Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
~Happy Halloween~
Well here's a pic I made for Halloween.
Notice my avatar.
Wonder what I should be?
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Mess of Troubles
Shiruri walking into the City of Shortest. She spots a young women, who looks lost. "Are you lost?" Shiruri asked her. "No I am looking for you, the Shadow Taimer." Shiruri face shown darkness. "Who are you!?" Shiruri questioned her. "Dragon Fly! I can sinse other Shadow Taimers! I.." She began, but a solder came from nowhere and yelled, "Get the Shadow Taimers!" "What did we do?" Shiruri asked. "Tell ya later!" Dragon Fly said grabbing her hand pulling, "RUN!" "Hurry men they are getting away. They ran into an alley way. "There they are." a Solder shouted as they ran out of it out to the other side. "They are not real solders! They are after us, because there Clan leader told them." Dragon Fly explained, while running. "Why are they dressed as soilders?" Shiruri asked, tiring out. "Because it's to make the people of the city think we are criminals and not for them to help."
Flame Was looking around at the abandon Power Plant. "Doesn't look too abandon!" Flame thought, he was sneaking around spotting many gaurds. "What was the password again to get inside with the boss?" One of the guards said, forgeting the code word. "It's little rabster." The other guard told him, then wispers, "I think." "Well they are making this too easy." Flame laughed as he got to the door. "What's the password?" a man behind the door. "little rabster!" Flame told him. "Intruder!" The man came out the door with a knife. Flame jump back and sliced him, it bacame a weasil. "Okay he is making these things from weak animals now." Flame said as the animal crawl away. "Sorry Shiruri your the one with the Len's of Truth, nothing I could do." Flame thought inside. Flame walked into the private room. There was a gaint ball of light, blinding Flame and...
Silverbolt was in the old cave, which his old brother use as a base. I wonder why he stayed here. "Do you wish to know?" a voice came out of nowhere. "Well yes." Silverbolt said looking around him. "But first are you pure of the heart?" it asked Silverbolt. "I'm not sure, but I know I am for the side of good." Silverbolt answered. "I am glad you told the truth, many asked I have lied, with the answer of yes." "Okay so why was...." Silverbolt said, but the ground was shaken, and the ground colapes under silverbotl's feet. "Follow this path to see me, and the truth of your brother's placement of here." Silverbolt landed in a tunnel of darkness. He looked only one direction had light, he walked to it. He saw a creature made of fire. "I am Magma!" He said. "A summon spirit!" Silverbolt said, "So Seith was looking for you to control and conquer all the city's right?" "That is correct." Magma said. "I shall battle you for you aid," silverbotl told him. "No I have scene goodness in you, I'll become aid of you. Take this call me when your introuble." Magma said forming into another sphere, with fire instide. "This is nice and all but that means Shiruri or Flame is battling the Beast Master!"
Dragon Fly had lead Shiruri to a safe house. "Who are you?" Shiruri asked Dragon Fly, but still had her guard up. "I am Dragon Fly remember?" Dragon Fly laughed. "I mean really!" Shiruri asked. "I am what we are called a Shadow Taimer. We are the one's who destroy evil. Those guys back there are evil, like their master!" Dragon Fly explained. "I only hope thay do not use a Shadow crystal!" "A shadow crystal?" Shiruri asked. "I thought you would knew sinse you act like you know that your a Shadow Taimer. Well it's the only thing that can track Shadow Taimers that have there inner Taimer open." Dragon Fly told her. "I knew I was one I just didn't know what one was, because when I was littler I was called one, and ran out of that town." Shiruri started to explain. "Well to open a inner taimer you just got to learn you are one, and it opens. People tend to hate us because we usual cause the death of people from evil people killing them to get to us." "The crystal says there here!" a Solders said, crashing the wall through. "Ahhh!" They both shouted. "I know a safe place! Come my friends will help us." Shiuri said as they ran for there lives.
The ball of light was an electric ball with a face. "What is that!?" Flame shouted forgot that this mission was mainly stealth. The General that was a computer looked, and said. "Volt my good friend hahaha, get the intruder!" He typed on the computer. Volt started to growl trying to stop hijmself but the computer was too strong, hge had to obey. "I'm not going to get fried!" Flame shouted, the lightning bolt came flying at him, he moved his hand and the botl change direction moving out of the way of Flame. "What!?!" The General shouted notcing that Flame was still standing. "Now that Volt attack doesn't hurt me, want to give up?" Flame asked. The genral drawn his blade and ran at Flame. Flame slashed at him, cutting his chest almost open. The General bacame a monkey. The rest of the people there started to change as well. "So if we beet a general or leader they all go back. Good Info to have." Flame talked to himself. "So Volt want to be free?" Flame Slashed his sword into the computer. Volt bame free and started to speak. "I debt in your you thank." Volt said. He's words was scrampled from the effects of the machine. "Shall I your become Spirit Summon." He contined. He became a sphere with electricity in it. "I guess I have a summon spirit now! I wonder if Silverbolt, or Shiruri found the Beast Master? Man Silverbolt is gonna be jealous of my new Spirit." Flame laughed.
