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myOtaku.com: Silver Wolf Shiko

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Ah...the smell of visual kei in the...afternoon...???
Post time: 1:21 pm
Current Music: "KODOU" by Dir en Grey

Sorry for not being on as much lately...I got the chance to borrow Kingdom Hearts 2 from Yumi, so I've been playing it alot. I should have alot more time on my hands since I finally beat it last night. Ah...teh Riku goodness...I must say that it was one of my favorite games now. The game itself is awesome, but most of the minigames were really fun! I enjoyed playing it alot! ^^ If anybody was wondering at all, I didn't have to go to school last Friday because I didn't have to take any of the tests that day. I also have a new obsession with the Jrock band Dir en Grey. Which is my new theme as of this month in case you were curious. Yumi went to Hot Topic last weekend and she bought their new album they released in America, Withering to Death. Wanna' know something awesome? Last Saturday night, my cousin spent the night and we were watching InuYasha on Adult Swim, and during commercials I channel-surfed for a little bit. I turned it to MTV2, and Headbanger's Ball was on, so I stopped. Do you know what was on? Dir en Grey's "Saku" video!!! I was so excited I almost started to cry...that's how truly pathetic I am...-.-; But still, that's pretty cool, ne? I guess them opening for Korn in the Family Values Tour is getting them into mainstream. Evidently Fuse played "The Final" video on Steven's Untitled Rock Show. Here's a nice little question for those of you familiar with Diru: Who is your favorite band member? I would have to say I truly admire the drummer, Shinya. He's the youngest (not to mention the lightest at 93 lbs.), but he's got alot of talent. He's also very pretty to look at! ^-~ He's the one with the braids in the current background.

Thursday night I went to go see X-Men III: The Last Stand. I thought it was very good. I just wish they would have done more with Angel...he was a cutie. Though I do have a question...Why wasn't Nightcrawler in the movie? I'm not a hardcore fan or anything, and I keep forgetting to look it up, so if anybody is a fan and knows, could you please tell me? I got my hair done Thursday, too! Now it's about chin length and layered. I also now have blonde streaks. I really like my new hair...so do my parents and Kayla...Yumi hasn't seen it yet, but we're all going camping tonight, so everyone will be able to see it. It's sorta' like a going away thingie I guess you could say. This Wednesday night we're leaving for Detroit. Don't worry; I'll still be able to get on and update every once in a while. My mom got me new stationary and stickers so I can write letters back home and what not. I'll be staying for about three months with my aunt and uncle, babysitting for $115 a week. I think it'll be worth it. I can't wait to go to the zoo!!! ^^

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