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Friday, October 1, 2004
Heroic Part1
Another day in Denvoulte. Children playing in the streets, boats and men bringing goods to the market. People crowding up the walk ways, But a new man walked into the Town Square. A warrior looking boy with a sword hidden under a bag. He paced a man siting ontop of a wall made of bricks, the man sitting on the wall laughed, "Nice Purse! And I thought only women had those." The boy turn a angry face at him, and growled "It's a bag!" "Really cause if a bag tied to rope around your arm, was called a purse. Did they change the to bag?" The guy luaghed. "it's a bag!!" The boy shouted. A couple of people turned at the who shouted "bag". They only saw the boy. The boy looked around and didn't see the guy. But as the boy made the thought of him being a daydream he heard, "Purse." The boy jumped and looked around to see who it was, he jumped up the wall and looked on the other side but didn't see anything. After he jumped down and started to go on his way, he felt a tap on his showders. "I was looking for someone that's why I jumped the wall.." the boy shouted as he turn around thinknig it was a officer. "Purse!" The guy laughed. "You!" the boy growled. "You know you shouldn't get so angry." The guy advised. "BAG!" "Purse." "BAG!" "Purse!" "BOOM!!" A tall building blew up.
The man started to run toward the fire, but stop to say. "PURSE!" Before the boy could stop him to say bag again he just walked off. "Flame Darkfire doesn't wear a purse!" Flame wispered. "Wait! shouldn't I help put out the fire!" Flame shouted as he ran toward the fire aswell. When he got there he sall the guy with a sword fighting to other men, with a woman onthe ground. Flame pulled his sword out, but the guy had allready finished he men off. But Five more men game out of the burning building. "Who the hell are you!" One the guys said. "Call me Silverbolt!" Silverbotl told them, "Come on let's get this over with!" Flame ran toward the fight to help(who he didn't know.) the men came toward as well. Silverbolt sliced one in the arm, knocking his sword out of his hand. He kicked one that was trying to sneak on him. Jump backwards so the thrid guy's attack. Flame hit the fourth guy with his sword. Silverbolt sung his sword toward Flame, hitting the guy behing him. "You almost hit me!" Flame shouted. "No I was aiming at that guy." Silverbolt said pointing at the guy laying on his back in pain. Silverbolt elboed the last guy in the face before he could hit him, then put his foot in front of his and punch him making him fall. "Who the hell are you?" The guy on the ground asked. "Sir he already said he's Silverbolt." One of the other guys told him. "Shut up!" He told the other guy. "Sir can we get the fuck out of here?" One of the men got and asked. "Hell yeah!" He said has he got up and ran. "NO!" Flame said as his eyes shot blolts out! Lightning shoot from the sky hiting all the men, making them faint.
"So the Electric Controler wears a purse!" Silverbolt laughed. "Grrrr.. Your next bud!" Flame shouted. A Lighting Bolt shot from the sky aiming at Silverbolt. A bright show lights sprakled. "Not quite!" Silverbolt said has a figure arosed with a sword in the air. "HOW!?!" Flame shouted. "Easy, I designed my sword to ve able to use a rubber handel elertic attack useless." Silverbolt explained, "I used my sword as a lighting rod." "LOOK A GIRL!" FLame said shouted. "What!" Silverbolt turn and there was a woman in a ninja outfit about to be pushed off the top of the building. "Ahhhhhhhhhh....." She yelled as she fell to her doom. She pased out during the fall...
"Your lucky." A voice told her, "Catching all those guys for the bounty got enough gold to by the base!" "Who are you?!" The lady jumped up onto the bed ready to fight. "HEY!" Silverbolt yelled as he backed away, "Okay next time I won't catch you from falling!" Silverbolt walked away, he sat on the other side of the room. "Sorry.." She said. "Okay now we get some question!" Flame told her, "Why did you jump or why was they pushing you off? AND WHO WAS THEY!" "I was hired to protect that building from them, I don't know who they are. the owner told me that they was threating to do that, and if I can stop them they would pay me. I wouldn't take the money even if i stoped them, too many of them!" She told them, as she punched the wall. "HEY! Like I said I just bought this base miss, what's your name?" Silverbolt shouted then turn back to normal. "Shiruri, and that's all you need to now. Thanks but I got to be going." Shiruri told them, then walked out of the door. "Okay let's follow her!" Silverbolt told Flame. "You preverted bastard!" Flame shouted. Silverbolt face turned red, "Not what I ment! She is going to try to find the rest of those guys! and challange them, and she might need our help!" Silverbolt told him, and ran out the door. Flame followed.
"There she is!" Flame shouted. "Shut up idiot now she knows we are following her!" Silverbolt growled at Flame and ran after Shiruir. "Crap!" Shiruir saw them come toward her, she ran into an alley way. Flame and Silverbolt ran to the entrance of the alley and there was no trace, "I know I saw her run this way!" Flame told Silverbolt. "Look up!" Silverbolt told him. "Yeah and look down and alround I heard that one before!" Flame argued. "You go that way on the street, I'll follow her!" Silverbolt said as he walled jump to the roof of the two buildings. "Oh! now I get it she's up there..." Flame said as he started to run pass people and pushing into others.
On the roof tops, "Don't make me fight you!" Shiruri told Silverbolt. "With what? Your Kantana? That you forgot at my place?" Siliverbolt laughed. Shiruri face broke up as she looked around on her to find it. "Arggg.." Shiruri growled. She flips backwards into another alley. By time Silverbolt got to the roof she was on, she was gone. "Missed her dang." Silverbolt said, "Better go back to the base!" Shiruri ran within the crowd, she bumbed into someone knocking them both down. "Sorry miss HEY it's you Shiruri!" Flame said. She pushed him and ran toward the base, "Hey wait a sec!" Flame shouted trying to catch up to her. She stoped and he ran paced her and hit into the door of the base, and Silverbolt hit him thinking it was Shiruri. "You was gonna hit me!?!" Shiruir yelled at him. "No I was gonna knock you out." "Why are you chasing me?" Shiruri asked them. "Cause your gonna attack the leader of that group and die!" Silverbolt told her. "I don't need your help! I will get my honor back!" She yelled as she ran into the crowd.
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