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High school junior, fanmom/girl
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Shiko-chan or Picklemiester, Ruler of Limbo
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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note, Naruto, Chobits, Pokemon, Digimon (I'm a little kid at heart, what can I say?), Final Fantasy games, Tales of "..."games...actually, lots of video games. XD
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Listening to Jrock, drawing, writing, playing video games, being a fanmom
Drawing and people usually say good things about my little stories...
| Silver Wolf Shiko
Thursday, June 7, 2007
"I still hear you say you want to end your life..."
Post time: 11:45p.m. CT
Music: “Never Too Late" by Three Days Grace
This weekend was fun! ^^ But before I go into it, remember the “Japanese” guy named Chris that Kayla met? Well, it turns out that he is actually Yumi’s cousin! And he’s not Japanese...he’s either Korean or Philippino (sp?). XD Ah well...she was close. So, Saturday I got ready after playing some more FFVII and packed stuff for the night, ate lunch, then Kayla’s mom came and picked me up. She dropped me off where the girls were getting their hair and make-up done for the wedding and we waited for a long time before heading to the church. I helped them get dresses on and what-not before going up before the wedding itself started. Our art teacher, Mrs. Harris came, and afterwards she had me take pictures along with other family. It took forever and everyone was getting restless and hungry, but we eventually got done. Kayla, her mom (Robin), dad (Kelly), and myself went back to their house to get some extra clothes for Kayla, the potatoes for dinner, and a change of shoes for Robin and me, then headed to the Marcus Community Center for the reception. Kelly and Robin invited me to join them at their table, along with Robin’s sister and brother-in-law, and Kelly’s best friend Kelly Angerman and his wife. We got to choose from a dark grape wine or a clear-pink strawberry wine. I chose the strawberry, but I think I just don’t like tastes really bad to me, like drinking the alcohol you use to clean a wound or something. >_<
After some toasts and speeches, we got our food and when everyone was done eating, Cory and Sarah opened their wedding gifts while the dance floor was prepared. Most of the music they played at the beginning was really crappy, so I just sat by Kayla’s dad and his friend. Several times Kayla, Cory, Beth (Sarah’s sister), and Sarah asked me why I wasn’t dancing and I just sort of shook my head. I was shocked at one point because one of Kayla’s older cousins, Troy, came and offered me his hand and asked if I wanted to dance with him. I said yes, and we danced to a slower song. Holy cow, that boy was tall! He’s like, 6'3", and I’m only 5'5", so I couldn’t look up that far without having to tilt my head way back. We talked a little bit, and when the song ended, he took my hand and kissed it. @////@ Damn! What a gentleman! X3
That, and the chocolate fountain, put me in a good mood and I danced more, especially after a lot of people were going home and some good booty-shaking songs came on. XD I met a girl named Kendra there, too. She was like...18 I think, and really nice. I didn’t know it until later, but I guess she was bisexual, so that explained some of the bumping and grinding with the other girls, namely a drunk Rhonda, who is Beth and Sarah’s older sister. In speaking of drunk, I got to drink a tiny bit of alcohol! >=3 I had a sip of Smirnoff ICE (which is when I though of Uruha...XD), and a little bit of some Root Beer Schnapps and Coke. Not so much to get me on a buzz, but it gave me a little burst of energy. We ended up getting back to Kayla’s house around 2 in the morning, then Kayla and I stayed up talking until around 5, before nearly passing out from tiredness. We got up around 11 and Kelly made eggs for breakfast. He’s not the best cook in the world, but I was smart and asked for scrambled eggs. Robin got tired of her eggs not being done enough and eventually made her own, and Kayla had one kind of messed up looking egg. Meals are always fun with my second family. XD After that, we played FFXII and I played FFVII. We didn’t end up going to see Pirates 3, but that’s alright. ^^ Ah, this is the last week of proving to my mom I can exercise every night on my own so I can get my Miku-haircut. =D I’ll probably be able to get it next week sometime, then the week after is the concert! *squirm* I’m getting really excited, even though it hasn’t officially sunk in that we’re going to be able to see Dir en grey live...when it does sink in, I’ll more than likely go into hysterics. XD Ja ne~!

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