HELLO PEOPLEZ!!! ^-^ Well let me see..............I don't know!! ^-^'''' AHA! well I was thinking about somethings...stuff that probably won't happen aha! I was tihnking of this club calling it Otaku Warriors, what else...oh ya my new quiz series that one may actually happen if I knew which series I haven't counted the votes wait a go me,...I may post more poems on fictionpress woo, and...I may get married again!!! ^.~ But I have no idea who!! aahh! oh ya Inuyasha isn't here ^O^ Inuyasha had gone for a vacation on his own..sicne i made him ^_~ well I got busy again so I may not be able to visit much aha. I may get anime layout again but not sure which anime. gah! It will probably be DN Angel since...thats it!! I'll marry someone from DN Angel!! ...no I just need who though...or anyone else from any anime. FMA is totally cool, Wolf's Rain so great, so many choices! ugh this is the Libra for ya. Libra are alwats in the middle and can never make a choice quickly aha it's cause Libras make sure things are fair and they say we are caring hehe ^-^ so thats a plus. But my personality is most like cancer...but libra and cancer are almost the same hehe. well heres a quiz!
You are Cancer
In the silence of the lake,
Waves lap softly onto the broken legs.
"Sleep in peace at the bottom of the blue
With the merciful voice of Hera,the goddess of
the figure of the big crab goes far up into the
to become the stars,shining dimly and deeply.
What Is Your TRUE Ziodic Sighn? brought to you by Quizilla
thats my result oh well duh well lataz!!
[EDITED REALLY SOON] ummm quick question which explaining will be tomorrow I promise but umm...am I that lame enough to be called a f***ing whore? Explaining will be tomorrow! Promise