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Friday, October 15, 2004
Shiruri Adventure Part2 Summoning A New Plan
"I can't break free!" Shiruri thought as she was frozen solid within an ice cage. The water summon spirit attacked Shiuri with a powerful current blast of water coming crashing into Shiruri, breaking the ice between them. "So cold..." Shiruri thought out loud, she was laying in a puddle of ice cold water. "Then Let's warm things up!" Celcuis giggled as she summon boiling hot water, it flew into the air then went crashing into Shiruri. Shiruri was pend into the wall by the powerful hot current. "Had enough will you leave and never come back?" Celcuis asked. "No.. I will get the Len's of Truth!" Shiruri said. "Then you'll die all wet!" She chuckled shooting more currents of water at Shiruri.
Shiruri tried to evade the attacks but was hit by two of the currents. Thrown into the air she landed next to the case of the Len's of Truth. She grabbed the case from over it and used it as a sheild blocking the water from hitting her. "Let's see how you like your own medicine!" Shiruri shouted as she pushed the water into Celcuis' face. Celcuis sarted to get angry. a cloud was forming above her. "I got to make her evaporate! Then she'll be to weak to fight..." Shiuri thought to her self. "You know i scene boy's prettier than you!" She shouted. Celcuis made a face at Shiruri, and started to steam. "Ahh you'll pay for that." Celcuis threaten. Shiruri stuck her tounge out at Celcuis, making her almost evaporate complete. "Hey you know what?" Shiruri asked. "What!?" Celcuis questioned. "You are beatin!" Shiuri said. "WHAT!" Celcuis shouted. Shiuri kicked her, she went flying hiting the wall. She got so mad that she had bacame a cloud of smoke. Then she spoked. "You have defeated me, so you know have this" Celuis became a spere with a clear blue shade with water in it. "This is the Summon Spirit of Water's Spere." "So I control you?" Shiruri asked. "Yes" Shiruri walked up to the Len's of Truth and picked it up. She left the Chamber.
Outside of the base... "Watch out Flam...." Silverbolt shouted but was interupted by an attack. He was fighting a warrior made of an Snake. Flame was damaged by a bear that was made into a warrior aswell. The bear looked human, with giant muscles and claws. The snake was slipperly and was skinny. "Shiruri asked use to not hurt them." Flame told Silverbolt, "But how do we fight?" "We said we will not hurt them but we still can defend our selfs." Silverbolt said edvanding the snake's attack and kicking it making it land on the ground. Flame using his sword blocked the bear's claws. Flame unknowing miss a step and was given a bear huge. "It's crushing my bones!" Flame shouted, he droped his sword. "Flame!" Silverbolt shouted trying to run to help but the snake got in his way. "What would ya do without me?" Shiruri laughed. She had goten there with the help of Celcuis. She was holding on Celcuis will Celcuis made a giant wave. "Wash them out!" Shiruri told her. The wave smashed into the two warriors, and drying them out on top of a roof. "Len's of Truth do your stuff." Shiruri shouted, as she used it to change the mback into animals. The animals reatreated as soon as they return to there formal selfs.
"A Summon Spirit!" Silverbolt shouted in amazement. "Master. I'll got back into the sphere to regain striength." Celcuis told Shiruri, before turning into light and vanished int othe water ball. "It was the only way to get the Len's of Truth. Which looks like it works. Her old master had her to protect the Len's of Truth, but sense he died a while back her pact was broken and she stayed there intil someone else could fight her and win." Shiruri explained. "So you ready to take care of that beast master wizard!" "We don't even know where he is." Flame said. "Well that's not completely true." Silverbolt said. They went into the base.
"Look there is three places they could be." Silverbolt said. He pointed to there places on his wall map. "The Power Plant, City of Sortest, and Seith's old base." Silverbolt said. "Flame took a marker and circled the there spots, "So we will split up and go to the there places alone." Flame concluded. "You drawn on my map!" Silverbolt growled. He yacked Flame on his head. "So which of us go where?" Shiruri asked. "Well the reader's could just wait till the next fic, but I feel nice and say it now! Shiuri you'll go to the city, Flame you'll go to the power plant sinse you got a little control over electric. And I'll to my bro's old base." Silverbolt explained.
