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myOtaku.com: Silver Wolf Shiko

Friday, November 2, 2007

Post time: p.m. CT
Music: Songs from Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas
Mood: Chipper/Sing-a-longy

Thank you to those of you who have been commenting during my depression last week and the beginning of this week. I am feeling much more cheerful now. ^-^ I think that the turning point came to me right after leaving the commons after lunch on Tuesday...

Mr. Walser, our principal pulled me off to the side to talk to me. He then told me that Mrs. Peuse (=D! My at-school grandma~!) had told him that I was interested in Japan. He then proceeded to tell me that his sister has lived in Japan for the past 12 years. I guess she first fell in love when her college group went their for a military camp visit. Now she teaches children English at a school (I forget which island it was she lived on...>-<), and is working with a TV company or something of the sort to make a children’s show that teaches English. X3 She’s coming back to the states around Christmas time, and Mr. Walser wanted to know if there was anything “wild and crazy” I wanted her to try to get to bring back. I had to stop myself from screaming throughout the whole conversation! XD I’ve been thinking about what I wanted, but I can’t really think of anything, which is weird considering it’s me...any ideas? So yeah, that whole thing got me feeling a lot happier!

Wednesday (yay Halloween~!) Yumi came over to my house after school (1:30 early-out even!) and we watched the first two Saw movies. I don’t know why for sure, but I really want that pig mask...I can’t remember what it reminds me of, but it’s freaking awesome! >=3 When my parents got home, we went to Yumi’s house (her and me that is...) and ate rice and ice cream while watching some of the third movie. I didn’t get to finish it, so I let Yumi keep it and she gave it back to me Thursday. I watched it after school then, too. ^-^ Now we just have to wait for FOREVARZ until we can go see Saw IV! D= And X Japan’s new song is in the credits even! *whine* *sigh* Ah well...perhaps I can buy the song with my fancy new $10 iTunes card...Well, other than that, I don’t have much else to report. So I guess I’ll see you all around! *kisses und hugz*
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I should watch the movie this weekend since I'm not doing anything else...

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