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myOtaku.com: Silver Wolf Shiko

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

   Stop fondling my penguin!!!
Post time: 6:40p.m. CT
Current Music: "Kimi ni Negai wo" by Miyavi

Mmmm...melted Rolos...*ahem* Yesterday was the art conference, and Yumi and I both got to go, even though Yumi didn't take any art classes this year. ^^ We had fun, except for the boringness of the workshops and the fact that it was starting to rain when we were walking through an interestingly constructed garden...it was grey and bleek all day, except for in the afternoon. In the last workshop, this lady did painting (I can't quite remember what it was called) on fabrics, and she said that when she taught during the year, she often had Japanese students, and mentioned how grateful they always were for her instructing them. She passed around a Japanese magazine that had her and some other American painters like her in it, and Yumi and I squeed. ^3^ I had three pieces of art in the show, two acrylics, and one watercolor. (Amazingly...) My watercolor won a white (3rd place) ribbon, as did one of my acrylics. There were several different pictures that I loved, but my top three were a drawing of a hear-shaped blood-spatter with a hot emo boy in the center that Kitti drew, a painting of Saiyuri from Memoirs of a Geisha, and a colored pencil drawing of the neko-boy from The Grudge. Here are my paintings, the first and second being the winners.
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On the second one, those are the kanji for Aoi (whose b-day was Sunday...), Takehito, Intetsu, Kenzo (all of Ayabie), and Miyavi. ^^ The point of the painting is surrealism, and I decided to go for a surreal aspect of beauty.

Today was okay, but I'll just post about the highlights. In Health, we watched a movie on the different body systems, and in it, they compared our organs with that of a dissected pig's. Yeah, you could hear the nasty squelches the organs made and everything...*shudder* It reminded me of a Dir en grey video, and "FILTH", especially whey they were talking about the pancreas, stomach, liver, and kidneys. Heh...the stomach was filled with nasty half digested slop, too. XP Lunch was pretty much how it usually is...I informed Austin I was now a 38 C, and he drew a very crappy picture of "my" boobs in Kayla's assignment book. XD Boy, that was amusing...and it got worse when he drew (once more, this kid is no artist, so you couldn't tell what anything was unless you were watching and listening to him at the same time...) all the girls' (pretty much our whole table) vaginas in her assignment book as well...they all looked like potatoes with smiley faces...>__<;;; Biology involved another dissection, this time a crayfish/crawdad. All the good big ones were taken, so Yumi and I got a small retarded looking one...it was itty-bitty, red (the other ones were orange), and it only had one leg on it's left side, and it was bent the total opposite way the other ones were. We named our poor crustacean, Robster. Then we proceeded to cut off his tail, dig out the muscles in it, cut him open down his back, and examine his innards. >=) I really don't want to be in school for our next dissection...it'll be these giant grass-hoppers, and I can't stand normal sized ones. *shudder twitch twitch* I LOATHE WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING INSECTS LIKE GRASSHOPPERS. I can't stand killing them either because of the noise it makes...*fit of twitching and shuddering* On a better note, I finished reading To Kill A Mockingbird today. =D I love that book...I would have to say that my favorite character was Arthur "Boo" Radley, even though he was only really there at the end. He sounded like such a sweetheart...I can't wait until we get to watch the movie in class...Hey yeah, I got my shoes and a strapless bra for prom on Sunday, too! =3
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Aw, I really want a bracelet like that now...

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