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| silverdaydreamer
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Friday, October 14, 2005
i don't kill cows anymore...i kill undead skeletons and these red eyed trees, and these mud golem things and i have a dark wolf to help me
ahhh i stopped posting again ^-^'' sorry!! my friend sara introduced me to a game thats gaia meets runescape. it's pretty cool, i joined yesterday (the 13th) and now i'm on level 18...yaaaaa...... u can't really make friends on it, well not that I know of which sucks! grr! but ya get ur own pets, i got a dark wolf ^_____^ i'm gonna get a tornado bunny soon...yaa lataz!!
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
Random quote: (don't take this quote wrong okay! it's an inside joke between me and my friends)"I'm Christian and I believe whatever she just said." Quote made by meeeeee ^-^
welll today is.........MY B-DAY!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYYAYAY!!!!!!!! first THANK YOU my sistas Miyumi-chan and Tiff and also asianboy0254!!! They made me such cool banners!!!!!!!!! ^_^

That banner was by Tiff-chan!! THANK YOU TIFFI!!

That one was by asainboy0254 THANX ASAINBOY!!!!!! ^_^ its so preetttty XD

and last but soooooo not least my wonderful sista Miyumi-chan!!! THANX SISTA!
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Random quote: "People suck." Quote made by my dear dear MOTHER... AHAHAHHA
my mom really said that quote, yesterday even ahah ahahah XD awww thanx for wishing me Happy early B-day everyone!!! And super thanx for those who are gonna bother making me something!! You guys are seriously too sweet!!! *huggs everyone* I can't believe only one more day!!! ahahha. desi and Onnie are hopefully coming to my house then, just to ya know hang out! i wanna go to Polly Anns then too. Oh Polly Anns is this ice cream shop thats real close to my skool. well i have homework to finish, seeya lataz!
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Random quote: "10.....9.....8.......screw this!! 1!!!!! BLAST OFF!!!!" Quote made by my good and weird friend XDD
Wazzupeth everyone!! As you can see me is getting layout up! ^-^ I'm gonna wait to put up the profile stuff because i don't want my page to load really long for people. welll thursday day is........ *waiting for drum roll*..............*taps foot impatiantly* wheres the freaking drum roll?? *drum roll guy wakes up, falls out of his chair and I hit my head* (me) i shoulda hired a better drum roller *drum roll FINALLY begins XD* thursday is..............MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAY!!!!!! YUP! My B-DAY IS COMIN UP IN TWO DAYS!! I'm still goin to skool but I wanna since friday our skool gets off anyway ahahahah. desi is gonna pinch me since on her b-day (sep 29th) i pinched her hard for good luck! ^-^ well I am something XDD probably work on layout some more. I need to work on new sista buttons so yaaaa. well lataz peoplez!!
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Monday, October 3, 2005
layout isn't up i know i know... it's almost done promise!! well lets see i wanted to post because.......................................ya know i dunno why i posted....i was just bored ^-^ OH OH OH do u know what thursday is gonna be??? guess guess guess guess guess!!! XDDD sry i'm kinda excited about it even though we aren't gonna do that much for it... aaannnddd I wrote a sims story ^-^ me would really appreciate it if you would go and read it!! oh u hafta wait for the page to completely load or else the pictures won't show...yaa click here!! well bye bye!
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Friday, September 23, 2005
....i hate homework...........................but i like hummer limos!! XDDDD

AHAHAHAHAH i just realized...why the hell would I have a revamp after the long time i've been away????? XDD ahahahah i bet some fo u are wonderin the same thing. well before i just left myO because too many head aches...later i stayed away because i was tihnking about leaving but somehow i'm here... o_O did i get here?? *looks around quickly* oh wait nevermind this is my house...opps. WELL ANYWAYS I'M REVAMPING THE SITE!!! or... layout changing, getting new codes, etc. etc. I'll explain all the things that has happened (which is A LOT) later! BYE!
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
bad news
my layout isn't done, skool has just began, i'm kinda depressed (don't ask) I'm not exactly sure if i'll be able to go on myO and keep up with visiting. I hardly can keep visiting at all now and with skool. ugh i'm thinking i should shut the site off for a while...if you find it off after today don't be surprised...
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Saturday, August 27, 2005

Wazzupeth everyone!! As you can see me is getting layout up! ^-^ do ya like the scrolly pixel things i put on the sides of me post?? i like em' ^-^ On friday some classes in my grade went to a bluegrass fest... -_-'' I got a headache in the end from "bringing" ...okay sneaking in my mp3 (did i tell u?? i got an mp3pro! ^___^ whatever the "pro" is for) I took it with me to the fest. I don't really hate the music, everyone was bringing some kind of music and we all came jus to ge toutta skool XDD well next week is a VERY VERY VERY SPECIAL WEEk because within the week is gonna be.......MY B-DAY!!!!!!!! ^_________^ we aren't doing anything fancy for my b-day, don't exactly got the money to pay for everything (and the fact we don't really got a place to have the party ahahahahha) but me still happy ^-^ the mp3 was an early b-day present for me too. My b-day is gonna be on thursday! OH YEAH i made a new e-card i would love for you to check it out kay kay? My inspiration was from Sesslover18. I heard her cousin died (ME SO SORRY Sesslover18!!!! *HUGGS*) and well a short poem from my mind popped up. Sesslover18 I hope you read the e-card! well me better go seeya! |
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
bored. -_- I'm thinking of deleting people from my friends list. Just the people who haven't updated in a long time, some who may not vist me and i visit them, that sort of thing. On the up side I almost have 400 hits!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! ^-^ sinc ei dont really have much to post bout i'll post the stats -_- (i hate doing this but oh well)
Hits: 3891
Ranking thingy: #123
GB signings: 284
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Monday, August 22, 2005
I am too weird aaaahhhhhaaaaa *falls over*
gah i'm gonna be posting everyother day at this rate huh? *sigh* wellll i'm bored, random, weird, etc. sssooooooo heres a quote (by me! i made this quote muahaha)
"If I was being sarcastic about how I can't get used to the living room being clean there is a duck that is going to fly into my room and take me to aliens who are going to abduct scooby doo!" aha i told my mom this yesterday ahaha XD
And now onto more interesting and worthy to post type things ahahah heres a poem!
I’m waiting for you now can you hear my call?
I’m listening for an answer or can I hear at all?
My eyes search all around but I don’t think I can see
I’m looking around, has this happened before or is it me?
My mind if filled with thoughts, are you really gone?
No, you wouldn’t keep me waiting long
You would not leave me here in the dark
You would never try to tear us apart
But my mind thinks elsewhere as I feel rain coming down
Whether I feel them or not, my tears are falling to the ground
Was I so foolish to believe I could still be with you?
Maybe I knew this would come, I bet you knew too
Is that why you sent me here today?
To show me what you couldn’t say?
I’m still waiting for you can you hear my plead?
I’m watching the rain, can you feel my heart bleed?
My eyes are closed but I can still see
I can see what you were telling me perfectly
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