So Silverbolt headed to the close mountains where his brother Seith's base once was, and there was rumors about someone taking over the base. Shiuri went to the City of Shortest, where some of the beast warriors was spoted doing trades for there leader. And Flame Darkfire was heading for an Power Plant where strange power signals have bee ncomming from and someo of the beast warriors was also been spoted. As Silverbolt was walking he had one thing on his mnd, "Why did he write on my map!" And as soon as he got to the scene there was five guards gaurding the entrance.
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Shiuri's Adventure Part1 Falling Water
Reaching the villiage of Falling Water's, Shiruri was about to amit defeat of the 3 mile walk. She had walked from the City of Denvoulte, where she left her fellow Clan members Silverbolt, and Flame Darkfire. At the base... "Wondering where Shiruri is by now?" Silverbolt said as he was waxing his sword. "A better question would be where is she resting by now!" Flame making a joke. "I was being wasn't joking." Silverbolt said giving Flame a face. Back with Shiruri... She had stoped at a lake near Falling Water's. Nice little spot, with a water fall, and a small lake under it. "What's this a sign?" Shiruri thought as she notice a sign on a rock in the lake. "A len's will tell truth only to who can...." She read off. The rest was too erosed from the rushing waters it couldn't be made out.
Shiruri thought what it said. It talked about a len's. "I wonder if it was talking about the Len's of Truth?" Shiruri thought out loud. Unknowing there was more to the story, about the gaurding of the lake. She thought she would go into town and ask around. "Don't go near that lake!" An old woman warned. "there's a len's alright! But not theo ne your thinking of hahaha" A man who looked out of his head chuckled. "This is geting me nowhere!" Shiuri shouted out, from fustration. Shiruri went back to the water fall spot.
"Okay let's see I am looking for the Len's of Truth. This sign talks about a len's that'll the thruth only to who something something something something. Man I wish the villiagers was more help..." Shiruri told herself. She layed down. She had a camp up fro the night. Back at the base... "Well I think we need to help get's some more funds. We almost out." Silverbolt told Flame. "I checked the boards at the bar, there isn't any jobs out there." Flame said. "I have got for of em' here Flame, I check the board before most people do. This one has a reward of 500 gold! Here are two worth 150 gold. I'll take these two. Meet back here after you finish them. Shiruri woke up from a night of sleeping. She got up and thought hardly about the riddle. "Maybe some of the villiagers might live near the lake, and know about the sign!" Shiruri said getting a fresh mood lifter.
After wondering around the lake, no one was even living near it. She spoted one house but was abanden, soon earlier. "Okay all this is getting me nowhere!" Shiruri soon found fustration, "I wonder where the guy's are doing." Back at the base... "Well Fang you feeling better?" Silverbolt asked. Fang was now waking up from he last battle. "I still think we should leave him in the forest!" Flame said. Fang growled at him. "You know that Seith would have won, if it wasn't for Fang saving you two!" Silverbolt growled at Flame. "Well I think it was saving Shiruri and I was just with Shiruri at the time, besides I still haven't got that fish back! Besides that you was the one who gave the final blow to Seith!" Flame argued. The little wolf barked at Flame, then turned to the door. "Ah Thanks her name is Shiruri make sure you get to her by one." Silverbolt handed a sack to a man with a bag. He was a carrier.
About noon, Shiruri tryed to ask the villiager again. Most warned her not to go again, there will be a monster waiting, she figured they was joking. Others told her to look hard and she find something, but was it worth her life for it. About one she found a fourtine teller. "So do you know anything about the lake or the Len's of Truth?" Shiruri asked her wating for a no. "Excuse me miss are you Shiruri, you fit the describtion very well." The Carrier asked her. "Yes." Shiruri told him. He handed her the gold in the bag. "The message from Silverbolt was hope this helps you!" The carrier explained then soon left to do his other jobs. "Yes I do but about a bag full of gold will help me tell you!" The fourtine teller chuckled. "Fine, but half then the rest I'll give you after you give the info." Shiruri told her. "Okay the Len's of Truth is the len's the sign was saying. you just have to run into the Water Fall and you'll find the chamber of the Len's of Truth!" She explained. "Thanks." Shiruri said giving the rest of the gold to her. She walked off. "If you would have gave me all of it at first I would have told you about the spirit hahahahahaha." The teller laughed.
Shiruri was at the lake. She ran and jumped fro mthe shoure of the lake's begining. She landed on a rock mid middle of the lake. She jumped rock to rock intill she got to the last rock to the fall. "He I go!" She yelled as she jumped as far as she could. Her foot tuched the ruin rock, and the water fall started to push harder. She fell to her knes. "I'll won't be stop by water!" "Really!" A voice in the chamber growled. She looked up and saw a pool of water on both sides of the room, and in the middle the Len's of Truth standing on a case. "Then a figure amurged from the water from the left. "I am Celcius summon spirit of WATER!" He growled at her. "I will not be stop by the likes of you!" Shiruri shouted. They ran to each other into battle.
