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myOtaku.com: Silver Wolf Shiko

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Post time: 7:30a.m. CT
Music: “Super Rabbit” by An Café

How was everyone’s Labor Day weekend? Good, I hope. ^^ Friday I played Final Fantasy VII all day....literally. XD Saturday we went to my Grandma Thompson’s house (my Mom’s mother) for my little brother’s birthday party, but before that, we went to the cemetery to put flowers on my great Grandpa Elmo and Great Grandma Ruby’s grave. I felt so sick when we stopped...somebody had stolen the shepard’s hook that had been there for at least three years. Why the hell would somebody do something like that?! We had one for my other grandpa in the vehicle, so we put that one in and bought a new one to replace the stolen one. Before we had to eat at Grandma’s house, my cousin DJ and I went to the park and talked about school and friends and such. My dad and Uncle Rick were fixing my grandma’s porch roof because it had been rotting. They ended up tearing it down, and building a new one. Sunday we went back to her house so my dad and uncle could work on the roof some more, then we went to my Grandpa Denny’s house (my Dad’s father) for another birthday-type thing. When we got there, my cousin AJ told me about how this girl (Katie, I think?) at her school was calling her a whore. The reason for that supposedly being that AJ made the Katie’s boyfriend break-up with her so that he could go back out with AJ, or something along those lines. Bull shit. AJ was friends with Katie’s boyfriend, and told him that he deserved better than Katie. *sigh* The world of 8th grade drama. -__-; Aside from that, we had fun. ^^ When I woke up yesterday morning, I played some more Final Fantasy, got dressed, and played some Zoo Tycoon on the computer when my Grandpa Denny and Grandma Christa came and we visited.

And now, about the awesome important news! Actually, it grew into two things, but still! X3 First off, I’m sure some of you Jrock fans out there know that Gackt, Yoshiki, and Sugizo were forming a super band. Well, they’ve announced a new member as the guitarist, and that person is...*drumroll* Miyavi! =D But sadly, they gave the band the name of SKIN, so I can no longer call it the “Gackt-Yoshiki-Sugizo-Miyavi-Super-Band-of-Awesome-KA-POW!!!!” Oh well...XD And now, for the news that I was meaning to talk about in my previous post. So, Deftones are going on tour this summer, and one to their stops is in Omaha. Well, their two special guests are Fall of Troy and...DIR EN GREY. Oh. Fuck. Yes. Yumi and I were talking about it and began to make plans for going, or more like what the plans would be if we could go. Yumi’s dad said that if I could go, she could go, and my parents didn’t care, as long as we had a place to stay. Saturday I talked to my aunt who lives in Omaha, and she said that it would be fine if we stayed there for after the concert! So...YUMI AND I GET TO GO TO A DIRU SHOW!!!!! *SPAZZ SQUEE SPAZZ* And this will be my first concert, too! =D Remember that angel wing necklace I have (if not, see picture from prev. post.)? I want to try and give it to Shinya if there’s a meet-n-greet thingie (doubt it, but maybe...). And if he’s not there, I’ll give it to Kyo. If Kyo isn’t there...well...I don’t know. XD And my mom is going to let me get my hair cut sort of like Miku’s if I do crunches and ride her exercise bike every night. >=D Bwahahahahamuahh!!!
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