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myOtaku.com: Silver Wolf Shiko

Sunday, July 8, 2007

   Scary bugz, yo...
Post time: 8:57p.m. CT
Music: "Clever Sleazoid” by Dir en grey

I hope everyone had a decent weekend! I know I loved mine! =D Friday I cleaned the house all day while taking breaks to watch The Dog Whisperer. I love that show...Caesar Millan is such an awesome person, and when he explains the reasons behind a dog’s behavior it makes sense. I think that watching that show will give me better experience when I own a dog. ^^ Yesterday, my brothers, Dad, and I went to my Grandpa Denny’s house while we waited for mom to get off work. After playing with Bailey and Benji (their Lhasa apso and Shih tzu), we got our swim gear on and went swimming in the pool. And it was hot yesterday, so it was nice to be in the water. My dad even joined us, jumping off the diving board and spraying us with water. After we dried off, we went to get mom, got a few groceries, and on the way home, I fell asleep while listening to DIRU. It was around 4:30 when we got home, and I called Kayla and Yumi to tell them they could come whenever they were ready. Mom and me made some Oreo-pudding salad for supper later on. We love that stuff, especially Kayla and Yumi...it was a special request, as was Dad’s nachos (‘Homg, yum!!! =D~). If your curious as how you make the salad, you need two boxes of instant chocolate pudding, a cup of milk for each box, a tub of whipped cream, and some Oreos. You can either use regular cookies (which you would have to crush up), or use the mini-Oreos. Just mix it together, and let it set in the ‘fridge for an hour or two, and you have instant heaven...if you love chocolate that is...XD

When the girls got here, Yumi and I looked at all the old letters we sent each other when we lived away from each other. I forgot how horribly bad a drew back then...-___-; We ate supper, then got on the computer to show Kayla pictures of Dir en grey, then showed her some videos on You Tube...like both the Dir en grey and GazettE versions of “Kick the Can”. <3 Then we watched the Bonds ~Kyu~ movie, and some other GazettE music videos, in which Kayla fell in love with Bou’s fashion sense (mainly a few pairs of his pants, which I love as well ^^), and Aoi. You know she’ll be obsessed when she goes, “He’s so beautiful...” XD I rabu her! We then went downstairs and watched Yumi play Dirge of Cerberus, and re-beat it so we could listen to Gackt singing. I had “Redemption” stuck in my head for quite a while...We then broke out the game Parcheesi (Sorry! was based off of it, so they are very similar games), which neither Kayla nor I had ever played before. Yes, Yumi was quite shocked. XD It was fun, even though I lost horribly...All throughout this, Kayla kept on petting me...O.o; We talked about random stuff, and let me tell you...after staying up all night until 6:00 the next morning, everything seems extremely funny, and it sounds like you’re on some sort of drug. XD We eventually fell asleep, and woke up around 10:00. After we got dressed we ate breakfast, then decided to straighten our hair...well, except for Kayla, her hair is already straight. =3 We played Tales of Symphonia, then played another game of Parcheesi while watching my It Withers and Withers Tour 07 DVD. We got easily distracted between all the shots of Kyo, Die, and Shinya. X3 I didn’t do so bad in this game, though, and Yumi kept on wanting to go around the board more times that she needed to. We also stopped every time we saw the man who gave us our picks at the concert. XD We then put the game away and just watched the rest of the lives before Dad and I took the girls home around 3:30...and it was right before the performance of “KODOU” ended at their live in Paris. D= When I got home, I watched the rest of the DVD, ate supper, and now I’m on the computer...yeah. I guess I should go to sites now, huh? I also need to work on my new layout...it’s already July! Damn! I think this month’s theme will be Shinya. *nod nod* Well, I’ll talk to you all later! ~Ja ne!
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If you haven’t listened to “Redemption” yet, you really ought to!

And then the wonders that are DIRU acting like total dorks

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