Shiruri's Katana was drawn fast as light. She slash threw Celcius, but everywhere she hit she became water. "Nothing can hurt water!" She laughed. The woman spirit made of water was too quick and even when hit didn't get hurt. "Let's play with her!" Celcius giggled. "What!?!" Shiruri lost her footing fro mthe news. Celcuis captalize her mistake and kicked her to the ground. Water Build under Shiruri, throwing her into the air. She was got by another current of water coming from the pull of water. She was tossed again again intill she grabbed the chamber's ceiling. Once she landing on the safe floor Celcius, sent another current at Shiruri. She didn't evade this attack and notice that the water crawling on her was becoming Ice. "No!!!!!" Shiuri tried to shout be was soon incased the frozen liquid. "Great now I can't move I'm frozen!" Shiruri thought trying to move her body.
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Monday, October 11, 2004
"WHAT! What do you mean we're almost bankrupt?" Silverbolt shouted as Shiruri showed him the funds. "Well from our last fight, we got hurt badly and the medical bills kinda took up most of our funds. We have enough for a couple more weeks of food." Shiruri explained. "Well aint that great, Flame went on a trip to help his villiage, we out of money..." Silverbolt began, "and we also have a couple of hits on our heads from the remaining Clan Death members who wasn't cought!" Shiruri looked at fang, the wolf was laying down still sleeping, "Fang is still hurt from Seith's attack."
Shiruri went to sit next to Fang. She rubbed his head. "Ahhh!" Shiruri jumped out of the way of an arrow. Shiruri picked up the note, that was attach to the arrow. "Member's of Clan Heroic! Come to the south of Denvoulte. There go into hte forest and we'll talk. don't bring any weapons!" Shiruri read off, "Are you thinking what I am?" "Yeah I need to do something about that window." Silverbolt thought out loud. "No It's a trap!" Shiruri told him. "Well I am going to honor there wishes and leave my sword here." Silverbolt said pulling out seith's sword out of the sword sheet. "Why are you using that sword?" Shiruri asked. "My sword was broken when I hit the wall back at the fight, so I am using Seith's SoulBlade, and my Wolf Fang handle, together intil I can get a new one." Silverbolt explained. They left Silverbolt without his sword, and Shiruri armed.
They reached where the letter said, but no one was there. But after looking around they start to hear a voice. "I was told three was amount of member's in Clan Heroic!" "Flame Darkfie is out on a mission! He couldn't make it! Show your self!" Silverbolt commanded the voice. "In due time you bothersome freak! You know your brother Seith was just a pawn in a bigger game!" "What!?" Shiruri and Silverbolt. "Yesss! He was Clan Trinity's semi weak pawns! I am below him, but getting beat be the likes of you have made me a more higher rank sinse he is now on the bottem of Trinity's ranks!" "So this really a trap!" Shiruri asked. "Yess and now that you got no weapons I'll kill you!" It shouted as it came from the shadows. A man that resembled a rat by his claws of nails, and a face only a rat's mother could love.
"What!" He shouted. "They said you'll be honorable to not to bring any!" He notice Shiruri had her katana. "Well she believed it was a trap." Silverbolt told him. "Ratsue will kill you!" Ratsue shouted runing at Silverbolt, Shiruri jumped infront of him, and cut him in his chest. He fell to the ground. "Master will beat you... Trinity will beat you... He'll make a better creature into a warrior and be...att...yo..u..grrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Ratsue growled as he started to bleed to death, but has he finished his speach he shrunk, and became hairy. He became a rat. He passout and his heart stoped. "Look at what i done..." Shiruri said about ot cry. Silverbolt looked at the rat. "it died! I killed an animal! It was being controled and I killed it! It wasn't it's fault, it was his master's. they'll pay!" Shiruri got up and made a fist. "You'll pay!" "It looks like Seith was just another henchmen... I am guessing the master of Ratsue is a beast master and a wizard. Only those too powers can do this. Beast Master to control a beast mind, and the wizard for the magic." Silverbolt thought out loud, "C'mon Shiruri we need to get back to Fang." Silverbolt headed back. Shiruri dug a tiny hole and placed Ratsue in it. She soon left.
