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myOtaku.com: Silver Wolf Shiko

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Post time: 12:13p.m. CT
Music: Miyavi ^o^

Yumi just got here, so I'm gonna' make this quick. TODAY IS THE DAY OF THE CONCERT!!!!!! (o>w<)o o(>w<)o o(>w
I'll just leave you guys with a little survey I filled out. Look forward to a concert review in my next post!


Q. What is your salad dressing of choice?
A. Ranch

Q. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
A. Taco John's

Q. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
A. Subway!

Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
A. Um...I'm not sure, I've never really left one before. O.o

Q. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
A. If it can be different flavors, ramen; if not, chocolate.

Q. What are your pizza toppings of choice?
A. Extra cheese and maybe some pepperoni.

Q. What do you like to put on your toast?
A. Always butter, and maybe some peanut butter and strawberry or grape jelly.


Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?
A. Bou-kun, formerly of An Cafe... D'= I made it, too!

Q. How many televisions are in your house?
A. Hm...Including the one we don't use...eight. XD


Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
A. Southpaw...meaning left.

Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A. My appendix! =D

Q. When was the last time you had a cavity?
A. ...I'm not sure...sometime last year or the year before maybe...

Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A. A heavy glass bowl filled with water for the cats outside.

Q. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
A. Nope, I'm a wuss and stay away from dangerous situations. XD


Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
A. It could come in handy, but no.

Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
A. Hm...something Japanese. XD Maybe Natsumi or Sakura. Something cute. ^^

Q. What color do you think looks best on you?
A. Blues or greens

Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?
A. Hm...no, not that I can remember

Q. Have you ever saved someone’s life?
A: I don't think so...

Q. Has someone ever saved yours?
A. My dad and doctors


Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
A. I'm not afraid to, and I could use the money.

Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000
A. How about no?

Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000?
A. Hm...that's a tough one...no, it's too much fun.

Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
A. Maybe for more money.

Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
A. How much water you got on hand?

Q. Would you, without fear of punishment, take a humans life for $1,000,000?
A. Depends on if I hate their guts or not...KISAKI *stab stab murder murder*


Q: What is in your left pocket?
A. ...nothing

Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
A. No...it was stupid and funny, but no.

Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
A. Carpet...and other stuff besides

Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
A. Wtf? Stand...

Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
A. Two, but I only wear one

Q: Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
A. Well, there was this time after semester tests...I didn't do anything wrong, mind you.

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: Some sort of artist, somebody who works with animals...if I had the talent, sing in a rock band. ^^

Q: Who is number 1 on your top 8
A: Dir en grey XD


Q: Friend you talked to?
A : Yumi

Q: Last person who called u?
A: Yumi

Q: Person you hugged?
A: Kayla's grandma. XD

Q: Person you kissed?
A: No one...D'=


Q: Number?
A: 7

Q: Season?
A: Summer


Q: Missing someone?
A: Kitti, Tenise, Jessie, Austin...pretty much the friends I don't see outside of school.

Q: Mood?
A: Excited/Nyappy

Q: Listening to?
A: *gasp* The very first Miyavi song I ever heard! *luffles*

Q: Watching?
A. The Destroya figure on top of my computer screen *Godzilla nerd*

Q: Worrying about?
A: Not while listenting to teh Meevers! *huggles him*


Q: First place you went this morning?
A: Bathroom to take me shower

Q: What can you not wait to do?
A: See Dir en grey tonight!!!! *SQUEE*

Q: What’s the last movie you saw?
A: Pan's Labyrinth. You should watch it, as long as you don't mind reading subtitles, or you can understand Spanish.

Q: Do you smile often?
A: I don't know...I don't pay attention to my facial expressions very often...

Feel free to fill in your own answers! ^^

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