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High school junior, fanmom/girl
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Shiko-chan or Picklemiester, Ruler of Limbo
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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note, Naruto, Chobits, Pokemon, Digimon (I'm a little kid at heart, what can I say?), Final Fantasy games, Tales of "..."games...actually, lots of video games. XD
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Listening to Jrock, drawing, writing, playing video games, being a fanmom
Drawing and people usually say good things about my little stories...
| Silver Wolf Shiko
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Everything is blue in my heart...
Post time: p.m. CT
Music: “Forever Love" by X Japan
Mood: A little sad's been a while, hasn't it? At least since my last post; I usually get on everyday and check sites and such. Lately, here in good ole' Iowa, it's been snowing. In fact, last Thursday was an interesting school day. Most of my class (I are a Junior) took the ASVAB test. For those who don't know, it's the aptitude test you take to enter the service. Now, I didn’t take it because I want to enter the service (I’m too wimpy to do that sort of thing. DX). I took it, as is the reason for several others, to see what I would be skilled at job-wise. It was an 8-part test, and the most difficult part for me was the Auto-mechanics and Tools section. *shudder* I suck at anything involving cars or other “manly” tools and such. I’m pretty sure I did the worst on that part. XD In a few weeks we should be getting our results back and we’ll get our results discussed to us. The main point is, that the test took up all morning, except for 5th period and lunch. Well, it had started snowing uber-much around the time we got to school (8:20-ish), so by then it was fairly thick on the ground. We went to 5th, which was P.E. for me. We played kick-ball (again... *sigh*), and during the last portion of class, Mr. Walser came over the intercom and announced we would be getting out at 1:30. So yeah...after SSR, we went to lunch, then went home. It was pretty great only having one real class that day, and even then it being Phys. Ed. XD
I’ve decided that since tomorrow is hidemas (hide's B-day), my theme until around this time next January will be hide-sama. So if you could, take some time out of your day and put hide-sama in your thoughts. I know I’ll be lighting the candles at the shrine I set up (consisting of various pink stuffed animals and decor...I feel like one of those birds that collects blue things to attract a mate...xD) and having a moment of silence for this influential man. On MySpace, Yoshiki-sama (drummer of X Japan/S.K.I.N.) has been putting up several pictures, and one of them was one of him sitting during an interview of some sort, and he has a hide-sama plushie sort of on his lap...Yumi had originally told me about it yesterday morning, and that just made me tear up, but when I went to go look at it for myself last night, I started crying. (;__;) Despite my sadness, it was a cute picture. I’m thinking about sending Yoshiki a PM with a picture of my shrine or something...I wonder what he would think about that?
These next couple of weeks are going to be busier than they have been. Aside from tomorrow being hidemas, Ethan is going to be bringing a home-made cheesecake to photography, and this weekend I might be going to go see Alvin and the Chipmunks with some of my friends. Then next week, Wendy (Mr. Walser’s sister) is visiting from Japan on Monday (Mr. Walser said they had good musical news for me, but I have to wait until next week... DX), Wednesday is my photography class X-mas party, and Friday is the last day of school until next year, and we’re watching movies. A bunch of my friends and I signed up to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas, so it’ll be tons of fun. ^o^ And then it’s Christmas at Grandpa’s on Saturday, X-mas at Grandma’s on Sunday, Mom’s-side X-mas on Monday, and I spend the rest of vacation at my aunt’s house baby sitting and getting money for AnimeIowa next August. =D

This is my hide shrine...I actually have a pink candle instead of that white one...the pink is jelly bean scented. =3
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