A Day later. "So what I miss?" Flame got back, "I saved my villiage from a mission and learned Flame Wheel attack." Flame stoped after he seeing Silverbolt and Shiruri packing. "Why are you too leaving for?" Flame asked them both. "I'm not but she is." Silverbolt said helping Shiruri put her stuff in a bag. "I am going to find a gem called the Len's of Truth. And when I find it I'll come back." Shiruri said as she got what she needed. "Here is some of what's left of the funds, you might need it. If we get anymore funds will send a third of it to you sinse your our third member." Silverbolt said as he handed over a bag of money. "I'll see you guys later, take care of Fang." Shiruri said as she left out the door.
"Why did she leave again? C'mon tell me what had happen." Flame questioned Silverbolt. "Well we was attacked by a rat..." Silverbolt laughed. "What! She's scared of rats?" Flame asked. Shiruri was listening from outside the window, "Please Silverbolt don't kill anyof the animals...." She said softly. "You know tommorrow we are going to get this window filled." Silverbolt said as he walked over to it. Shiruri had ducked, and was crawling out of window's way. Now she'll have a big journey ahead. Not only is she alone, she'll have to find an artifact that might even be a myth, or might be so magically it is grauded to the fullest, only time will tell.
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Heroic Part3
"Die!" Leader Shouted, he ran toward Silverbolt. "Be careful even thought he isn't holding a weapon he still can hit!" Silverbolt said. The Leader pulled out a fist, and misses both Flame and Silverbolt. "Whoa!" Flame said, "He made a crator in a marble floor!" Flame finally got a good look at him. This guy who made a crator in the floor with his hand had eye's with no soul in them. He had black hair darkest hair he had ever saw. This guy didn't have any musles, and any strength, but had a feel of power. "What did he mean Brother!" Flame said as he dodge the punches of Silverbolt's brother. "Silverbolt!" Flame shouted, "SILVERBOLT HELP ME COME ON!" Silverbolt looked to be lost in his mind.
"Silverbolt you got to stop him! He told me about what happened! You can't let that stop you from fighting him!" Shiruri told Silverbolt. "Seith! Time to fight!" Silverbolt shouted. Silverbolt eye's lost it's emotion, and feeling, his face change from kind hearted and warm to cold and angry. "Play with you later!" Seith said as he round house kicked Flame kncoking into Shiruri and her gaurds. "So Silverdolt, wanna' play?" Seith chuckled. Silverbolt grined, "Get your sword! I know you will fight me at your full strength, atleast fight with the same weapon!" Silverbolt growled.
Seith grabed his sword. It was a gaint blade, and was see through. It look like souls were inside of the blade. "I am going to add your soul to my Soul Blade!" Seith told Silverbolt. "Quit talking and come at me!" Silverbolt order him. "Oh so your in your killing side are you?" Seith chuckled. They both juimped into the air at full speed, both swords clashed. The aftershock was strong, a few gaurds fell. Seith went back to attack from the side, but as fast as he couldmove, Silverbolt jumped in his way. No one was taking damage, Every hit was blocked.
Seith quickly jabed his sword handle into Silverbolt's stomac. Silverbolt gluped, Seith round housed kicked Silverbolt. Silverbolt almost demolished the wall as he crashed into it. All the cracked peices of the wall landed on him, leaving only his arm seeable. A ninja star made a cut in Seith's arm. "What!" Seith said, he turned to Shiruri and Flame. Flame had enough time to free Shiruri. "You know what I will kill you two then put your soul into my Soul Blade!" Seith laughed. Seith disapeared. And Reapeared in front of Flame. FLame slashed at him, but Seith moved, and hit Shiruri. And kicked Flame as he turned around toward him, Shiruri got to her feet and hit Seith with a punch. But he counter attacked her and she flew into a wall. Flame slashed Seith back. Seith ebowed Flame and made another round house kick into Flames face knocking toward shiruri, who just got to her feet. Flame hit her and they both was on the gorund.
"He doesn't even look like we made a dent into him!" Shiruri shouted as she got to her feet to get a good look."Yeah and I feel like falling back down!" Flame repied. "Just try to get that sword away from him!" Shiruri yelled. They both went at him. Shiruri jumped over him and threw four ninja stars, Seith moved and two of the stars got stuck into FLame's flesh. "Sorr.." Shiruri began to said, but her mouth was full of Seith's foot. He kicked her. He started to repeatly kick her to keep himself air born. Flame ran to him to attack but he kicked Shiruri into him.
"Okay this isn't working!" Flame said pulling out the stars. "Yeah..." Shiruir said. Shiruri was puffing, and was almost on the ground, but wasl imbing to stay up. Flame was bleeding from the stars and Seith punches and kicks wasn't helping the healing process. "Okay. He's coming at us full speed!" Flame informed Shiruri. They both tryed to jump out of the way, but wasn't able too. They was both hit by the same slash. "I can't get up!" Flame said holding his leg. Shiruri also wasn't able to get up either. "Time to finish both of you off!" Seith told them. He walked intill his shadow covered over them.
