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myOtaku.com: Silver Wolf Shiko

Monday, September 4, 2006

   I missed you, Internet! *huggles*
Post time: 8:13 p.m. CT
Current Music: "Maple Gunman" by AnCafe

Ahhhhhh!!!!! I can finally get on the Internet on a daily basis again! I'm uber sorry for not being on very often! It wasn't my fault!!! >,<; My computer worked an stuff when I got back, it's just the phone line we used for it to connect to the 'Net was acting up, and my dad had to fiddle around with it, but luckily, when I got back from Kayla's today, it worked! I was uber happy! Now I can get caught up on what's been happening with everyone (if you don't hate me that is...)! I have honestly missed you guys sooooo much!!!! *hugs all and passes out brownies* Please forgive me? *chibi eyes*

So I hope everyone is doing okay...I'll be sure to run around and comment on your sites a.s.a.p. Hmmmm...as for me...I'm still trying to recover from the depression of the Family Values Tour totally skipping our area...I would have at least thought they would have stopped in Omaha, Nebraska, or even Des Moines! And for those of you who aren't sure how to pronounce the Iowa capital, it's a French name, so the "s" sound is silent, so it sounds like "De Moin". Sorry, but it annoyes me when people say it wrong...same for Illinois...the "s" is silent! Anyway...so yeah...watching videos on YouTube with Dir en grey on the FVT almost made me cry...*sigh* If I ever win the lottery (yeah right...), I would so totally invite them over to my house for a personal concert for my friends and I and a BBQ...I would need alot of money and stuff...plus a translator or two...or five...dunno' but I will go insane if I never go to a concert, Jrock or otherwise, in my life. I feel so sheltered...I've never been to a concert in my life. Did any of you go to the show? Was Diru there? Please tell me! I must know! I'll try to be more positive, because I'm sure nobody likes to read complaints and what-not. Ah yes! On one of my previous posts, I put that Kyo shared my birthday...yeah...that was some misimformation...he was born in February, not September...Ah! But Miyavi's birthday is 10 days away! I need to draw a piccie and send it via scan/fanmail! And that means my birthday and Bou's birthday is 12 days away! Yay! Only a few more weeks!

I know exactly what I want to do for my birthday, too (16th to be exact...)! I'm going to invite Kayla and Yumi over to my house then my dad is going to drop us off at the mall, and we'll run around like crazed maniacs all day. That sounds really fun...I went to the mall Saturday, too...I got the August issue of Cure at Hot Topic. I got the July issue from the one in Detroit when I went there for the last time. I can't read very much, but the pictures are very pretty and make me want to buy some alternate color contacts...Purple and light blue or red. That would be so cool...I want to get into Ayabie, too...they were on the cover this month, and let me just say I fell in love with Intetsu, the bassist! He has such an adorable smile! OMG! I need to seriously get into Phantasmagoria, too...they look so cool...though KISAKI makes me angry sometimes with his expressionless-ism...he has virtually the same expression in every picture...though he is very pretty to look at. ^^ I think the new layout will end up being Bou/AnCafe...I've been into them a lot lately. I especially like "Maple Gunman". Kannon is so cute dressed as a doggie! Kawaii desu! Though I would have to say that the cutest member or AnCafe (for me at least) is Bou...he's so cute...in a sadly girly way, but he's still incredibly adorable!

It's funny...I let Kayla borrow Moonchild, and she didn't watch all of it before she gave it back, so we watched the rest of it when I went over there yesterday. There was a part towards the middle (I think...) where they show a nice close up of his rear (not to mention the fact he was wearing some tight leather pants), and she paused it! It was so hilarious! So the whole time I was there, she was obsessing over how hot Gackt is. Well, I ended up spending the night and Yumi got sucked into our warphole or insanity. It's funny how freaked out she is about Gackt and his blue eyes...^^ But when she found out Kayla though he was shmexy, we sort of look at each other and go: "You do know he's old enough to be your dad, right?" She looked a little crestfallen, but we joked around for a good long time.

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