Birthday 1990-09-16 Gender
Female Location Limbo Member Since 2004-07-29 Occupation High school junior, fanmom/girl Real Name Shiko-chan or Picklemiester, Ruler of Limbo
Achievements Any ribbons I've won for my art. Anime Fan Since 1994 Favorite Anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note, Naruto, Chobits, Pokemon, Digimon (I'm a little kid at heart, what can I say?), Final Fantasy games, Tales of "..."games...actually, lots of video games. XD Goals Meet any of my Jrocker/VKei idols Hobbies Listening to Jrock, drawing, writing, playing video games, being a fanmom Talents Drawing and people usually say good things about my little stories... Silver Wolf Shiko
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Another year...
Post time: 6:38p.m. CT
Music: “Cassis” by the GazettE
Well, today was our second day of school. Monday night we went to the city to get some new school clothes. We stopped at Target (my daddy’s work~!!! =D) to get some minor groceries. After that we went to Arby’s to eat supper. We went inside to order the food, and as we were waiting for our food to get done, a guy who came earlier with two of his friends went and stood near the wall next to where we were. I noticed that he was looking at me at least once, and when I noticed, I tried hiding a little behind my dad. He wasn’t the type of guy I really wanted looking at me, either...he looked to be in his late 30's. *shudder* After the guy left, I kind of whispered to my dad that he had been looking at me and he nodded. We grabbed our orders to-go and went back to the car when my mom asked why I was freaking out a little (she had gone to the bathroom at the time). We explained to her the guy looking at me, my father mentioning that he caught him looking at me at least three times if not more. DX After we got done eating our food, we went into the mall. I got several shirts at JCPenny’s, oddly enough, all of them cutting awfully low collar wise. We ventured further and ended up going to Aeropostale. I didn’t get any actual clothes, but I got four new pairs of cute undies. ^o~ When we left there, it had begun to storm outside, so my dad went to get the car for us. Our last stop before going home was Kohl’s. I got a few more shirts and some pants there.
Yesterday was the first day of school, and I decided to wear one of my new outfits I got the night before. So I picked out one of my tops that was like a short sleeved black hoodie that had butterflies on the lower corner, but the collar was supposed to be really low cut, so that you needed to wear a camisole or tank top underneath it. I did, only the camisole I got was low cut itself, so I had to safety-pin it to my bra. O__< This would have been fine if I hadn’t had to keep pulling my shirt up to cover meh boobs. XD I don’t really need anymore attention drawn to them...*sigh* Next time I wear that shirt, I’m going to wear a real shirt under it instead of a cami. >__< Aside from minor near-wardrobe malfunctions, my first day was okay. I was happy to see all my friends again and we talked. I have Kayla in a lot of my classes...let’s see...1) American Literature: Kayla, Yumi, and Austin; 2) Computer Application 3: no one...; 3) U.S. History: Kayla, Austin, Josh, and Holly; 4) Photography: Kayla and Justin Hayworth; 5)P.E.: Yumi, Kayla, Austin, Jade, and Nancy (a really awesome Freshman who’s Chinese! She was teaching Kayla how to say things at lunch today...); Our new lunch table: Yumi, Kayla, Austin, Shelbey, Ashley, Jade, Nancy, and Amanda; 6) Algebra II: no one...; 7) Anatomy and Physiology: no one...actually, there are only nine people in my class...; 8) Advisory: no one, afternoons are rather depressing after lunch. XD
Today we actually began doing stuff in each class. Luckily it’s nothing to difficult yet. All our new teachers are nice, especially the teacher for Computer App. 3. She’s fairly young-looking, and she tends to be a little ditzy at times, but she is really nice. ^-^ Holy crap, that reminds me! Today, it was storming all, lighting, thunder, rain, and it hailed for nearly 5 minutes during second period. O__O It was really loud in the computer lab because we have a thinner ceiling and the roof is I think shingled with some sort of metal. It was scary...
I’ve been reading some GazettE fanfics on Quizilla (band member x original character) recently, and I’ve found two that are my favorites. The first one is a Ruki story. It’s so well written, you’d think the author was a novelist. XD It’s still on going, but I can’t remember what it’s called...The second one I finished reading yesterday, called “Even Through Dark” is a Reita story. I don’t think I’ve ever made noises of expressed cuteness so much while reading a fanfic before until this one! It just the most adorable/sad love story ever, and luckily the author is writing a short sequel to it, called “Falling in Love”. I e-mailed her yesterday and thanked her for renewing my creativity and love for both Reita and the GazettE. XD If you guys get the chance, I highly recommend it! Hee...she just e-mailed me back! >w< She’s so nice...! Well, I hope everyone is having a good week so far! I’ll be visiting sites now! Ja ne~!
If you open the video in it’s original address, here, there is a translation of what they are saying. ^^ I LOVE Reita’s voice!!!