He's sword raised into the air. "Sorry I got you guy's into this..." Shiruri told Flame, she had her eye's closed. "It isn't your fault, sorry I wasn't skilled enough to save us." Flame also stated, Flame's hand as in the air to block the attack but he knew it wouldn't help. Seith slashed! "Are we dead?" Shiruri asked into the nothingness. "I don't think so." Flame said. They looked Fang had bitten Seith's hand, making him drop the Soul Blade. Seith kicked Fang. Fang hit the wall head first. "Stupid Mutt!" Seith Shouted at Fang. "Gr.r.r.r....r..r.r." Fang try to growl. "He isn't a MUTT!" Seith heard as his Soul Blade was throwned into his chest. Silverbolt standing up had thrown the blade after it had slided over to him when fang bitten Seith. Silverbolt conlapsed....
Silverbolt woke up in his bed coverd in bandages. "What? Did we win?" Silverbolt asked, as he saw Shiruri, and Flame Darkfire at his sides. "Yeah your the one who won it!" Flame told him. "What about fang!?!" Silverbolt shouted remember the fight scene. "He was treated aswell! He'll be fine he has to rest for about two weeks." Shiruri informed him, "But you got to be in bed for four more weeks." Flame sarted to laugh, "We was only minorly damaged, compared to you! It only took four days for us." "How long have I been like this?" Silvernbolt questioned them. "About a week." FLame told him. "One more question! Sinse we fight so well as a team would you join Clan Heroic?" "Why not?" Shiruri asked. "Well I need a place to train and sleep for a while sure!"
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Heroic Part2
"Shiruri!" Silverbolt yelled, as she disapeared into the crowd. Flame geting from his fall. "Come on follow her!" Flame ordered Silverbolt. "Your a perferted bastard!" Silverbolt chuckled. An verry angry face rased on Flame face, "Not what I mean!" Flame growled into Silverbolt's face. "What a sec just come into the base, Well find her in a little while." Silverbolt told him, as he walked into the building. "Okay?" Flame said, he followed him into the building. "Look rumors have it that those guys are called Clan Death! their base is in this mountain!" Silverbotl explained, he was pointing at a mountain on his map he had on the wall, "She'll be heading there.It'll take us a day and a night to get there. She'll make camp somewhere in the fields. So let's go on ahead." Silverbolt and Flame head off.
That night... Silverbolt fished at a lake near their camp site, and Flame made a fire and watch the site. While eating they heard a growl. "Grr.." "Okay did you hear that?" Flame yelped. "No." Silverbolt said, with his mouth full of fish. "Grr.." "There!" Flame jumped. "Didn't.." "Grr.." "hear.." "Grr.." "it." Silverbolt said, over the growl. "Well if you would shut up for a sec you could hear it!" Flame getting mad growled. A snake poped out of a rock next to Flame, "AHH!" Flame shouted as he jumped, "That was scarier..." "Grr.." "what the hell that is!" "Hey Shiruri youi can quit laughing!" Silverbolt said looking at a bush. "How did you know I was there?" Shiruri said as she came out of the bush. "I use to be a tracker. It wassn't your laughing that gave you away, it was just my talent." Silverbolt said as he shoved the rest of his fish into his mouth, not the bones or guts. Shiruri stomac growled. "Was that yopur stomac growling back there?" Flame madly asked. "No I just hungry and that fish made my stomac growl but that other growling wasn't me." Shiruri explained. "Here I got to much fish," Silverbolt told as he gave her a wooden plate, "Whay was you spying on us anyway?" "I heard someone and went to check it out." She told. "Grr.." They all lookoed around hoping to see who was making it the growling. A puppy wolf jumped at the plate of fish Shiruri was holding and eat every part. "You!" Shiruri growled at it. The wolf ran toward Flame. "Oh he isn't gonna save you!" Shiruri said, before she saw why it ran to him. The wolf took flame's fish and gave it to her. "You!" FLame got up and growled. The wolf braked at him.
