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myOtaku.com: Silver Wolf Shiko

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

   All work and no play makes for a bad Shiko-chan >=D
Post time: p.m. CT
Music: �Dear my Friend" by Miyavi

I hope everyone�s Monday was good. ^^ On Saturday my brothers and I went with my mom to work so that Drew and I could get our eyes checked before school. For those who didn�t know, yes, I have glasses, but I prefer contacts. I�m nearsighted, so I can�t see very good when it comes to distances. My vision hasn�t gotten much worse, just by a quarter of a unit. So I have some new contacts now to fit my new prescription. Oh yeah! I�m also getting new glasses! They have kind of a marbled grey and black for the frames, and they come out a little on the sides with little butterfly shaped holes in them. They�re so cute! ^o^

Sunday I went over to Kayla�s. She ended up making the Oreo pudding salad my mom makes; it was pretty good, though you could tell she didn�t put enough milk in because it was a little thicker than it should have been. It still tasted good, though. ^^ We went outside and played with Kiyara...I should post a picture of her so you can see what she looks like...
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Aw! Lookit her! She�s not trying to kill the camera! XD

Kiyara is Kayla�s year and a half old Siberian husky/wolf mix. Yes, I said wolf. You can see it when she�s walking and the way she acts when she�s not being playful. She�s a really sweet dog, but tends to get over excited at times, especially when a new person comes. I think she�s getting used to the fact that I come over all the time because she didn�t try to jump on me like she usually does. Well, tossing around her new toy for her probably helped drain some energy, too...^-^; After that, Kayla and I went inside and watched The Bridge to Terabithia. It was a good movie, but it�s surprisingly depressing and slightly dark for a Disney movie. O__o We went back outside and it was sort of sprinkling, so we went to play with Kiyara again since she�s got a big tree right by her dog house. Don�t worry though; they have a little forested area in their back yard, so there are tons of other trees. We went back inside and looked through the issues of Cure and Shoxx that I brought so she could find a good picture of Bou to show her hair stylist on Wednesday. We also ended up finding some new bands to listen to. It�s funny; Yumi and I were the original Jrock fans and we�ve infected Kayla, but Kayla knows almost more bands than we do! She said she was watching IMF again, and she saw another live review thing for Jrock Revolution and some other stuff. She especially like DuelJewel and Vidoll. We ended up looking at trying DuelJewel, Wizard, and Vidoll. We ate supper, watched some videos from my Jrock DVD, then they took me home.

Yesterday I watched some videos by Wizard, and ended up finding this wonderful video of the guitarist I�ve grown fond of, Masumi, stripping. X3~ Oh my...that was a very wonderful thing to watch! It didn�t show anything too revealing, but it got really close! It started off with him (I�m assuming, since I don�t speak Japanese) telling the audience about what he was going to do. Yes, he did this in front of a crowd at a live. There was a little booth set up in the middle of the stage that had red fabric all around so that it was like a little closet or something, but it had a camera in it so we could see what he was doing. The lights dimmed and he went to work at shyly taking of his outfit bit-by-bit, then went into the booth and took off the rest, right down to his underwear, (which was more of a thong) posing sexily the whole time. XD He grabbed a robe and put it on before coming out and posing some more. He eventually took off that last bit of clothing (with the robe covering himself) and flung it into the audience of frothing screaming fangirls. He went back into the booth, and before we could see anything on the camera, he tosses the robe away. O////O He then began posing very carefully. X////X The camera eventually �malfunctions� and turns off while another person dressed up in this ridiculous outfit comes out and starts examining the discarded clothing. He checks out the booth, and tears it down, revealing...Masumi dressed in the same outrageous outfit. XD You can find the video here. Now remember, he�s stripping, so obviously there�s going to be nudity, though not to the point of showing his penis or anything, otherwise it wouldn�t have been on YouTube since March. XD It also happens to be nearly 9 minutes long so...yeah. Here�s a picture of him for those who don�t want to watch something like that:
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Hee...I also watched the infamous Hand Elephants video from Nightmare. XD Dear god, those boys are naughty! But I love them all the same. =D Oh! Yumi is back from her vacation now. She didn�t end up going to Ohio at all; she went up to Iowa City and went to the AnimeIowa convention. I�m sure she�s going to post eventually about her adventure there. We�ve already started to discuss plans for next year so that both of us could go. XD I�m also going out for Cross Country this year. Hopefully my parents will get me some soy diet stuff so that I can lose to weight. Ja ne~!

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