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myOtaku.com: Silver Wolf Shiko

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Today was a pretty good day. I FINALLY figured out how to get my background the way I wanted to, with help from an awesome site. Then one of my best buds who was sick yesterday came back to school...class wasn't so quiet with us three (Kayla, Yumi, and me) together.

I watched more of "The Patriot" in civics...god, I love that movie...and in my advisory, Dru brought crispy-creame doughnuts! If we paid! Which I did! XD

The only thing that sucked today, was algebra 1...which with Nick in it, always sucks. Today, he was particualrly annoying and even made fun of my last name (which happens to be Payne)!!! I almost ripped my notebook in half...but he got kicked out of class, so I could focus on the lesson for once.

So...almost Halloween...I think I might be a Neko-Naruto hybrid...I have no clue...other than that, I have no plans. I'm trying to get started on a Halloween-ish Naruto pic...We don't have school on Friday, so we get a 3-day weekend. W00T!

EDIT:I decided on a Kingdom Hearts layout!
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