Silverbolt picked it up. "Fang!" Silverbolt shouted. "Is yours or something?" Flame and Shiruri asked. "No! But I think we should name him it." Silverbolt told answered. "Where's the monster family at?" Flame still holding the grudge said. Fang face fell into a deep sadness. It jumped down and ran into the forest. "I think it wants us to follow him." Shiruri said. They followed it's path intil they saw two men hold a dead wolf. "Haha The boss will love the fur on this one!" One of the men said. "Yeah..." The other man said, but he's speech was cut short by Shiruri's foot. He fell top the ground. "How dare you kill an animal for fur!" She yelled at them. "Get her!"The guy on the gournd shouted. The first one was cut down to size by Silverbolt. "Let's get out of here! They got swords!" He said, getting up. "So do we!" The Guy that was on the ground got up and pulled out his blade. "They are Clan Death members!" Silverbolt informed Shiruri, and Flame, "Only they use those blades!" "They know who we are! So who the hell are you?" TheGuy bleeding said. "Clan Heroic!" Silverbolt said. Shiruri, and Flame puzzled. "Let's get the hell out of here! Remember what happen a year ago!" They both said and ran leaving the wolf. "This must be Fang's mother!" Shiruri said ,about to cry for fang. "They'll pay!" Silverbolt growled. Silverbolt looked like he could kill someone. "What did they mean what happen a year ago? and who's clan Heroic?" Flame questioned Silverbolt.
"A Year ago Clan Death was terrerising a village. I was trying to start a clan! So I was the only member of Clan Heroic. I saved the village killing every Clan Death member that was there. So Clan Death is scared of Clan Heroic. Well there is a reason why I killed them but that's another story!" Silverbolt explained. "Hey theres that guy who pushed me off that building!" Shiruri told them she look over a bushed and saw him. She ran and attacked but missed him. He grab her, "Let go of me!" Shiruri order him. "Hey Silverdolt! Clan Death's leader want's a word with you! If you don't come by nightfall we'll kill your girlfriend here!" He told them. He got on a hourse, he had a knife at Shiruri's neck. "Will have to follow him." Silverbolt told Flame, "On second thought you go on your way, I don't want to get you killed or put you or her in danger! I know you don't like Fang but take to safety!" Silverbotl started to walk slowly behind the hourse, to find the base."Silverbolt. we are going with you!" Flame said holding Fang. "Thanks!" Silverbolt thanked Flame.
At the Moutain base... "Great two gaurds!" Flame said. "I knew he would make it where I would have to break my way in. FLame you attack the guy on the left, I'll get the guy on the right!" Silverbolt told him. It only took them about five seconds to take them out. And as they walked father into the base, the found them self in the main room. A gaint room bigger then Silverbolt's base itself. Shiruri was tied to a chair on one side of the room with her capturer, and a few grauds. The leader was in the middle of the room looked to be ready for a battle. Grauds on the other sid of the room as well.
"Welcome Brother!" The leader in the middle told Silverbolt. "Grr.." Fang growled. Silverbolt pulled out his sword. "Brother!" Flame asked confused. Shiruri looked puzzled aswell. "Okay I guess your gonna have your buddies figth with you?" The leader, and Silverbolt said at the time. Silverbolt was talking about the wall to wall grauds, and the Leader was talking about Flame, and Fang.
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Friday, October 1, 2004
Flame Darkfire
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Heroic Part2/ Shiruri and Flame Sprites
Heroic Part 2 will set Heroic Part3, as Silverbolt + Flame find Shiruri but they are seperate again, when attacked!
Shiruri Sprites on Way
Flame Darkfire Sprites on way.
Silverbolt Sprites on way.
Project Lyoko is put on hold for a while to make Shiruri, Silverbolt and FLame's Sprites
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Heroic Part1
Another day in Denvoulte. Children playing in the streets, boats and men bringing goods to the market. People crowding up the walk ways, But a new man walked into the Town Square. A warrior looking boy with a sword hidden under a bag. He paced a man siting ontop of a wall made of bricks, the man sitting on the wall laughed, "Nice Purse! And I thought only women had those." The boy turn a angry face at him, and growled "It's a bag!" "Really cause if a bag tied to rope around your arm, was called a purse. Did they change the to bag?" The guy luaghed. "it's a bag!!" The boy shouted. A couple of people turned at the who shouted "bag". They only saw the boy. The boy looked around and didn't see the guy. But as the boy made the thought of him being a daydream he heard, "Purse." The boy jumped and looked around to see who it was, he jumped up the wall and looked on the other side but didn't see anything. After he jumped down and started to go on his way, he felt a tap on his showders. "I was looking for someone that's why I jumped the wall.." the boy shouted as he turn around thinknig it was a officer. "Purse!" The guy laughed. "You!" the boy growled. "You know you shouldn't get so angry." The guy advised. "BAG!" "Purse." "BAG!" "Purse!" "BOOM!!" A tall building blew up.
