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myOtaku.com: Silver Wolf Shiko

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Happy Humpday! XD
Post time: 9:31 p.m. CT
Current Music: "Coo Quack Cluck" - Miyavi

How is everyone? I hope all is well. ^^ Everythings going okay for me. It's homecoming week at my school this week, and we have special dress up days all week. Monday was "Under Fire" where we dress up in military-like garb or red, white, and blue. I borrowed a pair of Kayla's brother's camo-pants and stole a pair of my brother's shoes and wore that. Kayla's brother also happens to be into anime, so he let me borrow the fourth InuYasha movie and I watched that last night. I like that movie alot. ^^ Yesterday (Tuesday) was "Under the Stars". We could dress up as any celebrity we liked, being a musician, actor/actress, etc. So, me being the Jrock fangirl I am, dressed up as Kyo-kun! ^^ I chose one of his easier outfits to wear from the Macabre era. I got creative Sunday night and found all the peices I would need for the costume: I borrowed one of my dad's white dress shirts, a pair of black slacks I got from Kayla, my leather jacket, my "hooker boots", and a bunch of black yarn for a tie. A guy at my school (whom I will just call metrosexual) named Ethan offered to do my hair and make-up, so he came over at 6 o'clock in the morning (no big deal for me...I need to be up by 5 at least to get in the shower and catch the bus at 7:30) to do my hair and Kayla's. He did a really nice job! I got several compliments on how the outfit turned out and how I looked "exactly like her!" XD I loved to watch their faces when I went, "Um, thanks, only he's a guy..." But everyone liked it anyway. I'll have to get a picture from Mrs. Peuse to put on here to show you guys...my make-up didn't quite turn out how I wanted, and Kayla tried to fix it for me...not to mention Ethan had to cut my bangs to fit the hair-style...and fried the crap out of my hair with a straightener and hair-spray. I also felt really dumb because I forgot to put the skirt on I had picked out, too...but my hair was pretty cool because the blonde highlights I got before summer showed up again, so it looked like I dyed my hair a little, too. It was an adventuresome day. Today was "Under a Spell", so you could dress up as any fairytale you wanted...only I didn't feel like it, so I just wore my shirt with a fairy on it. ;P

Kya! I'm so happy! I noticed Chris (the guy who makes me my Jrock CD's) was on eBay looking at stuff to buy, and I asked him a question. "If I give you money, will you get me something off of eBay, since my parents won't let me?" He agreed! So I quickly found an item that consisted of four Dir en grey CD's (six Ugly, KISOU, GAUZE, and VULGAR) for $19.95 (it's about $29.95 with shipping added...)! I told him I wouldn't be able to give him all the money right away, but I could get at least $15 to him tomorrow, but I could get the rest to him next week. He said he could pay for the rest of it and he's gonna' order it tomorrow after school! And what makes me happier is I have $17 dollars instead of $15, and I'm also having a birthday party this weekend, so I should get more money. Not to mention that Mom owes me nearly $15 from baby-sitting for three weeks. ^-~ Eeeee! I can't wait! I also might be getting an mp3 player this weekend, so all my Jrock will be in one little conveinient place...*sigh* I can't wait! See you all later!
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What I attempted to look like...sorta. ^^

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