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• chibi_wolf_shiko
• 1990-09-16
• Limbo
Member Since
• 2004-07-29
• High school junior, fanmom/girl
Real Name
• Shiko-chan or Picklemiester, Ruler of Limbo
• Any ribbons I've won for my art.
Anime Fan Since
• 1994
Favorite Anime
• The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note, Naruto, Chobits, Pokemon, Digimon (I'm a little kid at heart, what can I say?), Final Fantasy games, Tales of "..."games...actually, lots of video games. XD
• Meet any of my Jrocker/VKei idols
• Listening to Jrock, drawing, writing, playing video games, being a fanmom
• Drawing and people usually say good things about my little stories...
| Silver Wolf Shiko
Monday, December 4, 2006
Post time: 6:20p.m. CT
Current Music: "Diary of Jane" ~ Breaking Benjamin
I'm glad you all enjoyed our "conversation misadventures" as Yumi called them. I'm sure there are plenty more adventures we have had in our imaginations, but I can't think of them...>-<; I've changed my layout for December to Ayabie. I think it's really pretty, but that's just me...^^ I went Christmas shopping at the mall on Saturday. I spent around $150 in all I think. I got my mom the new Tim McGraw Greatest Hits CD and my dad an 80's Rock CD. I got my little brother Devon the 1st season of The Batman cartoon, and Drew a John Cena hat. I got Kitty a stuffed cow and then I'm going to be making her copies of my Dir en grey CD's and my Flyleaf CD. I'm not going to say what I got Yumi, because she reads my posts...=P I bought Kayla a $25 hat she wanted from Hot Topic...Luckily they had a "Buy 1, Get 1 1/2 off" sale for hats, scarves, and gloves. And I got Jessie and Tenise a $15 gift card to Hot Topic. I was going to get Austin a belt or a wallet, but I didn't have enough money. I might ask my dad if he can get a Best Buy gift card for him instead. It was funny, because when I was going through the food court to get to FYE, I just randomly saw my alumni friend Mari. I ran over and gave her a hug and saw that Kitty and Tenise were there, too. They had come with Kitty�s brother Jay for Christmas shopping, too. So, I got to eat their left-over potato ole�s and orange chicken for lunch. I dragged Mari to FYE to show her all the Nightmare Before Christmas stuff they had (big Jack Skellington freak). Then we went back to Hot Topic and I showed Kitty the issues of Cure I didn�t have yet and she said she would probably get me one. I know Tenise got me a gift card, but I�m not sure what it looks like, or how much, but I think it might be a FMA one. I had a lot of fun though. My mom had this food thing at my Grandpa�s house (it was sort of like a Home Interiors thing, only with yummy food), so we went over there. I played with my grandparent�s two dogs, Baily, a loso opso, and Benjy, a Shi Tzu. I�m sort of at a state of indecision...whenever I see Shinya and Miyu, or my grandparent�s dogs, I want to get a little kawaii chihuahua, but when I go to Kayla�s, I want to get a husky, German Shepard, or other big, wolf-looking dog! Maybe I�ll get both...
Chris let me borrow his Hellsing anime box set. All 13 blood and gore filled episodes...I absolutely love that anime! Arucard is insane, but he�s still my favorite character. Now I want to get all of the manga and the new Hellsing Ultimate anime. But the most hilarious thing about it all...Chris didn�t even know it was an anime until he saw a picture of Arucard on the cover of an Anime Insider magazine. Yeah, Yumi and I couldn�t figure out how he didn�t know it was an anime either.

Do I really need to say anything???
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