The man started to run toward the fire, but stop to say. "PURSE!" Before the boy could stop him to say bag again he just walked off. "Flame Darkfire doesn't wear a purse!" Flame wispered. "Wait! shouldn't I help put out the fire!" Flame shouted as he ran toward the fire aswell. When he got there he sall the guy with a sword fighting to other men, with a woman onthe ground. Flame pulled his sword out, but the guy had allready finished he men off. But Five more men game out of the burning building. "Who the hell are you!" One the guys said. "Call me Silverbolt!" Silverbotl told them, "Come on let's get this over with!" Flame ran toward the fight to help(who he didn't know.) the men came toward as well. Silverbolt sliced one in the arm, knocking his sword out of his hand. He kicked one that was trying to sneak on him. Jump backwards so the thrid guy's attack. Flame hit the fourth guy with his sword. Silverbolt sung his sword toward Flame, hitting the guy behing him. "You almost hit me!" Flame shouted. "No I was aiming at that guy." Silverbolt said pointing at the guy laying on his back in pain. Silverbolt elboed the last guy in the face before he could hit him, then put his foot in front of his and punch him making him fall. "Who the hell are you?" The guy on the ground asked. "Sir he already said he's Silverbolt." One of the other guys told him. "Shut up!" He told the other guy. "Sir can we get the fuck out of here?" One of the men got and asked. "Hell yeah!" He said has he got up and ran. "NO!" Flame said as his eyes shot blolts out! Lightning shoot from the sky hiting all the men, making them faint.
"So the Electric Controler wears a purse!" Silverbolt laughed. "Grrrr.. Your next bud!" Flame shouted. A Lighting Bolt shot from the sky aiming at Silverbolt. A bright show lights sprakled. "Not quite!" Silverbolt said has a figure arosed with a sword in the air. "HOW!?!" Flame shouted. "Easy, I designed my sword to ve able to use a rubber handel elertic attack useless." Silverbolt explained, "I used my sword as a lighting rod." "LOOK A GIRL!" FLame said shouted. "What!" Silverbolt turn and there was a woman in a ninja outfit about to be pushed off the top of the building. "Ahhhhhhhhhh....." She yelled as she fell to her doom. She pased out during the fall...
"Your lucky." A voice told her, "Catching all those guys for the bounty got enough gold to by the base!" "Who are you?!" The lady jumped up onto the bed ready to fight. "HEY!" Silverbolt yelled as he backed away, "Okay next time I won't catch you from falling!" Silverbolt walked away, he sat on the other side of the room. "Sorry.." She said. "Okay now we get some question!" Flame told her, "Why did you jump or why was they pushing you off? AND WHO WAS THEY!" "I was hired to protect that building from them, I don't know who they are. the owner told me that they was threating to do that, and if I can stop them they would pay me. I wouldn't take the money even if i stoped them, too many of them!" She told them, as she punched the wall. "HEY! Like I said I just bought this base miss, what's your name?" Silverbolt shouted then turn back to normal. "Shiruri, and that's all you need to now. Thanks but I got to be going." Shiruri told them, then walked out of the door. "Okay let's follow her!" Silverbolt told Flame. "You preverted bastard!" Flame shouted. Silverbolt face turned red, "Not what I ment! She is going to try to find the rest of those guys! and challange them, and she might need our help!" Silverbolt told him, and ran out the door. Flame followed.
"There she is!" Flame shouted. "Shut up idiot now she knows we are following her!" Silverbolt growled at Flame and ran after Shiruir. "Crap!" Shiruir saw them come toward her, she ran into an alley way. Flame and Silverbolt ran to the entrance of the alley and there was no trace, "I know I saw her run this way!" Flame told Silverbolt. "Look up!" Silverbolt told him. "Yeah and look down and alround I heard that one before!" Flame argued. "You go that way on the street, I'll follow her!" Silverbolt said as he walled jump to the roof of the two buildings. "Oh! now I get it she's up there..." Flame said as he started to run pass people and pushing into others.
On the roof tops, "Don't make me fight you!" Shiruri told Silverbolt. "With what? Your Kantana? That you forgot at my place?" Siliverbolt laughed. Shiruri face broke up as she looked around on her to find it. "Arggg.." Shiruri growled. She flips backwards into another alley. By time Silverbolt got to the roof she was on, she was gone. "Missed her dang." Silverbolt said, "Better go back to the base!" Shiruri ran within the crowd, she bumbed into someone knocking them both down. "Sorry miss HEY it's you Shiruri!" Flame said. She pushed him and ran toward the base, "Hey wait a sec!" Flame shouted trying to catch up to her. She stoped and he ran paced her and hit into the door of the base, and Silverbolt hit him thinking it was Shiruri. "You was gonna hit me!?!" Shiruir yelled at him. "No I was gonna knock you out." "Why are you chasing me?" Shiruri asked them. "Cause your gonna attack the leader of that group and die!" Silverbolt told her. "I don't need your help! I will get my honor back!" She yelled as she ran into the crowd.
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