for saying this, but he looks so cute in this picture!!! o(>w<)o

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