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myOtaku.com: Silver Wolf Shiko

Sunday, March 18, 2007

You know, Yumi and I always say these stupid things that are great for post titles, but I can never remember them...
Post time: 11:10a.m. CT
Current Music: "Drop it Like it's Hot" by Snoop Dogg (There is a reasonable explanation for this...a Miyavi fanvid set to this song...and because Miyavi is a pimp, biatch)

I'm glad you guys enjoyed my little fangirl post last time. I adore a lot more people than that, but those three were my absolute favorites. And now to answer the only question anybody asked me (from my dear SushiSamurai =D): I haven't had the time to watch the grass grow, so I don't really know. X3 Yumi and I got pretty freaked out the other day when Kaysi (annoying girl in our class), showed us this horoscope thingie in Biology. It told you who would be best as your "Best Bud" and "Best Match". Austin asked for his (he's a Capricorn =D), and Kaysi told him that Taurus (Yumi's sign) would be his "Best Bud", and Virgo (my sign) would be his "Best Match". All three of us just looked at each other and Austin asked me when we were going to have sex. XD He always says dumb-ass things like that, and it's all in good fun, so we occasionally play along with it. You see, we are both still virgins, so he thinks it would be amusing if we were each others' first. Oh, how I would love that...*ahem* Of course, I haven't even had my first kiss yet, so I'm not at all surprised at the whole virgin thing. I don't mind it, either...it's not really the end of the world. I actually probably know more about sex and stuff like that, than most people. It sorta' scares me...O.o And when Kayla and Austin asked me who my first kiss was with, they were shocked when I said I hadn't had one yet. Kayla got the idea in her head that at prom Chris and I should kiss...*twitch shudder twitch vomit* That is about the nastiest thing I've ever heard...Chris and I are just friends and only friends, it goes no further than that. He is about as far away from my type of guy as you could get...*twitches some more* I would rather have my first kiss be with somebody whom I love...preferably a Jrocker, but we can't be too choosy. XD I bet Miyavi is a really good kisser...
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...and butterfly kisses from Intetsu!!! *swoon* ^///^

I had an interesting dream last night...In it, I was at this old mansion with my dad and some other people. I can't really remember who else was there exactly...-__-; Anyway, aparantly I had this new power to transform into a werewolf at will. When I got too out of hand and couldn't control myself, I had to eat this wild rice, or eat a small silver pellet (which, I would think, would have killed me...). They asked me to try and transform, so I made the atempt. I could feel this burning sensation in my stomach that eventually branched out, and I could hear my bones cracking and re-adjusting, and soon I was standing in the middle of the room as a werewolf. Later on, I was talking with my grandma Myrna about it, and she said that some of my past relatives could do the same, too. (I blame most of that dream on the "Hellboy" movie that was on Cartoon Network last night...and a little "Naruto" as well...XD) My other dream was a little after that, and I aparantly could still turn into a werewolf. I was in this weird room that resembled a hospital room (I blame "Patch Adams" for that...I watched that yesterday, too) with my brother, but it was in a mall. I freaked out and hid everytime anybody walked past the entrance of the room. Eventually my brother coaxed me to go out, so I did and walked down a hallway into what looked like Younker's. In the middle of the walkway was a little stand with these Dir en grey ( =D ) DVD's or videogames, not sure which. I spazzed out and got a copy then when I looked up, my school's secretary, Coleen, was motioning for me to follow her. So I did, but it seemed I was moving really slow, or she was moving really fast...She led me to the prom dress area and was showing me ones that she thought would look good on me. I just sorta went along with it and eventually left her. I opened the DIRU case and was looking at the booklet and decided to flip the cover picture so that this yummylicious picture of Kyo was on the front. Then it was implied that I went home and called Yumi and told her about it. XD

Here's some interesting stuff about Virgos (August 23-September 22) that I have in a book I own. It's by a psychic (I don't care if you believe in that stuff or not, but I do) woman named Sylvia Browne: "The Virgo, known as 'the Virgin,' is promiscuous. Virgos are also known as 'the whores of the zodiac.' Whenever I say that to Virgos, they say, 'Yeah, that's right!' Any other sign says, 'Oh, no!' Virgos are promiscuous, but they have a prudish exterior. They are very sexually oriented, but they have an immense ability to sublimate this sexual energy. They can redirect it, thank God!...Virgos are very good with people, but they have to be absolutely sure of what they're doing. They need to be 'on top' of everything, but they do need prodding...When upset, Virgos are the slow, smoldering type. When in repose, they look unhappy or pensive. That's why a Virgo gets very aggravated, because people are always asking them, 'Are you mad?' They are retentive in just about all areas, with a file-cabinet mind, especially when they have been hurt...They will let their children walk all over them...But no one else walks over them. And be careful of what you say around a Virgo; they can get upset over some off-the-cuff remark. That's how sensitive they are. The Virgo will reply, 'I know it's not your fault, but you hurt me anyway.' So don't say unflattering things to a Virgo, such as 'Your nose does not fit your face.' A Virgo is also multifaceted,...and this leads them to need many people around them. Both the male and female Virgo can be faithful to two or three at one time. Yes, it's true! And you cannot tell Virgos that they don't love all three of those people, because they do with all their hearts! They love totally...They have very defined laughs--usually high-pitched and somewhat hysterical. And they cry easily when pleased or provoked. They have a tremendous vanity streak, which stems from insecurity. Make fun of them, and you have an enemy for life; compliment them, and you have a friend for life. You cannot just flatter them, but given an honest statement, they will accept it."

I would write more, but there's still several more pages...maybe a chunk every post? If anybody wants, I can PM them their horoscope information from my book...it may take some time, and several messages, but I can get it to you. ^^ I chose the stuff out of the beginning of the Virgo section that I thought really matches me. Hopefully that will help you guys understand my personality a little more...maybe? And I’m not a whore. X3 Also, sorry for the long-ass post...Mmmmm...orange-pinapple juice. =D
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