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myOtaku.com: Silverbolt

Monday, October 11, 2004

"WHAT! What do you mean we're almost bankrupt?" Silverbolt shouted as Shiruri showed him the funds. "Well from our last fight, we got hurt badly and the medical bills kinda took up most of our funds. We have enough for a couple more weeks of food." Shiruri explained. "Well aint that great, Flame went on a trip to help his villiage, we out of money..." Silverbolt began, "and we also have a couple of hits on our heads from the remaining Clan Death members who wasn't cought!" Shiruri looked at fang, the wolf was laying down still sleeping, "Fang is still hurt from Seith's attack."

Shiruri went to sit next to Fang. She rubbed his head. "Ahhh!" Shiruri jumped out of the way of an arrow. Shiruri picked up the note, that was attach to the arrow. "Member's of Clan Heroic! Come to the south of Denvoulte. There go into hte forest and we'll talk. don't bring any weapons!" Shiruri read off, "Are you thinking what I am?" "Yeah I need to do something about that window." Silverbolt thought out loud. "No It's a trap!" Shiruri told him. "Well I am going to honor there wishes and leave my sword here." Silverbolt said pulling out seith's sword out of the sword sheet. "Why are you using that sword?" Shiruri asked. "My sword was broken when I hit the wall back at the fight, so I am using Seith's SoulBlade, and my Wolf Fang handle, together intil I can get a new one." Silverbolt explained. They left Silverbolt without his sword, and Shiruri armed.

They reached where the letter said, but no one was there. But after looking around they start to hear a voice. "I was told three was amount of member's in Clan Heroic!" "Flame Darkfie is out on a mission! He couldn't make it! Show your self!" Silverbolt commanded the voice. "In due time you bothersome freak! You know your brother Seith was just a pawn in a bigger game!" "What!?" Shiruri and Silverbolt. "Yesss! He was Clan Trinity's semi weak pawns! I am below him, but getting beat be the likes of you have made me a more higher rank sinse he is now on the bottem of Trinity's ranks!" "So this really a trap!" Shiruri asked. "Yess and now that you got no weapons I'll kill you!" It shouted as it came from the shadows. A man that resembled a rat by his claws of nails, and a face only a rat's mother could love.

"What!" He shouted. "They said you'll be honorable to not to bring any!" He notice Shiruri had her katana. "Well she believed it was a trap." Silverbolt told him. "Ratsue will kill you!" Ratsue shouted runing at Silverbolt, Shiruri jumped infront of him, and cut him in his chest. He fell to the ground. "Master will beat you... Trinity will beat you... He'll make a better creature into a warrior and be...att...yo..u..grrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Ratsue growled as he started to bleed to death, but has he finished his speach he shrunk, and became hairy. He became a rat. He passout and his heart stoped. "Look at what i done..." Shiruri said about ot cry. Silverbolt looked at the rat. "it died! I killed an animal! It was being controled and I killed it! It wasn't it's fault, it was his master's. they'll pay!" Shiruri got up and made a fist. "You'll pay!" "It looks like Seith was just another henchmen... I am guessing the master of Ratsue is a beast master and a wizard. Only those too powers can do this. Beast Master to control a beast mind, and the wizard for the magic." Silverbolt thought out loud, "C'mon Shiruri we need to get back to Fang." Silverbolt headed back. Shiruri dug a tiny hole and placed Ratsue in it. She soon left.

A Day later. "So what I miss?" Flame got back, "I saved my villiage from a mission and learned Flame Wheel attack." Flame stoped after he seeing Silverbolt and Shiruri packing. "Why are you too leaving for?" Flame asked them both. "I'm not but she is." Silverbolt said helping Shiruri put her stuff in a bag. "I am going to find a gem called the Len's of Truth. And when I find it I'll come back." Shiruri said as she got what she needed. "Here is some of what's left of the funds, you might need it. If we get anymore funds will send a third of it to you sinse your our third member." Silverbolt said as he handed over a bag of money. "I'll see you guys later, take care of Fang." Shiruri said as she left out the door.

"Why did she leave again? C'mon tell me what had happen." Flame questioned Silverbolt. "Well we was attacked by a rat..." Silverbolt laughed. "What! She's scared of rats?" Flame asked. Shiruri was listening from outside the window, "Please Silverbolt don't kill anyof the animals...." She said softly. "You know tommorrow we are going to get this window filled." Silverbolt said as he walked over to it. Shiruri had ducked, and was crawling out of window's way. Now she'll have a big journey ahead. Not only is she alone, she'll have to find an artifact that might even be a myth, or might be so magically it is grauded to the fullest, only time will tell.

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