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myOtaku.com: Silver Wolf Shiko

Friday, December 2, 2005

   New layout
Yes...seeing as how it's a new month, I set up a new layout. As you can see, it's my beloved Zelos-kun! Though, ironically, he hates snow. I don't really want to tell why, because it would be spoiler to those who havn't played the game/ want to play the game/ havn't finished the game....wow, that's alot of slashes...

Yeah...it's been awhile since I last posted, huh? I've been on, I just havn't posted, that's all. And also, that dumb egg hatched...and it's a friggen candy cane...WTF?! I didn't know candycanes came from eggs, but okay...>_<;

I now have proof of YuRiPa in KH2! And Sephiroth returns in the game!!! Weehaa!!!

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Perty nifty, huh? I'll post more piccies of anything else uber awesome when I see it! In art, we get to make these mobiles (sp?) and I'm doing mine based on ToS. So far I've drawn and cut out Regal, Kratos, and (of course) Zelos. I'm going to draw Sheena and Presea soon. I'll be sure to take a pic or two of it when it's finished.

And I'll end this post with a very sad picture...:
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